The difference is demonology warlocks aren’t/weren’t ever actual demons. Next
The size alone will cause so many issues. Saying “blizzard will fix it” is wishful thinking.
They didn’t fix Tol Dagor’s literal run-killing bugs to the point that I think that Tol Dagor wasn’t even in MDI later on in the expansion.
DHs had a disconnect bug until like 7.1.5 or 7.2
Veng DHs were incredibly OP in flag RBGs throughout the entirety of Legion to the point that they were an easy I-Win button.
The list goes on, why would they do something that would cause so many issues if it’s not even something that is absolutely needed to get the gameplay across.
Level 10 Demonology warlock ability
0 Demonic Fury, plus 6 per sec
10 sec cooldown
Turn into a demon, transforming your Corruption, Hand of Gul'dan, Hellfire, and Shadowbolt into alternate improved abilities, and improving functionality of many other abilities
Also increases armor by 250%.
Why would I be?
Yeah, that too.
Last edited by Teriz; 2022-04-14 at 10:34 PM.
While i could definitely see Blizzard reusing the murloc backpack idea, I have to imagine they know that players would prefer really cool wings instead. And while the Kyrian wings show that it might not look the greatest i cannot really imagine Blizzard would miss out on this easy option for a cool transmog.
Unless of course more elaborate dragon wings is a reward from something in the Dragonflight expansion of course. In that case it's easy to see the dragon nwhelo backpack being what we get.
The world revamp dream will never die!
I could see wings being a possibility as well. I'm very interested to see what this and the mount turns out to be.
I gotta say, I'm really interested in seeing how much Blizzard allows us to indulge in a dragon fantasy. The Visage Day short story was interesting because it gave us a glimpse into how dragons think and behave. They're also dumping tons of old dragon books back into the pipeline for us to consume. Honestly, I think all of that is really a sign that they're going to build a class that allows us to become dragons and fully indulge in that fantasy. I could totally see the hero class opening scenario be Visage day where you're in dragon form deciding on your race just like Chromie did in the story.
Last edited by Teriz; 2022-04-14 at 10:43 PM.
Last edited by SniperCT; 2022-04-14 at 10:44 PM.
The worst part of any troll are the ones you want to engage with righteous fire but have to content yourself with the report button.
You bring up something interresting, it's one of the reason I would hate being a Drakonid or a Dragonsworn and I'd rather be a Dragon.
I hate borrowed power, and theses 2 are pretty much that. Dragon slaves.
But I'd love a kind of bond with a Dragon whelp, as long as we keep the stuff in the ongoing xpac