Explodion of Garrosh
New race: Escaper
New class: Iron Orc
Plot: Garrosh must escape from jail (because he is alive and now is in jailed by Anduin the King!) and we must be the ones to free him that's why we are called the Escaper because we help him escape. Varian will return in heroic adventure alongside other past villains like Illidan and Cataclysm.
New zone: Jail of the Garrosh (imprisoned deep within the muds of Durotar is Garorsh jail made by Anduin the King). Garrosh lives here now and but has been made imprisoned..... and we mus tbreak his will to make him survive. Because in the end only one can stand as King of Horde: Thrall.
Release date: July 7, 1998 (retroactivfe release)
Additional infos:
- Diablo 4 has been UNreleased due to unlegal fedback
- Overwatch 2 will be entering PERMANENT BETA in soon next month
- "Warcraft: Rats" mobile game coming soon (racing title)