1. #39401
    Quote Originally Posted by Vakir View Post
    This is why calling extra attention to it is kind of a dick move. I'm sure they saw the picture but we're pseudo-doxxing. It tells us nothing more about the actual expansion.

    Granted, the work station may not belong to the same person taking the picture.
    wanna mark explicitly 2 things here:

    the last statement of above post. no one is that silly. it could even be a cleaning worker, taking the photo.

    its imo NOT the Seneca american native tribe logo (see above).

  2. #39402
    Quote Originally Posted by Vakir View Post
    And then Dilbert's creator turned out to be gross and actively ignores most of the conclusions drawn from the satire in his own work. It's like the people who bitched about Rage Against the Machine being too political.
    and then Tom Morello went on to become a Crypto/NFT guy

    don't have heroes

  3. #39403
    this shall be above logo?


    not really sure..


    if i closely compare both, its a good point. but to me they not 100% match, when watching at it closely.


    yeah, but they are VERY close.

    watch: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x86okqc

    have a look at 18:45-18:55
    Last edited by Niwes; 2022-04-11 at 11:20 PM.

  4. #39404
    Why I don't buy the "Blizzard intentionally leaked this" theory: I can't figure out any benefit to Blizzard that couldn't have been accomplished with a teaser of some kind. Create a fake leak to throw us off? That just pisses people off and leaves us disappointed when we don't get what we were expecting. If it really is Dragonflight then the hype would build much more if they released some sort of teaser through normal channels.

  5. #39405
    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post

    Are you a fifth grader topkek

    insert crying mask wojak

    "If I say "triggered" and shift the burden of argumentation to the other guy, I don't have to defend my degeneracy!"
    you seriously banned Le conceptuel for this? Let's not make it a long one then

  6. #39406
    ok, since we now know, we are searching for a cigar smoker, which designers at Blizz are cigar smokers ?

    - - - Updated - - -

    turned the picture and compared it.

    you are right. its a brochure of Seneca Tobaco.

    great work, good nose!

  7. #39407
    Pandaren Monk cocomen2's Avatar
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    But lets cover Dragon belly button, and everyone would forget about ...that poor woman irl.
    Please, there a perfect example of hypocritical thinking:
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If Tinkers had anything to do with Hunters, but they don’t. Unlike Bards which are linked to Rogues.

  8. #39408
    Quote Originally Posted by Niwes View Post
    this shall be above logo?


    not really sure..


    if i closely compare both, its a good point. but to me they not 100% match, when watching at it closely.


    yeah, but they are VERY close.

    watch: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x86okqc

    have a look at 18:45-18:55

    I'm terrible at photoshop, but...

  9. #39409
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    They basically are though? This is genuinely just arguing semantics. It's all the same universe, and the universe has a canon, a canon which they retcon and edit to an even larger degree than warcraft writers do, because they don't just change how events played out or who is responsible for them (they also do this) they change the fundamental way that magic and forces act, what entire cultures are about, what sorts of things a given species of monster can do, history itself, etc.
    nope, different ediitions are basically different games, they halso have different settings all together, so its not the same thing compared to warcraft.

    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    Lawful Neutral is neutral on the moral axis, i.e. it is neither Good nor Evil. The same way a Neutral Good character is neither Lawful nor Chaotic.

    It doesn't mean what you say here at all.
    then why the titans cannot be lawful neutral? it toally mean what i said

    A law doesn't have to be explicitly stated, either. There's plenty of "unwritten rules". The Titans very clearly expect things to go a specific course and will resort to extreme measures when it doesn't, with it having been explicitly stated that they're perfectly willing to wipe out and rebuild planets to achieve this. That's not Neutral behaviour.
    It is a neutral behaviour in their view, among the citizens? nope, thats why alignment is not universal

    Also, as far as the Void is concerned, every path is true. They also explicitly have the ability to see the future, though this is of questionable use as they see all potential futures so for the most part it's just an incomprehensible jumble.

    Your view is already incorrect based on the information we have now.
    Yes, the void every path can be a truth, they have the ability to see the future, you can't see the future in a truly chaotic force, chaos is unpredictable.

