1. #37401
    Quote Originally Posted by draugril View Post
    Yep. My wife has a guild bank or two filled with virtually every obtainable dress in the game. Probably worth millions of gold if she sold it, particularly some of the rarer ones. Why does she do it? It's not for transmog. Not for profit. On a Paladin, no less? I have no earthly idea why. But I do recognize that there are players like her that never jumped on the loot treadmill and play incredibly casually.

    She also plays Animal Crossing religiously. And no longer plays WoW, since they've made her experience less enjoyable in recent years. But something like housing? She'd be back in an instant.
    ok, now i got it. i don’t talk with some typical wow player. sorry bro, but you are not representative. you are special snowflakes and be a part of maybe 0.5% of the community. hopefully Blizz don’t start catering to ppls like you, because this means in 2 years from now only 0.5% of the actual rather low playerbase is left.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by draugril View Post
    They pay the same subscription and register as 1 MAU each.
    yep, this is totally correct.

    but i am not that sure if Blizz aims towards 100 MAU‘s.

  2. #37402

    I know I'm in the "Give Danuser a chance" camp, but I'm pretty underwhelmed with him going "Checkout how much the epilogue dialog changes based on your character" and its just a one sentence difference. You're not helping the criticism that everything is underwritten.

    But I guess everyone was right about Genn being an instigator of conflict in the future. I was thinking the main reasons against that were 1.) Genn's main problem was with Sylvanas & he even knows his son is in a good place now 2.) He's like 80. Just push him over & he'll die.

  3. #37403
    Quote Originally Posted by Niwes View Post
    ok, now i got it. i don’t talk with some typical wow player. sorry bro, but you are not representative. you are special snowflakes and be a part of maybe 0.5% of the community. hopefully Blizz don’t start catering to ppls like you, because this means in 2 years from now only 0.5% of the actual rather low playerbase is left.

    - - - Updated - - -

    yep, this is totally correct.

    but i am not that sure if Blizz aims towards 100 MAU‘s.
    You are completely missing the point of what I am saying, but as English is clearly not your first language, I will simply take this opportunity to wish you a good day. I am sorry that I couldn't convey myself more clearly.

  4. #37404
    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    Unpopular opinion incoming:

    Player housing wouldn't fix the game's problems, but it would give the players that like to collect something to do.

    There's a significant portion of the playerbase who doesn't raid, doesn't care about the story, doesn't PVP, and kust want to progress their characters in their own way. Achievements, mount farming at a casual level, obtaining new transmogs, etc.

    Player housing is another level of that. It doesn't need to fix the game. It will work to help keep people subbed and playing and fueling the economy in a legit way.
    i agree to 99%. besides the definition of „significant portion“. maybe you are right. maybe Blizz should cancel PvP, Dungeons and Raids. and make wow into some open world, collectors, second life thing. if they make more money with that, fine. but i doubt they get 5+ million paying customers for that.

  5. #37405
    Quote Originally Posted by Niwes View Post
    ok, now i got it. i don’t talk with some typical wow player. sorry bro, but you are not representative. you are special snowflakes and be a part of maybe 0.5% of the community. hopefully Blizz don’t start catering to ppls like you, because this means in 2 years from now only 0.5% of the actual rather low playerbase is left.

    who hurt you in your life?

  6. #37406
    Quote Originally Posted by Hypester View Post
    I wanted to point out that I do not think the "they are removing expansion leveling campaigns" thing in the text leak for Dragonflight to be that odd, considering SL is the first expansion where you can just skip the leveling campaign completely on alts. That gives me the vibe that they are looking into changing leveling more than that and they probably have some solid data now on how many people skipped the leveling campaign in SL.
    I think it’s the most believable thing about the leak, tbh. No other leak went that angle, and it makes perfect sense for Blizzard to try that angle. Level cap is always where the game really starts and being able to immediately start towards endgame progression could be very appealing.

    It’s also got a measure of alt friendliness; not having to level alts to get them to endgame, coupled with any account wide systems, will make for a much better experience.

  7. #37407
    Quote Originally Posted by Zankai27 View Post
    I think it’s the most believable thing about the leak, tbh. No other leak went that angle, and it makes perfect sense for Blizzard to try that angle. Level cap is always where the game really starts and being able to immediately start towards endgame progression could be very appealing.

