1. #41521
    Quote Originally Posted by Gifdwarf View Post
    I'm not so sure he is lying, his Legion leaks were mostly accurate and posted before we even knew there would be an expansion announcement at Gamescom.
    I treat it like the stupid mystery box Old God whispers - even if it ends up being accurate, the method of delivery is so arcane and convoluted that it's worthless and remains horseshit regardless.

    If you're going to give some kind of bullshit insider scoop but you obfuscate it so heavily that it can be projected however you want and is difficult to disprove as a result, it renders the whole thing moot to just...waiting.

    The rare occasion where the satirical "I know authors who use subtext and they're all cowards, every one of them" is accurate.

  2. #41522
    Quote Originally Posted by Vakir View Post
    I treat it like the stupid mystery box Old God whispers - even if it ends up being accurate, the method of delivery is so arcane and convoluted that it's worthless and remains horseshit regardless.

    If you're going to give some kind of bullshit insider scoop but you obfuscate it so heavily that it can be projected however you want and is difficult to disprove as a result, it renders the whole thing moot to just...waiting.

    The rare occasion where the satirical "I know authors who use subtext and they're all cowards, every one of them" is accurate.
    Yeah this is the same vague cold-reading stuff fake leakers like "SamusHunter" make their bread and butter on. There is no reason to give Steamscale's post any validity over any other random post. I'm not saying there's no merit in looking at it, but acting like it holds any value is insane. This thread seems to constantly do this at every turn. A random post on 4chan describing a "cinematic" was given pause for reason I can't even fathom. There was nothing about it that made it noteworthy other than people thought it would be cool.

  3. #41523
    To me the only true Legion leak was Jerichos

  4. #41524
    It's just too accurate for me to say he randomly guessed. Randomly guessing Gul'dan in a cave looking at Illidan inside a crystal, demon hunters and " cool weapons modifications" are just too much for me to think random guess.

  5. #41525
    Ill say that its the most believable leak yet by far, because he truly had info back in 2015. That definitely wasnt just a lucky guess back then, it was far too specific and accurate.
    Well see in 4 days if he had something genuine again, or if hes just trolling for attention this time.
    The crooked shitposter with no eyes is watching from the endless thread.

    From the space that is everywhere and nowhere, the crooked shitposter feasts on memes.

    He has no eyes to see, but he dreams of infinite memeing and trolling.

  6. #41526
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Didn't he say that one of the specs is a Chronomancer, and the other steps all over the toes of Arcane Mage?
    It's not like that has stopped Blizzard from doing that before.

  7. #41527
    Make every tank and healing spec have a talent, mode, or stance they can DPS in. Gladiator for Prot, shockadin for Holy Pally, etc.

  8. #41528
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Again, that's how Blizzard rolls. It actually makes sense when you think about it; You have the character on the box because it fits the setting and story of the expansion. That character is used to help sell units on store shelves and online. As an added bonus, YOU can be like that cool character on the box that just sold this game to you. If you're well versed in the lore, you know the character, so that would make you more inclined to roll that character's class.

    It's a very good way to make your game's classes seem larger than life, and give them a little more edge and personality.
    Okay but what is Alexstasza's class? When I look at her HOTS kit I would sum it up as "Fire Projectiles" and "Nature healing" two specs already (repeatedly) represented in the game. If we get an Alexstrasza class and its specs are "Fire/Restoration/Dragoning" I would be pissed.

    I think we all know Dragonflight has a high chance of having a dragon race, dragon class and dragon "covenant" (borrowed power system). But what we haven't talked about how that we are definitely only getting one of these three things, because in universe, it wouldn't make sense to have 2 or even all 3.

    A Dragon Knight type class would inveritably take abilities from the 5 flights distinct special powers. A solid idea by itself.
    A Dragon Race wouldn't be able to be a Dragon Knight because they can't use powers of the other flights, for example a Green Dragon can't breathe fire or a Black Dragon restore life.
    Just like it wouldn't make sense for a dragon race to join a covenant of a different color. Same goes for a Dragon Knight double dipping on Dragon powers.
    A Dragon class that turns into a dragon? That's solid, but I think its unlikely they'll give them 5 distinct specs and even then it doesn't make sense to change your flight on the fly.

