Oh shit. I just saw this on 4chan while browsing at work. Could be nonsense but could maybe be true.
What do you think he means by seamless combination of endgame and leveling content?
Sounds more like 4Chan has been just following our wish lists. I hope they're right, but that's because that would mean they're right about what I'm hoping for.
So who is the farthest along? Limit is at 8/10 atm.
Cinematic is already out... and is bad. I guess he's going to the sepulcher?
Last edited by Shoggoth; 2021-07-07 at 12:44 AM.
Look at Sylvanas with the big brain. Rubbed those wise elven braincells together to realize that the dude with BDSM torture chambers, chains and a form of magic literally called "domination magic" subjugates things.
This is nonsense
- - - Updated - - -
And instead of destroying the traitor he gives her a shard of her soul and leaves so we can have her do the whole “I was so wrong now I must atone” BS lol
Can blizz stop talking about “oh this will be epic” when the writing is as predictable as the ground floor of a 1 room apartment
So wait
Arbiter was artificial
Her orb belonged to the jailer
We lost
We still aim for rescuing Anduin which happens next patch
Sylvanas is captured
I wish someone would answer that stupid phone
You are welcome, Metzen. I hope you won't fuck up my underground expansion idea.