1. #37721
    Quote Originally Posted by Yusefstrasza View Post
    Shadowland was the final chapter of the first “book”. 10.0 will be the first chapter of a new book. This is how i see it..
    Legion should have been the end of a book, tbh.

    (and also should have been 2-3 expansions all by itself. I always envisioned a planet hopping campaign to get closer and closer to the legion homeworld before we attacked them there directly. So Legion would be 'repel the invaders', 8.0 visit a bunch of planets, discover the 'legion destroyed all life' canard to be a lie, and gain many new allies to defeat them, 9.0= argus. Actually putting thought into zone design could have made for variety that wasn't all green, too.)

    Then we come back to azeroth, time has passed, azshara has invaded the coastlines, the old gods return, there's 10.0 and then 11.0 right there. That would also help bring us back down to earth, so to speak, after all the space travel and demon fighting.

  2. #37722
    Quote Originally Posted by SniperCT View Post
    Legion should have been the end of a book, tbh.

    (and also should have been 2-3 expansions all by itself. I always envisioned a planet hopping campaign to get closer and closer to the legion homeworld before we attacked them there directly. So Legion would be 'repel the invaders', 8.0 visit a bunch of planets, discover the 'legion destroyed all life' canard to be a lie, and gain many new allies to defeat them, 9.0= argus. Actually putting thought into zone design could have made for variety that wasn't all green, too.)

    Then we come back to azeroth, time has passed, azshara has invaded the coastlines, the old gods return, there's 10.0 and then 11.0 right there. That would also help bring us back down to earth, so to speak, after all the space travel and demon fighting.
    The Legion, N'zoth & "whatever was going on with Sylvanas" were the story threads in the three warcraft games not yet resolved. So now it's done-done.

  3. #37723
    Quote Originally Posted by uikolertekopoku View Post
    Firim is just a tool for Blizz, adding and expanding possible new Players.

    I made the following picture what shows how things are in place when Blizz is following the Report.

    You're merely restating your claim. I'm still not seeing it.

  4. #37724
    Quote Originally Posted by SniperCT View Post
    Legion should have been the end of a book, tbh.

    (and also should have been 2-3 expansions all by itself. I always envisioned a planet hopping campaign to get closer and closer to the legion homeworld before we attacked them there directly. So Legion would be 'repel the invaders', 8.0 visit a bunch of planets, discover the 'legion destroyed all life' canard to be a lie, and gain many new allies to defeat them, 9.0= argus. Actually putting thought into zone design could have made for variety that wasn't all green, too.)

    Then we come back to azeroth, time has passed, azshara has invaded the coastlines, the old gods return, there's 10.0 and then 11.0 right there. That would also help bring us back down to earth, so to speak, after all the space travel and demon fighting.
    For me Legion should have been two parts. Part one should have ended in ToS, should not have included Emerald Nightmare but instead raids that featured Legion invasions of specific areas (Exodar perhaps Ulduar or Silvermoon). The Legion invasion system from the pre-expansion event should have stayed and slowly expanded and perhaps used as an excuse to slowly revamp graphically multiple areas.
    Then we should have invaded Argus and instead of finding the Army of Light practically having lost and then we alone pretty much destroying the Legion, we should have found both the Light and the Void besieging Argus (with the Legion easily holding but not able to push both back). Would have fit the Netherlight Crucible becoming the main feature, could have also included us traveling to Legion planets so as to cut the supplies.

  5. #37725
    Quote Originally Posted by Yusefstrasza View Post
    Shadowland was the final chapter of the first “book”. 10.0 will be the first chapter of a new book. This is how i see it..
    People keep saying this, but they never said that.
    I will not reply to posts that are non-constructive or contain flaming and/or trolling.

  6. #37726
    Quote Originally Posted by SniperCT View Post
    Legion should have been the end of a book, tbh.
    It was. People are just still misquoting "end of a book" as "end of the first book".

  7. #37727
    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    It was. People are just still misquoting "end of a book" as "end of the first book".
    Eaxctly this. When you tell someone "pop!" and they tell someone, and in turn they tell someone..... after just 10 people the word will have become "poop"
    I will not reply to posts that are non-constructive or contain flaming and/or trolling.

