1. #36341
    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    Interesting point from Reddit user BattleMonkeyz about the broken road south of the Wyrmrest Temple: https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comment..._leak_is_true/

    It's obviously the Path of the Titans, we know that much, but I don't think we know where the road is supposed to have led. Strand of the Ancients would have been my first guess but we don't see any remnants of such a path leading north on the SotA map.
    There are remnants of the Path on the western coast but it isn't the location they stop at it looks like.

  2. #36342
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiivar86 View Post
    There are remnants of the Path on the western coast but it isn't the location they stop at it looks like.
    Fair, I didn't see those as I was looking at the drawn version of the map. But as you said, they definitely don't look like they end at SotA, which seems to be just a stop on the way.

  3. #36343
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiivar86 View Post
    Hell, even when there is a corpse.

    Remember Kael'thas in Tempest Keep?
    We can decapitate someone and the plot will still bring them back if they want to.

  4. #36344
    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    Fair, I didn't see those as I was looking at the drawn version of the map. But as you said, they definitely don't look like they end at SotA, which seems to be just a stop on the way.
    Yeah I thought they stopped there honestly so this was a bit of a surprise for me anyway.

    Doubly that apparently in early beta it would've been called Ulduran.

  5. #36345
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Well what if the dragons OFFER something if we help them? For the Alliance, the blessing of the Aspects for a new World Tree. For the Horde, dragon fire to cleanse Lordaeron. What if we actually address Gorribal for once and Wrathion suggests that the Five Aspects can actually deal with the sword? What if we are simply invited to attend a ceremony in the Dragon Isles that should empower the Aspects and while the ritual works, something goes really badly and we just have to fix their mess again?
    We deserve a vacation dammit. We go to the Dragon Isles to drink mojito with Saebyok, but some wanker with top grades at SNU comes and awakends Galakrond while we are there.

    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    Interesting point from Reddit user BattleMonkeyz about the broken road south of the Wyrmrest Temple: https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comment..._leak_is_true/

    It's obviously the Path of the Titans, we know that much, but I don't think we know where the road is supposed to have led. Strand of the Ancients would have been my first guess but we don't see any remnants of such a path leading north on the SotA map.
    Interesting. Normally I would say a road such as that would be pointless for a race that can fly, but there are plenty of walking draconids. And it is logical to connect those two places. But it kinda suggests the Isles don't fly, doesn't it?

  6. #36346
    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    Interesting point from Reddit user BattleMonkeyz about the broken road south of the Wyrmrest Temple: https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comment..._leak_is_true/

    It's obviously the Path of the Titans, we know that much, but I don't think we know where the road is supposed to have led. Strand of the Ancients would have been my first guess but we don't see any remnants of such a path leading north on the SotA map.
    I'd assume it lead to the Well?

  7. #36347
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    Quote Originally Posted by DiscipleofCazicThule View Post
    I gotta say, for an artist, you do sure know a lot about the inner workings of every other department. Pretty impressive, honestly.

    Also, wasn't Ashes debunked a few weeks ago? Why are people still holding on to that leak?
    I don't think anyone thinks it's real now, but it was one of the most creative and fun leaks we have had.

  8. #36348
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    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    Fair, I didn't see those as I was looking at the drawn version of the map. But as you said, they definitely don't look like they end at SotA, which seems to be just a stop on the way.
    I wonder if it was headed toward the Well of Eternity. Certainly its trajectory doesn't match with where we presume the Dragon Isles were.

    Or maybe headed toward some long-lost Titan site.
    FFXIV - Maduin (Dynamis DC)

  9. #36349
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    Interesting. Normally I would say a road such as that would be pointless for a race that can fly, but there are plenty of walking draconids. And it is logical to connect those two places. But it kinda suggests the Isles don't fly, doesn't it?
    Maybe it was ground-bound at one point.

    I mean, Dalaran took off, after all.

  10. #36350
    Quote Originally Posted by Vakir View Post
    Yep, no bad faith here at all.
    That's not what that term means. Bad Faith argument would be if I said "teldrassil was an abomination" and someone replied "That means you're condoning genocide." Good faith & bad faith has nothing to do with it because I am explicitly saying Teldrassil was an abomination and I'm condoning genocide explicitly for the same group of people that did more damage to the planet as anyone: Not even the same race, the exact same people because they live for thousands of years.

  11. #36351
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    We deserve a vacation dammit. We go to the Dragon Isles to drink mojito with Saebyok, but some wanker with top grades at SNU comes and awakends Galakrond while we are there.
    I mean, Wrathion would totally invite us to a vacation only for us to arrive there and find a mess. And then we'll find Wrathion and Merithra weekend at Bernie's Galakrond's skull?

