Last edited by Varx; 2022-04-06 at 07:11 AM.
You are right, this is a hot take. Borrowed power is one of the things killing WoW right now. Ironically Legion is the worst offender as artifacts are now depowered and if you Chromie time it you still can't level your artifact abilities. There is really no good reason why you should start an expansion weaker than how you ended the last. Or even ending an expansion weaker than how you started it.
I've been playing that recently and I LOVE it. Housing is almost exactly like FFXIV's which I love, but also the neighborhoods are infinite! Hook system sucks but eh, product of it's time.
If we can get neighborhoods in/near the major cities plus some hot spots, I would cry.
WTB Kun-lai housing
But also a warm, summerhome in the perpetually warm Quel'thalas, an apartment in Stormwind... maybe something fun that acts like a gold sink, like a boat that's plopped in the middle of a non-descript sea area that you can customize.
There's a ton of potential and I really hope the rumors are true.
I think Uldorus as a capital would be just Oribos 2.0.I think I'd rather have Loreth'Aran be the capital, although I can see some Horde getting pissy about that.
As for Dalaran and Acherus being there, that was basically just an homage to the "leak" that everyone's going on about. A leak which I still don't buy into personally.
For once, I agree 100%
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If people want instanced housing to escape from the horrors of trade chat, instances aren't the problem.
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I want pine forests and a seashore for my house with either gilnean or pandaren architecture.
Last edited by Wangming; 2022-04-06 at 07:31 AM.
It would be Oribos 2.0 but I thought everyone loved Oribos being a disgustingly vertical and sterile mess. /s
Honestly though shacking up in the ruins of a Titan Facility would be a unique change of pace. Would also put us close to any shenanigans that may or may not be happening with the World Soul.
FFXIV - Maduin (Dynamis DC)