    A Dragon Class is a solid idea but I still think the devs would have more options to create 3 distinct specs if they go with Tinker or Bard. And I don't think people will care if a box with Alexstrasza on it says "New Class Dragonsworn" or "New Class Tinker" either way.

  9. #41529
    Quote Originally Posted by KayRule View Post
    There is no reason to give Steamscale's post any validity over any other random post.
    Accurately leaking the major features of Legion and the Gul'dan cave cinematic before we even knew an expansion was going to be announced are enough reasons for me to at least consider it.

  10. #41530
    Quote Originally Posted by Gifdwarf View Post
    It's just too accurate for me to say he randomly guessed. Randomly guessing Gul'dan in a cave looking at Illidan inside a crystal, demon hunters and " cool weapons modifications" are just too much for me to think random guess.
    That's one of those things where it's pretty close but not exact, but close enough to be 'I saw this thing and this is what I thought I saw'

  11. #41531
    Pandaren Monk Merryck's Avatar
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    Did scarface leak anything about BFA?

  12. #41532
    He doesn't post that much, you can read all of his posts since 2015 in just a few pages, he hasn't leaked anything since Legion, and now with Dragonflight, assuming it's real.

  13. #41533
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DiscipleofCazicThule View Post
    It's not like that has stopped Blizzard from doing that before.
    They did it for Illidan and Demon Hunters, probably the most anticipated class ever, based on one of the most popular characters in Warcraft.

    There is no hero attached to the Envoker, and no one even knows what it is. I doubt Blizzard would dismantle an old school spec like Arcane for that.

  14. #41534
    Quote Originally Posted by Gifdwarf View Post
    It's just too accurate for me to say he randomly guessed. Randomly guessing Gul'dan in a cave looking at Illidan inside a crystal, demon hunters and " cool weapons modifications" are just too much for me to think random guess.
    But that's not what he guessed. He said Gul'dan looking in a mirror watching Illidan train Demon Hunters. He correctly luckily guessed Gul'dan in a cave and you're running with it.

  15. #41535
    Quote Originally Posted by KayRule View Post
    But that's not what he guessed. He said Gul'dan looking in a mirror watching Illidan train Demon Hunters. He correctly luckily guessed Gul'dan in a cave and you're running with it.
    You can read all of his posts about it here


    It's not 100% accurate, but he also probably got this info from someone else.

  16. #41536
    Quote Originally Posted by Gifdwarf View Post
    It's just too accurate for me to say he randomly guessed. Randomly guessing Gul'dan in a cave looking at Illidan inside a crystal, demon hunters and " cool weapons modifications" are just too much for me to think random guess.
    Frankly, i wouldn't consider Artifacts to really match "cool weapons modifications". Demon Hunters were a hot topic anyway. So he guessed Illidan right. That's not really that great a track record.

  17. #41537
    This isn't even me hoping it's not real. Evoker actually sounds great, finally a new ranged caster class, likely using the magical power of the aspects. Would be sweet and would finally kill all the incredibly annoying arguing over what classes can or can't get in. Much like the Microclasses leak, which I would also like to be real, there is no sound reason to invest so heavily into these because the only thing standing out is a few lucky guesses.

  18. #41538
    To say that he has the same validity as any random bullshit leaker is just not true. It sounds like a classic case of telephone game with him and whoever he got the information from, with some changes and some things being incorrectly conveyed. There is still a large chance he is bullshitting us but let's not pretend this is on par with a 4chan leak.

  19. #41539
    Quote Originally Posted by Gifdwarf View Post
    He doesn't post that much, you can read all of his posts since 2015 in just a few pages, he hasn't leaked anything since Legion, and now with Dragonflight, assuming it's real.
    Who are y'all talking about I can't keep up. Do you have a link?

  20. #41540
    Quote Originally Posted by Stricks View Post
    Who are y'all talking about I can't keep up. Do you have a link?
    @Scaleface is the user we've been talking about, a few people got his name wrong, but he also changed his name a few times.

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