  10. #39410

    there it is. look at the table.

    (the hell… i don’t get how to insert imgur shared photos here. dafuq)
    Last edited by Niwes; 2022-04-11 at 11:47 PM.

  11. #39411
    High Overlord delphiskye's Avatar
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    hey what do you guys think about the lore books saying light was the first universe then it cracked allowing nether universe to form and that planets have alignments to either one
    Last edited by delphiskye; 2022-04-11 at 11:43 PM. Reason: spelling mistake
    do not annoy the dragon for you are small crunchy and good with sauce

  12. #39412
    Quote Originally Posted by pacotaco View Post

    I'm terrible at photoshop, but...
    yep, here it is:


    its a product brochure of Seneca Tobacco (zoom at the table).

    - - - Updated - - -

    ok, we now know the designer likes coffee and cigarettes (or cigars, or…). now lets take a close look at all designers of Blizz (lol, we can’t). if we could get 100% proof, that none of the wow team designers smokes, we can 100% proof its fake.

  13. #39413
    Quote Originally Posted by TomatoBisque View Post
    and then Tom Morello went on to become a Crypto/NFT guy

    don't have heroes
    Oh, I'm not gonna elevate him or anything. It's just hilarious how many people don't understand the intent of the thing they consume.

    It wasn't even a Death of the Author thing - it was just them being stupid.

  14. #39414
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pacotaco View Post
    I found it, it's a brand of tobacco:
    Thats some good deduction, i remember going for a ton of different logos in the internet, including this one, but never made the association, well done

    People at blizzard can actually use this to track who did the leak, if it ends up real

  15. #39415
    Quote Originally Posted by Junkerss View Post
    He got banned because the black versus white debate regarding erasing white npcs and replacing them with black ones

    this is quite the horrible painting... hard to accept that we still have people that like to believe that some cultures and people are beneath their own and harder to accept that this used to be the norm for many people.

    Anyway I must have missed conceptuel's racist comment

  16. #39416
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    then why the titans cannot be lawful neutral? it toally mean what i said
    Now you're just contradicting yourself. You said they aren't lawful.

    Yes, the void every path can be a truth, they have the ability to see the future, you can't see the future in a truly chaotic force, chaos is unpredictable.
    Not "can be". Is. They can see the future, but they cannot predict which one will happen because from their point of view every one will happen.

    Also, Chaos isn't necessarily unpredictable. A chaotic being doesn't act randomly. They just don't consider rules to be binding.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Niwes View Post
    ok, we now know the designer likes coffee and cigarettes (or cigars, or…). now lets take a close look at all designers of Blizz (lol, we can’t). if we could get 100% proof, that none of the wow team designers smokes, we can 100% proof its fake.
    Yeah, i'm not seeing this as a meaningfull avenue.

  17. #39417
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    Now you're just contradicting yourself. You said they aren't lawful.
    Nope, i said arcane, the force, would be considered a force of neutrality, Titans/pantheon would be lawful neutral

    Not "can be". Is. They can see the future, but they cannot predict which one will happen because from their point of view every one will happen.
    Which already goes away from the idea of being chaos
    Also, Chaos isn't necessarily unpredictable. A chaotic being doesn't act randomly. They just don't consider rules to be binding.
    i said is unpredictable, not acting random, meaning, you would not be able to see the future.

  18. #39418
    Quote Originally Posted by Junkerss View Post
    The problem is today white Males getting discriminated all the time.

    We see the start of genocide toward:

    White Males
    I suggest you read a few history books. Equality is not discrimination.

  19. #39419
    The Patient JDBlou's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    I suggest you read a few history books. Equality is not discrimination.
    Don't engage, it's a burner account created to stoke racial rhetoric and conflict.

  20. #39420
    Knight of the Astral Star Local Ardenweald Faerie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDBlou View Post
    Don't engage, it's a burner account created to stoke racial rhetoric and conflict.
    Probably someone who was just recently banned too.

    Don't engage.

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