    It’s also got a measure of alt friendliness; not having to level alts to get them to endgame, coupled with any account wide systems, will make for a much better experience.
    Yeah, I'd love it if you just had to do a main story campaign once and then on every alt after you could just skip it and go straight into [your favourite form of endgame content]. That'd be some amazing convenience.

    To take PvP as an example: Currently, at the end of the season, you will be able to grab your alt, craft two legendaries, boost their renown to 60 via an item, send them a bunch of conquest gear via boxes from your main, craft it into tier and boom - that alt is ready to get into rated arena! Now, being able to combine that with not even needing to level the and and the absolute convenience from it is very enticing. (To me, someone who solely spams rated arena, anyway).

  8. #37408
    Pit Lord boyzma's Avatar
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    In yer base, killing yer dudes
    And my 5 ft 3 in frame wants to be 6 ft

  9. #37409
    Pandaren Monk AngerFork's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    And that's why I never join a guild. They're garbage.
    No argument here. They are a necessary evil for me, but I'd be more than happy to never join a guild again if I could do so.

    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    I don't intend to turn this into a Game VS Game thing, and maybe this is a weird take, but I think the personal housing system in FFXIV is actually a shit ton more toxic and elitist than the hypothetical guild housing scenario you described above. And that's simply because it's almost impossible for anyone to get their hands on a goddamn house unless you're running some kind of bot that snatches it the second it becomes available. I don't understand why the fuck they thought it was a good idea to make the housing market in FFXIV so "realistic", lol. It's terrible.
    Agreed on how awful the housing system in FFXIV is, though I tend to throw that more on the neighborhood setup than the housing itself. The neighborhoods create a crazy artificial scarcity that forces people who want houses to spam click on a placard for 12+ hours at a time. I've never wanted to quit FFXIV more than when I've tried to buy a house in the game. It feels like a design that wasn't fully thought through & is now being band aided over & over again.

    If WoW does have some sort of housing, this is why I feel it almost needs to be instanced. Because if it isn't or if it has some sort of arbitrary amount of neighborhoods or the like, it just becomes more of a tease and a lot of content other players can't actually enjoy.

  10. #37410
    Quote Originally Posted by Niwes View Post
    ok, now i got it. i don’t talk with some typical wow player. sorry bro, but you are not representative. you are special snowflakes and be a part of maybe 0.5% of the community. hopefully Blizz don’t start catering to ppls like you, because this means in 2 years from now only 0.5% of the actual rather low playerbase is left.
    The data is the complete opposite though.

    The casual player is the majority. The majority who has nothing to do after questing, and mostly unsubs. That's why the Shadowlands numbers are record-breaking at start, and dwindle down to a tiny percentage of remaining players. The majority of players aren't raiders, it's the casuals.

    Blizzard just never thought to actually appeal to this demographic since they always seem to come back. Shadowlands is probably the first time they really started to alienate the casual fanbase. The awareness of other MMO's with strong casual content doesn't help either. IMO, Blizzard needs to win these players back, because they're the ones contributing to WoW's financial success. Millions of casuals all buying the new expansion is enough to keep WoW running for the full 2 year duration till the next expansion.

    Quote Originally Posted by Niwes View Post
    i agree to 99%. besides the definition of „significant portion“. maybe you are right. maybe Blizz should cancel PvP, Dungeons and Raids. and make wow into some open world, collectors, second life thing. if they make more money with that, fine. but i doubt they get 5+ million paying customers for that.
    I know you're being facetious, but nothing needs to be cancelled in order to have more casual content. It's not mutually exclusive, and plenty of other MMO's have a healthy balance of both. People here are just being needy little snowflakes whenever anyone suggests anything remotely non-raid related, and this place is an echo chamber for it. I mean, that's the only reason I need to preface with 'unpopular opinion', because I'm fully aware how much of an echo chamber this is. Casuals don't come to gaming forums to voice opinions.
    Last edited by Triceron; 2022-04-06 at 05:33 PM.

  11. #37411
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KOUNTERPARTS View Post
    Also, isn't the model for that boss also brand new? Not just a generic Infinite Dragonflight dragon NPC with some extra textures?


    Ehhh, now that I look at it... it does just look like a traditional fully grown dragon NPC.
    I can't actually tell if the model is new or not (the textures look kind low res), but there's definitely a new dragon model on the horizon imo.


