Twilight drakes were created from red and black drake eggs empowered by netherdrake magic/power.
Storm dragons likely, are just like the elemental drakes we had before, you know, stone drake and old storm ones.
we had 4 stone and 4 stormdrakes, hope we can get 4 fire and 4 water drakes later.
Last edited by Syegfryed; 2022-04-14 at 12:59 PM.
The Winter Queen will give us as a gift the seed for the new Teldrassil.
My kudos for a cinematics that will show Ysera and the Winter Queen give to us the seed... with the emotional moment where for a while, through the Emerald Dream, mother and daughter will be able to see each other.
It remains to be clarified if the seed needs the Aspect's blessing, in which case there is a little problem to be solved first... unless Elune decides otherwise.
Could be cool if we can see Elune and all the Dragon Aspects blessing the new World Tree... as conclusion of Shadowlands.
Argus in 2018 My prediction failed in part... But I'm still a Spacegoat
You guys know what would be fun - but ultimately impossible - with systems like Covenants or future Dragonflights?
You're given a screen with the choices you can make, but in the end you give the game the middle-finger and walk away. Imagine that: Neutrality.
Yet when you have player progression and power tied to such systems, it's nigh impossible to choose, well, nothing. Not to mention it could be implicitly seen as a "Screw you" to Blizzard
There is also an encrypted IGC 9.2.5 in the maw. This is about Sylvanas again, I thought her story was over.![]()
Well we had Scourge DKs in Vanilla, DK class appeared in WotLK. We had a Pandaren Monk pet in WotLK. Pandaren-based Monks appeared in MoP.
We're 1 week from reveal, and I have yet to see any seeding for a Dragon Invoker. Also characters like Alexstraza are simply dragons.
I'd like it if our dragonsworn start out looking like normal playable races, then manifest more and more drakonid features as we level, slowly becoming bulkier. Would look horrifying on goblins and the like, though, if they got taller as a result.
It became clear that it wasn’t realistic to try to get the audience back to being more hardcore, as it had been in the past. -- Tom Chilton