1. #41701
    I hope I can have various powers to customize again this xpac. I enjoy having necro resto druid and night fae resto druid with different playstyles. Just dont bring back renown and shits.

  2. #41702
    Brewmaster Leowyld's Avatar
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    My theory about the PTR being down until next week, it's a longshot (so I'm probably wrong)...

    For the Battle For Azeroth pre-order we get Allied Races playable in the first patch released after the expansion went on sale. For Shadowlands pre-order, we got Allied Race/Pandaren Death Knights playable in the first patch released after the expansion went on sale. I'd already been wondering, if we'd see some new feature previewed in that manner with the Dragonflight pre-orders. But, we weren't seeing anything pointing to a new feature like that in 9.2.5 data. I think they were holding it back for this upcoming build, whatever it is... microclasses, new Allied Races, who knows. Like I said, probably wrong here. But I'm still pretty hyped, anyway.
    Cosmic greetings, all, I'm the Raccoonatic Commander!
    Leowyld of Emerald Dream-US

  3. #41703
    People seem pretty confident that Blizz will release a race that wont appeal to masses, ok then.

  4. #41704
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Ehm no, most of the bad things happened in the game was because the "old guard" under Afrasiabi didn't listen to feedback at all.
    [citation needed]

    this "omgad was afriasabi fault" has already been debunked as bullshit since we cleary saw how BFA other half went and how SL went.

    Implying that afriasabi tainted even SL is pure copium at this point.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Snorlax View Post
    Honestly good. Of all the big name WoW content creators Preach is by far the most obnoxious.
    Yep because he actually asks the right things.

  5. #41705
    the afrasiabi cope is still as funny as it was the first time

  6. #41706
    Pandaren Monk cocomen2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raxacorico View Post
    The hate with pandas is because they're funny cuddly widdle pandas, there wouldn't be, or rather, there would be much smaller uproar if instead of pandas we got proper pandyr playable race

    Edit: and also because something something Kung Fu Panda something.
    This 1000 times.

    Cute happy go Pandas <<< Brutal fierce Pandas
    Please, there a perfect example of hypocritical thinking:
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If Tinkers had anything to do with Hunters, but they don’t. Unlike Bards which are linked to Rogues.

  7. #41707
    Quote Originally Posted by Leowyld View Post
    My theory about the PTR being down until next week, it's a longshot (so I'm probably wrong)...

    For the Battle For Azeroth pre-order we get Allied Races playable in the first patch released after the expansion went on sale. For Shadowlands pre-order, we got Allied Race/Pandaren Death Knights playable in the first patch released after the expansion went on sale. I'd already been wondering, if we'd see some new feature previewed in that manner with the Dragonflight pre-orders. But, we weren't seeing anything pointing to a new feature like that in 9.2.5 data. I think they were holding it back for this upcoming build, whatever it is... microclasses, new Allied Races, who knows. Like I said, probably wrong here. But I'm still pretty hyped, anyway.
    Possible. Since both instances where leaked by blizzard updating the ptr early we can assume they want to avoid it this time by ignoring the ptr for a few days.

  8. #41708
    Quote Originally Posted by Leowyld View Post
    My theory about the PTR being down until next week, it's a longshot (so I'm probably wrong)...

    For the Battle For Azeroth pre-order we get Allied Races playable in the first patch released after the expansion went on sale. For Shadowlands pre-order, we got Allied Race/Pandaren Death Knights playable in the first patch released after the expansion went on sale. I'd already been wondering, if we'd see some new feature previewed in that manner with the Dragonflight pre-orders. But, we weren't seeing anything pointing to a new feature like that in 9.2.5 data. I think they were holding it back for this upcoming build, whatever it is... microclasses, new Allied Races, who knows. Like I said, probably wrong here. But I'm still pretty hyped, anyway.
    The Tirisfal thing is the most likely "new feature" thing on the PTR, as it is encrypted, just like Bolvar's throne was in BFA before the preorders were announced. So whatever the preorder bonus is it is probably tied to Calia and Tirisfal (so Dark Rangers and/or Darkfallen)

  9. #41709
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyrexia View Post
    People seem pretty confident that Blizz will release a race that wont appeal to masses, ok then.
    They released Mechagnomes and Kul'tirans.
    People are allowed to be doubtful.

  10. #41710
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyrexia View Post
    People seem pretty confident that Blizz will release a race that wont appeal to masses, ok then.
    There are no more sexy human-looking races left on Azeroth that aren't playable besides ARGUABLY Vrykul.

    What "mass appeal" race is there left to implement?