  8. #37728
    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    People keep saying this, but they never said that.
    True, he said this:

    Hazzikostas: This was completely the plan. I’ve seen all the speculation from content creators and others that originally Anduin was going to be the final boss of 9.2, and then there was going to be a separate 9.3. But no. It was always a story in three parts. The plan was always the four zones of the Shadowlands, delving into the Maw, the power of domination there, and then going to this land of the Progenitors, Zereth Mortis. We were planning out the city of Oribos before Shadowlands was even released. There’s this major gateway, mysterious gateway, in the Arbiter’s chamber that we always knew would eventually lead to Zereth Mortis. The pace, the structure of stories is something where there isn’t necessarily a specific formula.
    Ion saying they don't go by a specific formula? Pure BS.

  9. #37729
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    If the entire development team on both the new engine as well as the current WoW backend developer team as well as all possible replacement hires in the world are hit by a meteor and only game designers are left, definitely a chance!
    New engine confirmed.

  10. #37730
    Quote Originally Posted by Chickat View Post
    New engine confirmed.
    From Marlamin himself!

  11. #37731
    Quote Originally Posted by draugril View Post
    True, he said this:

    Ion saying they don't go by a specific formula? Pure BS.
    That's not even the same interview, nevermind the statement in question. So yes, pure BS. From you.

  12. #37732
    Quote Originally Posted by Luck4 View Post
    Now that we're near the end of the leak season what do you guys think:

    1. Dragonflight is a mainland expansion with Dragon Isles being the central continent;
    2. Dragonflight is a revamp expansion like Cataclysm, and Dragon Isles is just a zone like Twilight Highlands;
    3. Dragonflight is something new, maybe a mix of the two options above;
    4. Dragonflight is not the next expansion!

    Personally, I'm hoping for option 2... for obvious reasons.

    Personally I'd like 2 or 3. Like yeah a full revamp would be amazing, but it just doesn't seem feasible in one go to me with the level of fidelity the world has now. But I really hope to be wrong about this and get a full world revamp.

    But if not, I think I'd like if expansions revamped areas of the old world related to them, and then you can level through them a la Threads of Fate by doing Quests not related to the campaign.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowlands-is-fake View Post
    A senior UI designer said on Twitter that he's excited to show what he's been working on for several months, two weeks from now.

    I hope it's a login screen overhaul.

    What other major UI changes could fit the bill? WoW on console?
    I would be inclined to think so, or at least something that it's a reorganization of something that already exists rather than a new system. I feel that we wouldn't get hints about a new system through the UI developers, right?

    So a Login Screen overhaul could be it, maybe an Allied Races/Core Races organization overhaul? What other UI elements could be changed wityhout being perceived as a new system?

  13. #37733
    Quote Originally Posted by draugril View Post
    True, he said this:

    Ion saying they don't go by a specific formula? Pure BS.
    People are referring to Danuser when he said :

    "The Shadowlands story pulls together threads that were started in WarCraft 3 and wove their way into many of our expansions. We approached it as a drama in three acts. Now the third and final act of the saga begins. We need to stop the Jailer from reaching his ultimate goal, which is to rewrite the rules of reality. Eternity's End serves as the final chapter of one book in the WarCraft saga."
    Last edited by Khaza-R; 2022-04-07 at 08:48 PM.

  14. #37734
    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    People are referring to Danuser when he said :

    "The Shadowlands story pulls together that threads that were started in WarCraft 3 and wove their way into many of our expansions. We approached it as a drama in three acts. Now the third and final act of the saga begins. We need to stop the Jailer from reaching his ultimate goal, which is to rewrite the rules of reality. Eternity's End serves as the final chapter of one book in the WarCraft saga."
    Eesh, that's even worse.

    Almost exactly a month after:

    Opinions on FFXIV notwithstanding - this still reeks of pure PR spin.

  15. #37735
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by draugril View Post
    From Marlamin himself!
    I know right, insane!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Graden View Post
    I'm waiting for something to happen with Gilneas for almost 12 years. If it does, I'm gonna shave my head. And I love my long hair.

