I kind of pictured The Maw as the perfect place for our 10.0 big bad to escape from but unfortunately that didn't happen.
I think a Light vs. Void expansion would be a big waste since they both could have their own expansions.
The Light has
1. Yrel and the Lightbound with Xe'ra/Light Mother returning from the AU (Shattrath raid?)
2. The Scarlet Brotherhood (and in turn their plans for Genn and the worgen)
3. Calia and Lordaeron, and in turn a crossroads for the Forsaken (Lordaeron raid?)
4. Turalyon vs. Anduin (Stormwind raid?)
5. The Sunwell
6. Elune
7. More on the Naa'ru in general
Though honestly I expected this to come after BFA since IMO it would be perfect for continuing most of the stories BFA put forth.
The Void has;
1. Void Lords
2. Xal'atath
3. Azshara
4. The realm of the Void itself
5. Void elves and Locus-walker
6. Ethereal + the remains of K'aresh?
I kind of imagine Light vs Void being mostly a light expansion with a smaller void focus.
Final boss would be Yrel or some light lord or something. Void would play out in dungeons, questing, and maybe 1 raid. Maybe it would feature old gods and a light invasion at the same time, but I do think the Void would have its own expansion.
Or it could even be Xal leading us to Karesh for some reason. Light is there fighting the void, they are our enemy, but the void is the big bad. Not void lord level threat either tbh.
Theres a bunch of ways they could do it. I could see the light have 1 solid expansion, but the void could easily have 2.
I once saw a fully ICC geared healer in heroic Halls of Reflection do an absolutely terrible job getting through the gauntlet event and it scared me off healing that dungeon because if a raider couldn't manage it, how would a pleb like me? Turns out they were either badly carried or just didn't want to put any effort into a lowly dungeon because when I finally DID try healing that place we made it through without a single death and I was new to healing in general then (and no it wasn't a tank issue in the case of the other healer, they just weren't casting anything often enough). The memory of that ICC geared healer failing so badly in there has always stayed with me and your post reminded me of that.
Sure, but we would have the help of the dragons, plus likely khadgar again as well IMO. We haven't truly been on our own with a threat since MoP. Even then we had the Pandaren helping us as well as the Wrathion leggo cloak. We had help in Cata. We had help in Wrath, although I would arguer much less help.
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Honestly housing could have a great progression system. Outdoor combat bonuses, profession bonus buffs via trophys, minigames in the house, housing competitions like Trial of Style. Convienience items, not counting an auction house. there's loads more too.
Maybe you get a Illidan's Head trophy for killing him in Black Tempel 10 times for an achievement. It doubles the Drop rate of all items in black tempe while placed in your house.
I could go on.
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I think the dungeons and raids sans DS are all well liked as well. Cata was good, it just needed more content.
Cata with the amount of content MoP had could have been just as good or better. I honestly think most "BAD" wow expansions come down to a lack of content.
Maybe you could argue bfa was bad because the content that was there was lacklustre, but I think 8.2 saved BFA. Its not amazing, but I would still put it ahead of Cata and WoD.
I mean that's more since POTD and HoH are great for leveling alt jobs when your only other options are roulette spam and possibly some beast tribe dailies but you'd be hard pressed to convince me it's fun or good content. And no you getting an old dungeon in roulette is never a 'challenge' and is always just run down the hallway to whatever arbitrary thing is blocking your path and AoEing all the trash down then killing the boss.
And let's be honest. WoW has content like that too which is irrelevant to the current expansion and can be ran still today such as how you can solo queue into Islands to get the pets and mounts it has. The borrowed power systems like artifacts, azerite, and covenants aren't that sure but I think that's fine and honestly I like borrowed power systems like that as they do give me something to do unlike FF14 which I get bored of quite quickly with each patch after playing for 8 years.
Last edited by leviathonlx; 2022-04-07 at 02:27 AM.
Yeah, you had me ready to fight you for Poco, but its true. They abandon systems and features way too often. We need more evergreen systems and less 1 expansion or worse, 1 patch systems.
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People don't mind the void elves and that plot. People mind you treating it as the holy grail to story and future content. Its fine to discuss it some. Its not okay to form your entire personality and every topic you post in around it. It gets old. Just like The T class. Its fine. It might be coming. No one wants to talk and argue about it for 40 pages.
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Yeah, I don't think anyone should expect a full revamp to be as intensive as WoD was for OL, but they could easily retexture things and make them look almost as good as MoP or WoD zones pretty quickly.
Compare this.
Sure the mountains wouldn't look as detailed, but retexturing, new grass, trees, doodags, buildings and its fairly close to that pic of Gorgrond.
To this.
And tbh, I would be 100% okay with them reusing older zone textures. Go ahead and use Jade Forrest ground textures in Feralas. It would look great. No need to remake every texture. Same with trees, buildings, doodads grass etc. Also most zones would look fine with a generic cloudy blue sky skybox.
I find it funny that Raeshalare didn't even make it out of Shadowlands before being surpassed and replaced. Yet a few people were convinced that its inclusion in game was a permanent substitute for a certain player fantasy and excluded a certain class from happening ever. Even the daggers were replaced before this expansion's end. I wonder what legendary items are going to be like in Dragonflight? I can see some of them being based on each of the five Aspects while others are based on class aesthetics. Please no more ass ugly hunter sets. I don't want to be wearing dragon parts during my dragon themed adventures. The dragons I'm allying with might take umbrage to that and eat me.
On silken ebony wings the harbinger of death arrives.
pls don't remind me of the way they ruined yrel almost entirely off screen and in a way an alliance player will never see lol My favorite new lore character to be introduced up to that point and then they do that to her.
She toyed with us during the well of eternity dungeon and she's had a long time to get more powerful. We needed the power of the heart to be able to take on azshara during BFA and she still survived and escaped.
But then I'm biased and still hold out for her to be treated as a proper threat by blizzard.
Yes, I would love for Crafting to be like Wildstar, or even ESO. Both games have good crafting.
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Yeah, I have no experience with something like that, but Id like to make my own fan WoW expansions, but I suck with paint.
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Yeah, I have no experience with something like that, but Id like to make my own fan WoW expansions, but I suck with paint.
The amount of effort required to port WoW to any new engine would not be worth the time and money cost. Hundreds of thousands of art assets would have to be converted at the very least and even with some kind of importer they'lll have to go through each one by one and make adjustments.
I don't know if UE's netcode would even be compatible without some major rewrites. Can it handle a world as huge as WoW's without choking both client and server? Each of wow's continents is a massive sprawling landmass with no loading screens.
A crazy high-end profession updated would be interesting to see integrated into housing if it would ever be added. The sheer amount of things that could be added to that space that would have demand to be able to personalize in some way. But moreover, seeing it resemble 14's crafting system having a lot of different actions and planning involved in making higher-quality equipment would be awesome.
Hopefully they don't go TOO far as in Legion in terms of ranks/quests.