1. #41621
    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    Don't you dare disrespect the Lord Marlamin Birb, 10th of his name, Earl of the Datamine, Slayer of Spoilers, Cracker of Codes, Digger of Goodies and call him a hopium user the birb is a SCIENTIST.

    SOMEBODY PLEASE PHOTOSHOP A KAKAPO WITH A MINING PICKAXE AND A HELMET! And add it to the hypetrain! @Arafal counting on you boo

    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    I am truly honored, I can now safely retire.

    Quote Originally Posted by Holdodlig View Post
    Or maybe it's just some internal tests for the new raid affix ?
    Possibly! WotLK Classic is also still on the table, or some entirely new thing or indeed some internal thing (as they have used builds with these kind of numbers before internally).

  2. #41622
    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    I don't think we'll have to wait until 2024 for 10.0, I do somewhat hope 10.0 testing will at the very least start this year.

    No shoot the expac isnt in the last quarter of 2022 for fiscal/financial and ECalls reasons.

  3. #41623
    Quote Originally Posted by Dioporco View Post
    No shoot the expac isnt in the last quarter of 2022 for fiscal/financial and ECalls reasons.
    They don't need to rush out Dragonflight for that. For Q2 there will be phase 5 for classic and Diablo Immortal. For Q3 there will likely be season 4 of retail. Then Q4 will probably be Wrath classic which will pull in tons of cash.

  4. #41624
    I'd have way more hope if the expansion release was Q1 or even Q2 of 2023 than Q4 of 2022 to be honest.

    Q4 also makes no sense with 9.2.5 and season 4 still without a release date.
    Last edited by Firefox72; 2022-04-15 at 08:11 AM.

  5. #41625
    Quote Originally Posted by Dioporco View Post
    No shoot the expac isnt in the last quarter of 2022 for fiscal/financial and ECalls reasons.
    This does match with the date that has been speculated about a lot, so that would be cool. Does mean we'll see testing go up in the next few months, which scares me a bit.

    Quote Originally Posted by Firefox72 View Post
    I'd have way more hope if the expansion release was Q1 or even Q2 of 2023 than Q4 of 2022 to be honest.

    Q4 makes no sense with 9.2.5 and season 4 still without a release date.
    I think we'll see 9.2.5 on retail pretty fast, outside of those weird stable changes there isn't a lot about it that seems particularly unfinished. The season 4 stuff is something they can keep working on for many months more behind the scenes, outside of art assets, that doesn't need to be ready to ship.
    Last edited by Marlamin; 2022-04-15 at 08:12 AM.

  6. #41626
    Quote Originally Posted by Therougetitan View Post
    They don't need to rush out Dragonflight for that. For Q2 there will be phase 5 for classic and Diablo Immortal. For Q3 there will likely be season 4 of retail. Then Q4 will probably be Wrath classic which will pull in tons of cash.
    Quote Originally Posted by Firefox72 View Post
    I'd have way more hope if the expansion release was Q1 or even Q2 of 2023 than Q4 of 2022 to be honest.

    Q4 also makes no sense with 9.2.5 and season 4 still without a release date.

    1. Is still Activision Blizzard, not Microsoft.

    2. They more than ever need to rush the expac release after this disastrous year.

    3. Classic P5 will be this summer since Wotlk will be fall/winter 2022 + nobody cares about immortal and classic atm.

    4. There is no written rule that Seasons need to last 8 months nor that S4 is a proper seasons.

    S3 can easily end in July or August (5/6 months) and S4 since has no HoF nor ladder can be 3/4 months.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    This does match with the date that has been speculated about a lot, so that would be cool. Does mean we'll see testing go up in the next few months, which scares me a bit.

    I think we'll see 9.2.5 on retail pretty fast, outside of those weird stable changes there isn't a lot about it that seems particularly unfinished. The season 4 stuff is something they can keep working on for many months more behind the scenes, outside of art assets, that doesn't need to be ready to ship.
    9.2.5 S4 is just recycled content so I don't see them having trouble releasing it quickly.

    Btw even if 10.0 test starts 2 weeks after 19 aka Pre-Orders it will be still enough time for alpha/beta cycle probably they already done alpha during the 9.0-9.1 draught.


    And this is copium

    If there aren't insane new system but just : tier set + cosmetic Covenant , it doesn't require a lot of testing.

    Now if they bring back Artifacts or Azerite like system is another thing

  7. #41627
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Finished my Bingo Card / 10.0 predictions today

    Place your bets!

  8. #41628
    actually a wrath beta would make total sense. Towelliee did say they it is going to be wrath+ with tons of changes unlike classic/tbc classic so they probably want to test it asap for an early fall release.