    But it ain't gonna happen, so I'm safe.....right?
    Gilneas even if it was not updated graphically, and just the city textures updated would be amazing. Could just have some basic daily quests outside the city. Gilneas city alliance capital for 10.0 confirmed.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    I do wonder if it would be worth it to get a private sever of my own for sandbox purposes since I want to generally screw around with mapmaking and proof of concepts. Is it worth it to do so? It seems like it's not illegal or anything when used for private purposes.
    I think as long as you don't distribute it its fine. Id love for you to make some cool concepts and share them here.

  16. #37736
    Knight of the Astral Star Local Ardenweald Faerie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by draugril View Post
    Eesh, that's even worse.

    Almost exactly a month after:

    The Faerie removes the image with a snap of their fingers.

    Opinions on FFXIV notwithstanding - this still reeks of pure PR spin.
    It is very, very obvious that all the "end of a chapter" lines and what not from Blizzard were purely to capitalize on the hype of Endwalker which was actually the end of a saga.

    No conspiracy here, it's in Blizzard's book. Just look at all of the times they announced or released something on or near the release of something that threatened to pull away players.

  17. #37737
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sharby View Post
    Gilneas full update and revamp..

    ..but it's just a dungeon with Greymane as the final boss.
    Id love a gilneas revamp, but IMO its one of the cata era zones that need it the least. It still looks good to this day IMO.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Amstrup View Post
    Could be, but with higher difficulty ofc.
    Honestly, they could release solo versions of raids and dungeons with built in mechanic helpers and player tips. If you die, it rezzes you and tells you what you did wrong etc. Try again immediately with no run back etc. Lets you practice mechanics without the fear of judgement from other players. Reward something minor like some XP at leveling, or for end game a bag of a few hundred gold or maybe even like 10 valor. Nothing huge, but WoW really needs to teach players how to play.

  18. #37738
    I would be inclined to think so, or at least something that it's a reorganization of something that already exists rather than a new system. I feel that we wouldn't get hints about a new system through the UI developers, right?

    So a Login Screen overhaul could be it, maybe an Allied Races/Core Races organization overhaul? What other UI elements could be changed wityhout being perceived as a new system?
    I wouldn't get too excited about the UI stuff. It's just the new in-game overlay for controller/console support.

  19. #37739
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jokubas View Post
    I guess I'm not saying that Guild Halls shouldn't exist at all, but that player housing that any player can have and enjoy without having to answer to anyone else is a must.

    For the most part I think Lord of the Rings Online's neighborhoods is the way to go, with the decoration system of another game. I wouldn't mind something like, each Neighborhood has a huge castle/mansion slot that can only be purchased by a guild, and people can have apartments there, but everyone being able to have a house independently from that is a must. Not just because it makes the feature more relevant for more people more easily, but because that makes anything that cascades from that system (like earning decorations) meaningful for everyone as well.

    Speaking of Lord of the Rings Online, they had neighborhoods for... what? Each starting area, and they've added a couple since?

    One of the things I've been bracing myself for with a World of Warcraft housing system since forever, is that it'll launch with just "Alliance" (Stormwind) and "Horde" (Orgrimmar) variants, and maybe get a weird, expansion-specific option every once and awhile. Of course, the proliferation of Allied Races has made something like "a neighborhood type for each race" a bit crazy, but it would be nice to at least launch with options themed for the original launch races at minimum, just to give some real variety.
    Player housing should exist first, and guild halls can be added the following expansion as a build on to housing. Player housing should come first and be top priority.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Everyone Imagine this scenario.

    10.0 Dragon Isles.
    Full World Revamp for EK and Kal. World quests added to most of the old world.
    Player housing.
    Logging and Carpentry prof.
    New Class.
    New Dragonkin race.
    Dragon Isles floating zone. 6 zones. 1 titan facility zone in the center.
    Massive Profession rework.
    Archeology and Fishing Revamp.

    Super unrealistic, but that's the kind of expansion WOW needs and deserves IMO. I would cream.

  20. #37740
    I rather think Dragonflight is gonna be their mobile game. That would be funny.

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