1. #37201
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Listen the key is to not let those posters rustle your jimmies, like don't even post about it. Also calling people names is against terms so you might wanna think twice before doing that.
    I'd say the key is to infract people who flame bait.

  2. #37202
    Quote Originally Posted by SniperCT View Post
    Basically you want Lotro. It has a half dozen areas (shire, elf, human, dwarf plus some premium areas in gondor, rohan and erebor), there are dozens of neighborhoods in each and the # expands if they all get bought up. The decoration system sucks (it's all hooks instead of free placement like wildstar or FF14), but that part is pretty good.

    So I'd like free placement of decorations, but instanced neighborhoods.
    Definitely, I agree! I've played both of those games and also thought LotRO had the best neighborhood system and Wildstar had the best decoration system (especially with the carpentry profession they had). Combining those two would be ideal.

  3. #37203
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I'd say the key is to infract people who flame bait.
    I agree 100%. We have so much to talk about given recent events and the clear future that I've outlined for everyone in this thread.

    Remember I'm a certified Blizz spooker as per April fool's. I'm surprised I haven't gotten a neck dart yet, haha.
    Last edited by Varx; 2022-04-06 at 07:11 AM.

  4. #37204
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ferlion View Post
    Here's my hot take.

    Whatever happens with 10.0, my biggest fear is they are going to avoid borrowed power completely. I think that Zereth Mortis is a prime example of what happens when a zone is mostly bereft of ways to increase player power. There certainly is activity, but it's pretty stunted. It's not rare at all for me to sit waiting around for people on a rare depending on time of day.

    I would like to get new systems that stick around in 10.0 beyond legendary and something akin to covenant powers, but think there needs to be something for "the grind"
    You are right, this is a hot take. Borrowed power is one of the things killing WoW right now. Ironically Legion is the worst offender as artifacts are now depowered and if you Chromie time it you still can't level your artifact abilities. There is really no good reason why you should start an expansion weaker than how you ended the last. Or even ending an expansion weaker than how you started it.

  5. #37205
    Knight of the Astral Star Local Ardenweald Faerie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SniperCT View Post
    Basically you want Lotro. It has a half dozen areas (shire, elf, human, dwarf plus some premium areas in gondor, rohan and erebor), there are dozens of neighborhoods in each and the # expands if they all get bought up. The decoration system sucks (it's all hooks instead of free placement like wildstar or FF14), but that part is pretty good.

    So I'd like free placement of decorations, but instanced neighborhoods.

    I've been playing that recently and I LOVE it. Housing is almost exactly like FFXIV's which I love, but also the neighborhoods are infinite! Hook system sucks but eh, product of it's time.

    If we can get neighborhoods in/near the major cities plus some hot spots, I would cry.

    WTB Kun-lai housing

  6. #37206
    Quote Originally Posted by Local Ardenweald Faerie View Post
    WTB Kun-lai housing
    A cabin in Grizzly Hills to keep cool in the summer, maybe a floating island in Nagrand, definitely a party villa in Suramar.

  7. #37207
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    You are right, this is a hot take. Borrowed power is one of the things killing WoW right now. Ironically Legion is the worst offender as artifacts are now depowered and if you Chromie time it you still can't level your artifact abilities. There is really no good reason why you should start an expansion weaker than how you ended the last. Or even ending an expansion weaker than how you started it.
    The only borrowed power should come from set bonuses and trinkets. Period.

  8. #37208
    Knight of the Astral Star Local Ardenweald Faerie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    A cabin in Grizzly Hills to keep cool in the summer, maybe a floating island in Nagrand, definitely a party villa in Suramar.
    But also a warm, summerhome in the perpetually warm Quel'thalas, an apartment in Stormwind... maybe something fun that acts like a gold sink, like a boat that's plopped in the middle of a non-descript sea area that you can customize.

    There's a ton of potential and I really hope the rumors are true.

  9. #37209
    The Undying Slowpoke is a Gamer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    I made this as a rough concept of what I think the Dragon Isles should/could look like. I know it's not super innovative as it basically just combines the obvious ideas all into one, like having one zone for each dragonflight and including a Titan Facility (which is something everyone already expects).

    If I had more time, I could have tried to flesh it out with more info about raids, dungeons, quest hubs, etc. but I also don't think I'm very good at coming up with ideas like that. My only wish is that we get more Caverns of Time type stuff if there's a Bronze dragonflight zone.


    EDIT: Also, in hindsight, I'd probably swap the locations of some of these zones. Like maybe Blue dragonflight's zone should be in the center so the snow makes more sense (?) and Bronze dragonflight's zone should be where I placed the Green dragonflight's zone.
    Not a non-fan of it but I do think just remove Dalaran and Acherus, make Uldorus the capital.

    No matter what remove Acherus. No point in it being there, they ain't doing Class Halls again.
    FFXIV - Maduin (Dynamis DC)

  10. #37210
    Quote Originally Posted by KayRule View Post
    As long as I can do everything in my house and never have to go to a city and be exposed to the morons in Trade chat, I will be good. Give me my garrison but with actual customization, thank you.
    You do realise this is probably the biggest argument against player housing right?