  11. #41711
    Quote Originally Posted by MrGMYT View Post
    I'm actually curious which Content Creators are going to get interviews this time around.
    Anybody but not the red ones

    - Toweliee
    - Asmongold
    - Taliesin&Evitel
    - SignOfKelani
    - SoulBreazy
    - Hazeln
    - Bellular
    - Max
    - Dratnos&Tettles
    - MrGM this is orange because i am not sure tbh

  12. #41712
    Reforged Gone Wrong The Stormbringer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    I know this isn't what you meant, but I'm imagining some sort of horrifying fusion of all three of them combined, or perhaps something more like Voltron where they're all stacked on top of each other, LOL

  13. #41713
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cocomen2 View Post
    This 1000 times.

    Cute happy go Pandas <<< Brutal fierce Pandas
    Well, they did follow Chen W3 design.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Schwert View Post
    They released Mechagnomes and Kul'tirans.
    People are allowed to be doubtful.
    Which means they will release w/e race the want.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  14. #41714
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyrexia View Post
    I don't think Blizz would take that chance, beast looking races are only wanted by a minority they'd want to appeal to the masses and bring people back.

    Not trying to sh*t on your parade but I cannot see them doing this seeing as how unpopular Pandas are.
    We actually agree on something. I think implementing that race would be a terrible idea.

  15. #41715
    If WoW races were based on mass appeal we would have XIV races. The only "sexy human" races we've gotten since TBC Blood Elves are Nightborne, Void Elf (reskin) and arguably Zandalari.

  16. #41716
    Quote Originally Posted by Snorlax View Post
    Honestly good. Of all the big name WoW content creators Preach is by far the most obnoxious.
    Idk I liked Forum Man pointing out the forums being full of people who don’t understand what happens in reality

    Kinda retarded he dumped his friend of 20 years because retarded mods got angry that he made his own community

  17. #41717
    Fresh dose of leaks:
    >9.2.5 will be released on May 10th, not all content has been uploaded to PTR (deliberately)
    >Shadowlands races are playable in 9.2.5, but instead of being unlockable to create, once you finish the Covenant campaign (OG, Korthia, and ZM) + get 80 Renown + Fully upgrade your sanctum you can go through a questline to have your character become your covenant race
    >Kyrian questline mentioned you going through all the trials of ascension, mentioned to have a racial ability that's basically a flying version of the running wild, they don't go into detail on the others
    >Mentioned to NOT need a preorder of Dragonflight
    >As for Dragonflight, from what I can tell that dude who leaked it back in Feb was legit, won't go over shit from that leak again, will just expand on it
    >Class skins available as soon as you preorder, which is mentioned to be "in the coming months", microclasses will be later but said to be before the expansion
    >Both have to be unlocked but work slightly differently
    >Microclasses are unlocked by any character and then you can make a character of said class
    >Different race/class combos apply, can't remember the entire list off the top of my head but I remember Wardens are available to Night Elves and Nightborne (not Blood Elves), Mag'har can be Necromancers (I think Trolls and Dwarves couldn't be them), all Elves could be Dark Rangers (and only Elves), Nightmare Druids available to Undead and Void Elves. I'm definitely forgetting some restrictions and some new options but you get the general idea
    >Microclasses work more like SL races, you do a questline to unlock them as an extra spec
    >Any class can unlock any microclass, but you just won't be able to share gear if you're a Mage with Dragon Knight, you do get a full set of gear upon completing the quest though that's relevant to your Microclass

  18. #41718
    Brewmaster Leowyld's Avatar
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    In regards to Pandaren, they can be fierce - especially in combat. And I just don't see being happy/joyful as this great transgression (especially when, in lore, they had to learn to focus on positive emotions over generations because of Sha). Yeah, I know, stepping outside the zone of jaded apathy makes you "cringe" or "extra" these days. I just don't adhere to that particular philosophy, myself.
    Cosmic greetings, all, I'm the Raccoonatic Commander!
    Leowyld of Emerald Dream-US

  19. #41719
    Quote Originally Posted by Deventh View Post
    Fresh dose of leaks:
    Having your character turn into a SL race is not a bad idea, but I really really doubt they will ever be playable. People will just tantrum about seeing SL anything moving forward because they are traumatized by the expac.

    Also LOL at Nightmare Druids for Undead and Void Elves, bullshit.

  20. #41720
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leowyld View Post
    In regards to Pandaren, they can be fierce - especially in combat. And I just don't see being happy/joyful as this great transgression (especially when, in lore, they had to learn to focus on positive emotions over generations because of Sha). Yeah, I know, stepping outside the zone of jaded apathy makes you "cringe" or "extra" these days. I just don't adhere to that particular philosophy, myself.
    That's all true. People conveniently keep forgetting that Shado Pan is a thing. But on the other hand they occasionally overdid that jovial approach with pandas obsession over food and drink (on launch 1 dungeons and 3 scenarios were about booze, for example).
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

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