1. #41081
    The Lightbringer Nightshade711's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Yet turning into a Demon, Elemental, Colossus, and a Beast does?
    Yea because all of those are explained away in lore.
    There’s little to no lore for a mortal turning into a dragon outside of one legendary item.

    Personal choice. Just like Dragons choosing to look like Goblins when Goblins have been traditional servants of dragons.
    Cool and all
    But Goblins are much more than servants to dragons especially now. In fact nobody except you even really seems to know/care about goblins once serving deathwing in an obsecure part of lore.

    Dragonkin-based races have always had a direct connection to dragons through service in one form or another.
    It would defeat the entire purpose of having a mortal form if they just use it to look like a Dragonkin-based race.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Chen isn't a Monk
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Uh Demon Hunters literally had an ability called Spellbreaker.

  2. #41082
    The Undying Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Totally Not Dragons View Post
    The word you’re looking for is slaves
    Yep. The point is that some dragons don't mind taking on the appearance of slaves, servants, or commoners. Kalecgos purposely wears bummy clothes because he doesn't want to appear too extravagant.

  3. #41083
    Chromie took the appearance of a gnome and nobody says nothing even if it is an hideous race.

    Alexstraza took the appearance of a tree once.

  4. #41084
    The Undying Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nightshade711 View Post
    Yea because all of those are explained away in lore.
    There’s little to no lore for a mortal turning into a dragon outside of one legendary item.
    Why would we need to be mortals?

    Death Knights and Demon Hunters aren't mortal.

    Also it should be noted that after they lost their powers, the former aspects (and other dragons) are mortal.

    Cool and all
    But Goblins are much more than servants to dragons especially now. In fact nobody except you even really seems to know/care about goblins once serving deathwing in an obsecure part of lore.

    Dragonkin-based races have always had a direct connection to dragons through service in one form or another.
    It would defeat the entire purpose of having a mortal form if they just use it to look like a Dragonkin-based race.
    Goblins were straight up slaves in some cases to dragons, yet some dragons still took up Goblin appearances because they simply liked it. Nothing stops a dragon from getting their kicks looking like a Drakonoid. It wouldn't defeat any purpose. The only purpose is what the dragon wants, and the dragon (via their lore-based magic) can look like any mortal they want, including the Drakonoid. It doesn't need to make sense to anyone except to the dragon.
    Last edited by Teriz; 2022-04-14 at 03:21 PM.

  5. #41085
    Quote Originally Posted by Izalla View Post
    After hating Zovaal and realising Mists not having a clear big bad at the start was not a bad thing, people SHOULD be fine with it. Whether they use their brains to put two and two together or not is another question.
    I mean we were told who the big bad in mists would be but nobody believed it

  6. #41086
    Brewmaster flan1337's Avatar
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    Cozy up with a purrfect friend
    With eyes of pure emerald and the tail of a fox, this magical cat can carry you effortlessly from land to land. But it’s favorite places in all of Azeroth happen to be anywhere the sun shines through the autumn leaves, especially when a glowing campfire is nearby.

    Everyone is talking about the dragon bundle but not this fox. With the current leaks talking about Quel'Thalas this cat lines up PERFECTLY with the description of it.

  7. #41087
    The Undying Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flan1337 View Post
    Cozy up with a purrfect friend
    With eyes of pure emerald and the tail of a fox, this magical cat can carry you effortlessly from land to land. But it’s favorite places in all of Azeroth happen to be anywhere the sun shines through the autumn leaves, especially when a glowing campfire is nearby.

    Everyone is talking about the dragon bundle but not this fox. With the current leaks talking about Quel'Thalas this cat lines up PERFECTLY with the description of it.
    Honestly it looks like Alexstraza's cat.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by The-Shan View Post
    The dragon aspects are mortal now, they aren't god-like beings anymore. Very powerful, yes, but not enough to bless a champion of Azeroth in the same way the light blesses a paladin, they aren't a boundless source of energy.

    Imagine xavius being able to 1v1 the person who imparts your classes power. They aren't powerful enough to bestow that kind of power, I think. Champions of Azeroth kill dragons every day, too. Playing a dragon wouldn't be OP, they are pretty average these days, and its a cool niche that is well-treaded in the Warcraft universe that has enough uniqueness to merit a class.
    This is also a very good point.

  8. #41088
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flan1337 View Post
    Cozy up with a purrfect friend
    With eyes of pure emerald and the tail of a fox, this magical cat can carry you effortlessly from land to land. But it’s favorite places in all of Azeroth happen to be anywhere the sun shines through the autumn leaves, especially when a glowing campfire is nearby.

    Everyone is talking about the dragon bundle but not this fox. With the current leaks talking about Quel'Thalas this cat lines up PERFECTLY with the description of it.
    It's likely a creature in a red dragon themed zone.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  9. #41089
    Brewmaster flan1337's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    It's likely a creature in a red dragon themed zone.
    Lean into the "anywhere the sun shines through the autumn leaves" currently Quel'Thalas has that autumn vibe.


    It also seems like wowhead is reporting more encrypted items for the deluxe edition.
    Last edited by flan1337; 2022-04-14 at 03:27 PM.