  12. #37412
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by KOUNTERPARTS View Post
    As others have said numerous times already, do not engage with this poster. There is a reason why they post in this manner— role play exposition and incessant topic derailing —and people ignore them.
    Ye ur right, it feels like it is doing it on purpose. Cant help but find this poster really annoying.

  13. #37413
    Quote Originally Posted by ClassicPeon View Post
    You are the perfect example of someone who didnt learn obviously. You are actually an example of why the game needs more incentive for group content and much less for solo content
    You appear not to realize the difference between availability and quality. Of course, everybody likes and desires water. However, nobody wants to drink water that is full of waste. Festering water is the concern, not the water in itself.

  14. #37414
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    I can't actually tell if the model is new or not (the textures look kind low res), but there's definitely a new dragon model on the horizon imo.

    They look quite generic, but maybe because dragons mounts are so common and a third horn or some bracelet isnt going to cut it imo.

    Atleast a new model that sits or fly differently would atleast help.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by KOUNTERPARTS View Post
    I have to imagine Timecap'n Hooktail being present in the Tazavesh dungeon -- an encounter so random to the story of the dungeon itself -- was more than just a "haha silly" cameo. Given the specific artifact the boss was taking was subsequently taken from her by the end boss and was used to empower the end boss to such a magnitude has to have story implication for next expansion... right?

    Also, isn't the model for that boss also brand new? Not just a generic Infinite Dragonflight dragon NPC with some extra textures?

    Ehhh, now that I look at it... it does just look like a traditional fully grown dragon NPC.
    Does look like a regular full grown dragon model with a new skin and some props. Nothing to mins blowing.

  15. #37415
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    Please! Fucking pleeeeeease make this true!!
    That would be amazing, but sounds too good to be true.

  16. #37416
    I hope Dragonflight actually takes place in the 10,000 years ago Well of Eternity-verse from Cataclysm, I love time travel expansions

  17. #37417
    We will see the true scale of laziness when there will be only re skinned dragon models for a new dragon expansion

  18. #37418
    Quote Originally Posted by Niwes View Post
    lol, come on, that’s sheer childish. it’s just hillarious. most guilds i actually know break and fall because everyone and his mother stopped playing wow. but i am sure AF the last 10 remaining guilds are super happy to meet in their orcish HQ, because they can not raid, because they not get 20 members. but i am sure that 100 ppls (the remaining wow playerbase) have fun doing their online tea time in their cool guild house. on the other side, if you wanna do some online tea time, there are better options out there, than an empty azeroth.
    According to WoW Analytica, there are currently 224 Alliance guilds averaging 68 members on Moon Guard, the largest US roleplaying server, and that's slightly reduced as per WoW Analytica's very limited data collection methods, so there's very likely far more. I figure all of those guilds, a good chunk of which are naturally roleplaying guilds, would appreciate a roleplay thing. At minimum, that's 15,232 people that would benefit.
    Last edited by AOL Instant Messenger; 2022-04-06 at 06:06 PM.

  19. #37419
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snorlax View Post
    I thought the Cata leak was specifically originated here? Wasn't there talk of legal action about it too at some point?
    Yeah, that's what I thought too.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Dragons Are Bad Mkay View Post
    As I said in another thread;

    It's impossible it's not real at this point. This predates 9.2 coming out. Since then, 9.2.5 has come onto the PTR. The things it got right so far are;

    The name World of Warcraft: Dragonflight
    Dalaran update.
    Lordaeron focus.
    New quests in the Blood Elf lands have the zone in which the quest takes place called Quel'thalas, not Eversong Forest or the Ghostlands but both as one zone merged.
    Dark Ranger stuff.

    It's pure copium at this point to say it's fake.
    Also it's funny how people are torn saying it's either far too much content (even though this is WAY LESS than TBC gave us) or far too little content, too mundane for Blizzard or too out there. No one can decide, they just know they don't like it.

    You're being incredibly disingenuous and we all know you're going to pretend to have believed it after it's revealed like every other time (MoP trademark, WoD content leak, etc).
    How is it WAY LESS content than tbc?

  20. #37420
    Quote Originally Posted by Chickat View Post
    Yeah, that's what I thought too.
    Pretty sure that’s why we don’t see any MMO-Champion interviews. Burnt bridge.

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