  11. #37211
    Quote Originally Posted by Local Ardenweald Faerie View Post
    But also a warm, summerhome in the perpetually warm Quel'thalas, an apartment in Stormwind... maybe something fun that acts like a gold sink, like a boat that's plopped in the middle of a non-descript sea area that you can customize.

    There's a ton of potential and I really hope the rumors are true.
    A skyship would be nice. Or a barge like the one in Thousands Needles so my goblin can set up a casino in international waters!

  12. #37212
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slowpoke is a Gamer View Post
    Not a non-fan of it but I do think just remove Dalaran and Acherus, make Uldorus the capital.

    No matter what remove Acherus. No point in it being there, they ain't doing Class Halls again.
    I think Uldorus as a capital would be just Oribos 2.0. I think I'd rather have Loreth'Aran be the capital, although I can see some Horde getting pissy about that.

    As for Dalaran and Acherus being there, that was basically just an homage to the "leak" that everyone's going on about. A leak which I still don't buy into personally.

  13. #37213
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    The only borrowed power should come from set bonuses and trinkets. Period.
    For once, I agree 100%

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by ClassicPeon View Post
    You do realise this is probably the biggest argument against player housing right?
    If people want instanced housing to escape from the horrors of trade chat, instances aren't the problem.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    A cabin in Grizzly Hills to keep cool in the summer, maybe a floating island in Nagrand, definitely a party villa in Suramar.
    I want pine forests and a seashore for my house with either gilnean or pandaren architecture.
    Last edited by Wangming; 2022-04-06 at 07:31 AM.

  14. #37214
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    For once, I agree 100%

    - - - Updated - - -

    If people want instanced housing to escape from the horrors of trade chat, instanced aren't the problem.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I want pine forests and a seashore for my house with either gilnean or pandaren architecture.
    The problem is that this is a mmo. You are supposed to learn to interact with other people

  15. #37215
    The Undying Slowpoke is a Gamer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    I think Uldorus as a capital would be just Oribos 2.0. I think I'd rather have Loreth'Aran be the capital, although I can see some Horde getting pissy about that.

    As for Dalaran and Acherus being there, that was basically just an homage to the "leak" that everyone's going on about. A leak which I still don't buy into personally.
    It would be Oribos 2.0 but I thought everyone loved Oribos being a disgustingly vertical and sterile mess. /s

    Honestly though shacking up in the ruins of a Titan Facility would be a unique change of pace. Would also put us close to any shenanigans that may or may not be happening with the World Soul.
    FFXIV - Maduin (Dynamis DC)

  16. #37216
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ClassicPeon View Post
    The problem is that this is a mmo. You are supposed to learn to interact with other people
    People, not neanderthals. Funny how chat in FFXIV never made me want to slit my wrists.

  17. #37217
    Knight of the Astral Star Local Ardenweald Faerie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slowpoke is a Gamer View Post
    It would be Oribos 2.0 but I thought everyone loved Oribos being a disgustingly vertical and sterile mess. /s

    Honestly though shacking up in the ruins of a Titan Facility would be a unique change of pace. Would also put us close to any shenanigans that may or may not be happening with the World Soul.
    Having a Titan city as a player hub would actually be cool. Mechagnomes (the kind we see in Ulduar) running the auction houses, while large, imposing Watcher-type guardians act as city guards and direction givers.

  18. #37218
    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    Dragon Knight I'll give you for the three plate classes. I can easily see a situation where one of those classes swears fealty to a Dragonflight and their already established abilities and powers sort of "ascend" and coalesce into new dragon themed abilities.

    But what could ever possibly link a Shaman to a Tinker? A nomadic, spiritual disciple of the earth and elements having links to the complete opposite of everything it represents, that being a futuristic, technological scientist? It literally makes no sense. Even the WoW iteration of a Hunter is a push at linking to a Tinker.

    Rogue and Monk as a Minstrel/Bard? Absolutely, both fit extremely well. A Druid? A stretch but it could work? Demon Hunter - absolutely not.

    Chronomancer for Mage, fits like a glove. Warlock not as much but it's passable. Priest makes very little sense.
    Has nothing to do if they fit thematically - it's just the way how the unlocks could work for those micro classes. They are not sub-classes to the existing ones, but new entries in the respective armor categories.
    MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again

  19. #37219
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    People, not neanderthals. Funny how chat in FFXIV never made me want to slit my wrists.
    You are the perfect example of someone who didnt learn obviously. You are actually an example of why the game needs more incentive for group content and much less for solo content

  20. #37220
    Quote Originally Posted by ClassicPeon View Post
    You are the perfect example of someone who didnt learn obviously. You are actually an example of why the game needs more incentive for group content and much less for solo content
    People who avoid PuG content would probably rather quit the game than be forced to do PuG content.

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