  12. #36352
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    We deserve a vacation dammit. We go to the Dragon Isles to drink mojito with Saebyok, but some wanker with top grades at SNU comes and awakends Galakrond while we are there.
    That is somehow both immensely hilarious but also

    I'd fucking love it.
    FFXIV - Maduin (Dynamis DC)

  13. #36353
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    That's not what that term means. Bad Faith argument would be if I said "teldrassil was an abomination" and someone replied "That means you're condoning genocide." Good faith & bad faith has nothing to do with it because I am explicitly saying Teldrassil was an abomination and I'm condoning genocide explicitly for the same group of people that did more damage to the planet as anyone: Not even the same race, the exact same people because they live for thousands of years.
    . . . . those are the rebels who opposed the destruction. The ones who did the destruction are mostly blood elves and nightborne.

  14. #36354
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    Interesting. Normally I would say a road such as that would be pointless for a race that can fly, but there are plenty of walking draconids. And it is logical to connect those two places. But it kinda suggests the Isles don't fly, doesn't it?
    The road was made by the titanforged for themselves during Azeroths ordering, not for the dragons.
    And the idea is that the islands weren't isles at one point, but something (read - titan facility) caused them to float up.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  15. #36355
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiivar86 View Post
    Maybe it was ground-bound at one point.

    I mean, Dalaran took off, after all.
    It could be. It wouldn't be the oddest thing we saw. Like how The Undying Lands are so hard to access in Middle-Earth cause they are technically floating in space. You see the world was flat, but the gods morhped it into a globe but left the Undying Lands where they were. Compared to that making an archipelage float is fairly normal.

  16. #36356
    I think Dragon Isles / Emerald Dream / Zereth Lumen are all the same place.

  17. #36357
    Quote Originally Posted by choom View Post
    I think Dragon Isles / Emerald Dream / Zereth Lumen are all the same place.
    Maybe Zereth Vitae?

  18. #36358
    Quote Originally Posted by choom View Post
    I think Dragon Isles / Emerald Dream / Zereth Lumen are all the same place.
    Wouldn't it be Zereth Vitae, for Life? Lumen is Light, after all.

    And all that besides, it seems the Zereths would be elsewhere than on Azeroth, like Zereth Mortis was.

  19. #36359
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    Imagine if Blizzard was reading this thread and sweating as they realize their idea of the Dragon Isles is not even close to any of the wild, outlandish theories people come up with on the forums.

    Floating islands? "Nope, just a regular landmass in the ocean next to all the other ones. We simply didn't find it until now because sailors in the Warcraft universe are notoriously incompetent."

    Chromatus? Galakrond? "Chromatus... You mean Chromaggus? We don't know who this character is. As for Galakrond, we removed his bones because we actually want to rewrite the Dragon Aspects' backstory and Galakrond just doesn't fit into the story anymore. Yes, he's being retconned. That's the word I was looking for. Oh, who the villain of the expansion is? Well it's obviously Wrathion!"

    Class skins? "Sorry, not this time, we don't have the resources for that kind of thing. Okay, fine, you'll get toggleable Dark Ranger customization options for Night Elf and Blood Elf Hunters but no more! You can enable them at the barber after completing the quest. Like the Night Warrior eyes? Yes, exactly like the Night Warrior eyes."

    Path of the Titans being relevant? "The Path of What? Who? Never heard of such a thing, I only joined the writing team in BfA. Are you talking about the First Ones by any chance?"

    Revamped Lordaeron and Quel'Thalas?! "Definitely not. Why would we revamp it after we just added that cool new heritage questline to Ghostlands and the Dark Ranger customization quest to Tirisfal. It would be a complete waste of our resources!"

    New class? "Oh no no. Gods no! How would we add a new class at this point? We would have to rework the Legion storyline too much to fit in a new Class Order and everything... It's just too much work. But there is a new race: Dragonkin! You can turn into a dragon in combat, isn't that cool! What's that? Oh yeah, I guess it kind of is like the Worgen..."

    I know this comes off as really pessimistic but I'm just making a joke here lol. Don't take it too seriously. I do hope 10.0 turns out to be good and brings with it a ton of content.

  20. #36360
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Maybe Zereth Vitae?
    Yes, it probably can't be Zereth Lumen because the Emerald Dream is all about Life. I could see the Dragon Isles being a part of the Emerald Dream, though. However, it contradicts what we think we know about Dragons (that they're probably mutant Elementals).

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