1. #37921
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I'd love player housing. So much. But do I trust them to do it justice?

    no, no I don't
    Well what do you trust them with?

  2. #37922
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    Well what do you trust them with?
    Good raids and beautiful zones?

  3. #37923
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    Not if they pull an Overwatch and move everything over.
    So... what's different from an expansion then? Because "the old engine" has been updated constantly, and some parts have probably been completely rewritten at this point. Migrating to a different one would be a massive waste of time when they can adapt whatever they want from it.

  4. #37924
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Good raids and beautiful zones?
    Define good in this context. And only beautiful zones?

  5. #37925
    Quote Originally Posted by Soulwind View Post
    So... what's different from an expansion then? Because "the old engine" has been updated constantly, and some parts have probably been completely rewritten at this point. Migrating to a different one would be a massive waste of time when they can adapt whatever they want from it.
    The "2.0" mark would simply be a marketing trick to excuse a much longer waiting period for what would effectively be a massive revamp xpac.

  6. #37926
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Soulwind View Post
    So... what's different from an expansion then? Because "the old engine" has been updated constantly, and some parts have probably been completely rewritten at this point. Migrating to a different one would be a massive waste of time when they can adapt whatever they want from it.
    Nothing, but Blizzard gets to sell it as something special.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  7. #37927
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    Define good in this context. And only beautiful zones?
    For me most raids have very engaging bosses that are fun figuring out with a group with good environments and usually good looking gear (SL is a bit of a miss on this but I feel BfA raiding gear was absolutely solid with Mythic Uldir and BoD on par with Legion). As for the zones, I can just spend hours riding or flying around WoW's zones. They look great and zone-level storylines are usually between good and great (xpac-level storylines are between dumpsterfire and meh which tells me the team writing quests is actually great, it's just their bosses that need to be replaced).

    I am not fond of dungeons outside Megadungeons (most of them just fail to be immersive and I know they could keep them well designed for M+ and still keep them feeling like real places instead of corridors). Not at all fond of class and system design, mostly because they keep fixing things only to break them. No opinion on PvP; loved world pvp in BfA but I understand how population issues just don't let it work.

    - - - Updated - - -

    They really could pull out an amazing Evergreen system (like a full Timewalking rework that makes 1-2 raids current content, brings back favored parts of old xpacs and gives M+ versions of old dungeons, something with a proper hub as well) and use it to excuse a much longer time between xpac period to roll out a WoW 2.0 that just massively revamps the world (or at least the classic contents, TBC areas and maybe Northrend) and perhaps alters the faction and class system to an extend.

  8. #37928
    High Overlord delphiskye's Avatar
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    just realised we have a slight hint to pre patch what would cause dwarves to shift from dwarven district and maybe worgen to move from there current location ? the cart is dwarven and the lighting is Gilnean
    do not annoy the dragon for you are small crunchy and good with sauce

  9. #37929
    Quote Originally Posted by delphiskye View Post
    just realised we have a slight hint to pre patch what would cause dwarves to shift from dwarven district and maybe worgen to move from there current location ? the cart is dwarven and the lighting is Gilnean
    Stormwind definitely has space to expand. The keep can easily be enlarged, embassy area can fit two-three districts by itself Mage district can get much larger. And that's without actual changes to the geography; the area between Stormwind and Dun Morogh could be changed completely (and makes no sense whatsoever)

    Really given that they very much focus on the two capitals so as not to split the population, the best thing they could do would be to revamp them so they are representative of a lot more races. Stormwind could fit very single race of the Alliance in it. Not sure if Orgrimmar could because it's theme is far more specific (while SW is bland enough to allow it).

  10. #37930
    So assuming we have the infinite created in this expansion the question is how?
    How is Nozdormu supposed to die and why is it guaranteed he will try to stop it??
    Also why was chromie such a target in the legion scenario??

    Given the new lore of dreadlords is it possible that they have a plan to try and kill chromie??

    I’m thinking Chromie is the key to the creation of the infinite. Nozdormu assists her in the well of eternity section of the scenario so maybe she has become his protégé and in seeing his death he saw her as the new aspect of time. Maybe his disappearance is like Thor after seeing his fight against Surtyr

  11. #37931
    Regarding the WoW2 argument to change the combat. Didn't the original Monk concept in MoP early alpha/beta have a more "action" based combat that then got scrapped to the usual tab targeting one?