  10. #41090
    Quote Originally Posted by flan1337 View Post
    Lean into the "anywhere the sun shines through the autumn leaves" currently Quel'Thalas has that autumn vibe.
    Not just that, it's actually a plot point that Quel'Thalas is "stuck", so to say, in a state of perpetual sun and warmth. It was a spell made by the elves of old who didn't want to go through winters. So Canonically, there is no land more associated with sun, warmth, spring, and autumn-coloured leaves, than Quel'Thalas.

  11. #41091
    Let’s say next class is dragonsworn let’s see if we can work it into 3 specs
    Healing is red/green because both aspects were empowered by life and the red flight is the flight of the lifebinder
    Tank is easily bronze because it can have a mechanic similar to stagger
    Dps can be black/blue with a system like a stance where you play in melee or ranged depending on the stance

    3 specs easily

  12. #41092
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flan1337 View Post
    Cozy up with a purrfect friend
    With eyes of pure emerald and the tail of a fox, this magical cat can carry you effortlessly from land to land. But it’s favorite places in all of Azeroth happen to be anywhere the sun shines through the autumn leaves, especially when a glowing campfire is nearby.

    Everyone is talking about the dragon bundle but not this fox. With the current leaks talking about Quel'Thalas this cat lines up PERFECTLY with the description of it.
    I mean... yeah, I guess, but I hate how un-Warcraft this mount looks. All of their store mounts look like they belong in a completely different game and this is one of the worst offenders by far.

  13. #41093
    Quote Originally Posted by The-Shan View Post
    The dragon aspects are mortal now, they aren't god-like beings anymore. Very powerful, yes, but not enough to bless a champion of Azeroth in the same way the light blesses a paladin, they aren't a boundless source of energy.

    Imagine xavius being able to 1v1 the person who imparts your classes power. They aren't powerful enough to bestow that kind of power, I think. Champions of Azeroth kill dragons every day, too. Playing a dragon wouldn't be OP, they are pretty average these days, and its a cool niche that is well-treaded in the Warcraft universe that has enough uniqueness to merit a class.
    And that is where “we now need multiple flights to bless the hero” boom dragonsworn power ranger

  14. #41094
    The Undying Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Totally Not Dragons View Post
    Let’s say next class is dragonsworn let’s see if we can work it into 3 specs
    Healing is red/green because both aspects were empowered by life and the red flight is the flight of the lifebinder
    Tank is easily bronze because it can have a mechanic similar to stagger
    Dps can be black/blue with a system like a stance where you play in melee or ranged depending on the stance

    3 specs easily
    Okay, but why do we need to do that if we have the three specs from the HotS dragons? It seems silly for Blizzard to create an entirely new dragon-based class when they already have one that players have experienced, played with, and enjoyed.

    It'd be like creating a WoW Monk class that resembles Diablo instead of using the template of the Pandaren Brewmaster.

  15. #41095
    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    I mean... yeah, I guess, but I hate how un-Warcraft this mount looks. All of their store mounts look like they belong in a completely different game and this is one of the worst offenders by far.
    It reminds me of Cheshire from Alice in Wonderland and that makes me think of two things
    Calia is the white queen
    Scarlet crusade leader might be the red queen
    Jaberwocke is a dragon-like monster

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Okay, but why do we need to do that if we have the three specs from the HotS dragons? It seems silly for Blizzard to create an entirely new dragon-based class when they already have one that players have experienced and played with.
    Because it’s not WoW

  16. #41096
    The Undying Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Totally Not Dragons View Post
    Because it’s not WoW
    Are you saying that there's no HotS abilities and concepts currently in WoW or the class lineup?

  17. #41097
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Are you saying that there's no HotS abilities and concepts currently in WoW or the class lineup?
    No, he probably means that HotS is a dead, failure of a game and thus not many people would probably care about its concepts.

  18. #41098
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flan1337 View Post
    Lean into the "anywhere the sun shines through the autumn leaves" currently Quel'Thalas has that autumn vibe.


    It also seems like wowhead is reporting more encrypted items for the deluxe edition.
    Quel'thalas is explicitely in a state of constant spring.

    Either way, it doesn't matter that much anyway.
    Reds and Eversong share the exact same aesthetic and themes. (The reds are just more saturated)

    So the thing can fit into Quel'thalas just fine, but its more likely that its a new creature in a new Ruby zone.
    Last edited by Raetary; 2022-04-14 at 03:40 PM.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  19. #41099
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Are you saying that there's no HotS abilities and concepts currently in WoW or the class lineup?
    Are you saying that there’s a WoW player class that plays exactly like the HotS counterpart?

  20. #41100
    The Undying Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    No, he probably means that HotS is a dead, failure of a game and thus not many people would probably care about its concepts.
    Blizzard used HotS abilities and concepts for Sylvanas in Sanctum of Domination, and allowed Hunters to use those abilities and concepts.

    So it would appear that Blizzard still cares about it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Totally Not Dragons View Post
    Are you saying that there’s a WoW player class that plays exactly like the HotS counterpart?
    That is a straw-man. No MMO class is going to play exactly like its MOBA or RTS counterpart, and no one made that argument. However the Demon Hunter class took a lot of concepts from HotS Illidan. Heck, Blizzard even gave Demon Hunters "The Hunt" as a covenant ability which was one of Illidan's abilities in HotS.
    Last edited by Teriz; 2022-04-14 at 03:44 PM.

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