  9. #41629
    Quote Originally Posted by Dioporco View Post
    4. There is no written rule that Seasons need to last 8 months nor that S4 is a proper seasons.

    S3 can easily end in July or August (5/6 months) and S4 since has no HoF nor ladder can be 3/4 months.
    For a small comparison to support this, the shortest (pvp) seasons of all time were two 11 week seasons in 7.2 and 7.2.5, 11 weeks is just under 3 months, so there's absolutely precedent for seasons that short.

  10. #41630
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Has anyone thought about the possibility of. Northrend revamp with dragon isles instead of the top of eastern kingdom?

  11. #41631
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baedril View Post
    For a small comparison to support this, the shortest (pvp) seasons of all time were two 11 week seasons in 7.2 and 7.2.5, 11 weeks is just under 3 months, so there's absolutely precedent for seasons that short.
    You sure new PVP season came in 7.2, not 7.1.5? Would be strange to reset ladder without any item level bump.

  12. #41632
    Dragonflight is almost certainly further along than any other expansion we've had in recent memory. I really don't think the "they can't rush it so it should be pushed back" stuff is accurate.

  13. #41633
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    You sure new PVP season came in 7.2, not 7.1.5? Would be strange to reset ladder without any item level bump.
    Yep, Legion had 7 PvP seasons - all with a small ilvl bump, but thanks to the stat templates it didn't really matter, as PvP gear was already a bit lower than raiding gear if I remember right. Below a list courtesy of https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/PvP_season, though I played every Legion season myself as well.

    S1: A few weeks after expac launch: 12 weeks
    S2: A few weeks after 7.1 Launch: 15 weeks
    S3: 7.2 Launch: 11 weeks
    S4: 7.2.5 Launch: 11 weeks
    S5: 7.3 Launch: 13 weeks
    S6: When Antorus was unlocked: 16 weeks
    S7: ~Just arbitrary point halfway through the patch, ended up with BfA prepatch: 17 weeks

  14. #41634

  15. #41635
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Finished my Bingo Card / 10.0 predictions today

    -- snip --

    Place your bets!
    I think I'll wait until the 18th or 19th before I make mine as more stuff might come up between now and then.

  16. #41636
    High Overlord delphiskye's Avatar
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    in my own mind
    just thinking on who hasnt been seen since end of legion Velen, any of the wardens Arator, Ebonhorn, leader of the bronze flights been missing since cata, can anyone else think on who else is "missing"?
    do not annoy the dragon for you are small crunchy and good with sauce

  17. #41637
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowlands-is-fake View Post

    My most requested feature isn't housing, a new class, or allied races.

    It's a new bloody UI for the character selection (login) screen.

    I'm borderline OCD probably and have an army of 50 characters I spend way, way too much time organising in different ways. Only problem is, all we get is a long and boring list. I basically change my preference every other week and have to rearrange it, and I can never decide which my mains and my main alts are.

    What I'd like is a new UI based on the character creation UI they updated in Shadowlands.

    Preferably a number of clean looking icons/portraits, and not a bunch of text strings for class, location, etc.

    Then I'd like a number of filters, both premade and customisable ones. I want to be able to filter my roster based on things like faction, race, class, professions, and so on. But also things that matter to me, like which characters I designate as my "main crafters" of the various professions, "main alts", "main bankers" for different purposes, and so on.'

    Then obviously custom character poses so my army can look COOL. Right now every character looks like a dork.
    And here I am just wanting pages with 10-12 characters on each lol. Someone else suggested tiles you can arrange and then click on to view the characters.

    Either of those combined with filters would be absolutely amazing.

    I also second character poses.

    Or steal Tera's screen, where all your characters are walking together on the screen until you select one and the camera zooms into them.

  18. #41638
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    Just got an email about the upcoming announcement:

    Drop into the World of Warcraft® Livestream Event on 19 April at 9am PT to sit down with the WoW development team and learn about the upcoming expansion. We’re excited to show you what we’ve been working on and where your adventures in Azeroth will go next!
    I think most people were expecting it anyway but this definitely confirms that it will have some panels where they go into the expansion in more depth.

  19. #41639
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    Just got an email about the upcoming announcement:

    I think most people were expecting it anyway but this definitely confirms that it will have some panels where they go into the expansion in more depth.
    T&E also confirmed that they will follow up the announcement in the coming days with interviews and co, so it seems like we are getting the classic blizzcon treadment indeed =)

  20. #41640
    I would love to sit down with the dev team, so i can insult them, i mean telling them where they did wrong

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