  12. #37932
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Stormwind definitely has space to expand. The keep can easily be enlarged, embassy area can fit two-three districts by itself Mage district can get much larger. And that's without actual changes to the geography; the area between Stormwind and Dun Morogh could be changed completely (and makes no sense whatsoever)

    Really given that they very much focus on the two capitals so as not to split the population, the best thing they could do would be to revamp them so they are representative of a lot more races. Stormwind could fit very single race of the Alliance in it. Not sure if Orgrimmar could because it's theme is far more specific (while SW is bland enough to allow it).
    Yeah, the WoW capitals became very dated over the years. They just don't feel like proper capitals. If you want to see how capitals are done right and magnificiently, look at Guild Wars 2. No MMORPG does cities better than ArenaNet. Those capitals feel like that, crowded, populated, they are massive. If Stormwind and Orgrimmar are the "main" faction capitals, they should really be expanded.
    MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again

  13. #37933
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DevilDare View Post
    Regarding the WoW2 argument to change the combat. Didn't the original Monk concept in MoP early alpha/beta have a more "action" based combat that then got scrapped to the usual tab targeting one?
    They were supposed to not have auto attacks at all.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  14. #37934
    High Overlord delphiskye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    Yeah, the WoW capitals became very dated over the years. They just don't feel like proper capitals. If you want to see how capitals are done right and magnificiently, look at Guild Wars 2. No MMORPG does cities better than ArenaNet. Those capitals feel like that, crowded, populated, they are massive. If Stormwind and Orgrimmar are the "main" faction capitals, they should really be expanded.
    regarding this if you go to legion dal in the ptr they seem to be attempting this? there is Dalaran citizens and children and also new named npcs there aswell now that i think on it im seeing new named npcs in live too in sw
    do not annoy the dragon for you are small crunchy and good with sauce

  15. #37935
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    They were supposed to not have auto attacks at all.
    Ahh yeah, that was it.

  16. #37936
    Warchief Catastrophy349's Avatar
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    SoonTM. Soon we will be speculating even harder as the 19th approaches. Perhaps, another still photo/"real-ish leak" will surface. Then, we shall blast these forums with HYPE on the morning of the announcement, during the announcement, and, hopefully, following the announcement there will be A LOT to talk about (in a good way). Regardless, we will have A TON to talk about. Also, I'm excited to explore the Dragonflight website once it goes up (during/after official announcement). Interested in the interviews/articles that will follow.

  17. #37937
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by delphiskye View Post
    regarding this if you go to legion dal in the ptr they seem to be attempting this? there is Dalaran citizens and children and also new named npcs there aswell now that i think on it im seeing new named npcs in live too in sw
    I'll be first to admit I'm biased, but my favorite MMO city is Kugane. It is vibrant, alive and fun to explore both horizontally and vertically.

    Quote Originally Posted by DevilDare View Post
    Ahh yeah, that was it.
    It certainly would have spiced things up a bit. But it would have been far from action combat. That is more of a targeting thing. When you pilot a harvest golem in westfall. I think that is action combat.

  18. #37938
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    Yeah, the WoW capitals became very dated over the years. They just don't feel like proper capitals. If you want to see how capitals are done right and magnificiently, look at Guild Wars 2. No MMORPG does cities better than ArenaNet. Those capitals feel like that, crowded, populated, they are massive. If Stormwind and Orgrimmar are the "main" faction capitals, they should really be expanded.
    What really screams "outdated" beside crappy textures are those weird, cartoonish angles so many old buildings have.

    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  19. #37939
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    Also, I'm excited to explore the Dragonflight website once it goes up (during/after official announcement). Interested in the interviews/articles that will follow.
    Bold of you to assume there won't be another oopsie and we won't see the website a few hour before the reveal.

  20. #37940
    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    SoonTM. Soon we will be speculating even harder as the 19th approaches. Perhaps, another still photo/"real-ish leak" will surface. Then, we shall blast these forums with HYPE on the morning of the announcement, during the announcement, and, hopefully, following the announcement there will be A LOT to talk about (in a good way). Regardless, we will have A TON to talk about. Also, I'm excited to explore the Dragonflight website once it goes up (during/after official announcement). Interested in the interviews/articles that will follow.
    And on the 20th, we will have the 10.x & 11.0 speculation thread
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