"Concerned that some other dark power might try to revive Chromatus after its defeat, the dragons attempted to destroy the corpse. They failed. Some powerful spell, probably woven into the dark marriage of magic and technology that had animated him in the first place protected the body from all their efforts to obliterate it. Kalecgos stated that Malygos created a number of Arcane Prisons during the Nexus War, and Alexstrasza decided that representatives from all the flights would watch over the body of Chromatus, as he is not dead.[5]"
I'm also unsure how micro classes would work, how would you level as a class with only a healing spec?
What happened? Why is Dragonflight fake? Not that I wouldn't mind if it were
He's dead and imprisoned.
It was later rendered inanimate by the united powers of the Dragon Aspects, and its body was stored in an arcane prison.