There are remnants of the Path on the western coast but it isn't the location they stop at it looks like.
There are remnants of the Path on the western coast but it isn't the location they stop at it looks like.
We deserve a vacation dammit. We go to the Dragon Isles to drink mojito with Saebyok, but some wanker with top grades at SNU comes and awakends Galakrond while we are there.
Interesting. Normally I would say a road such as that would be pointless for a race that can fly, but there are plenty of walking draconids. And it is logical to connect those two places. But it kinda suggests the Isles don't fly, doesn't it?
That's not what that term means. Bad Faith argument would be if I said "teldrassil was an abomination" and someone replied "That means you're condoning genocide." Good faith & bad faith has nothing to do with it because I am explicitly saying Teldrassil was an abomination and I'm condoning genocide explicitly for the same group of people that did more damage to the planet as anyone: Not even the same race, the exact same people because they live for thousands of years.
It could be. It wouldn't be the oddest thing we saw. Like how The Undying Lands are so hard to access in Middle-Earth cause they are technically floating in space. You see the world was flat, but the gods morhped it into a globe but left the Undying Lands where they were. Compared to that making an archipelage float is fairly normal.
I think Dragon Isles / Emerald Dream / Zereth Lumen are all the same place.
Imagine if Blizzard was reading this thread and sweating as they realize their idea of the Dragon Isles is not even close to any of the wild, outlandish theories people come up with on the forums.
Floating islands? "Nope, just a regular landmass in the ocean next to all the other ones. We simply didn't find it until now because sailors in the Warcraft universe are notoriously incompetent."
Chromatus? Galakrond? "Chromatus... You mean Chromaggus? We don't know who this character is. As for Galakrond, we removed his bones because we actually want to rewrite the Dragon Aspects' backstory and Galakrond just doesn't fit into the story anymore. Yes, he's being retconned. That's the word I was looking for. Oh, who the villain of the expansion is? Well it's obviously Wrathion!"
Class skins? "Sorry, not this time, we don't have the resources for that kind of thing. Okay, fine, you'll get toggleable Dark Ranger customization options for Night Elf and Blood Elf Hunters but no more! You can enable them at the barber after completing the quest. Like the Night Warrior eyes? Yes, exactly like the Night Warrior eyes."
Path of the Titans being relevant? "The Path of What? Who? Never heard of such a thing, I only joined the writing team in BfA. Are you talking about the First Ones by any chance?"
Revamped Lordaeron and Quel'Thalas?! "Definitely not. Why would we revamp it after we just added that cool new heritage questline to Ghostlands and the Dark Ranger customization quest to Tirisfal. It would be a complete waste of our resources!"
New class? "Oh no no. Gods no! How would we add a new class at this point? We would have to rework the Legion storyline too much to fit in a new Class Order and everything... It's just too much work. But there is a new race: Dragonkin! You can turn into a dragon in combat, isn't that cool! What's that? Oh yeah, I guess it kind of is like the Worgen..."
I know this comes off as really pessimistic but I'm just making a joke here lol. Don't take it too seriously. I do hope 10.0 turns out to be good and brings with it a ton of content.