If the clue is an anagram of shifted letters, the word has to be six letters long *and* have two of the same letter. Evoker does fit this, but the only shift that results in E's being the double letters gives the letters I G O E C E. And that's clearly not Evoker.
Cosmic greetings, all, I'm the Raccoonatic Commander!
Leowyld of Emerald Dream-US
Well it inspires discussion and can be defended as more of a hype generator than a genuine leak. If confronted by higher ups. Don't forget that they didn't technically confirm anything.
As for this puzzle. Apart from being an anagram, obviously, the code is kinda like a chant or a mantra. What the orc means is another question: Shamanistic race? Draenor native race? Core horde race? A lot of people would be pissed if ogres become neutral, but who knows?
If the redshirtguy gets involved again this will surely be solved on twitter rather quickly.
I'll eat my own right arm if the class is a dragon-themed CLOTHIE and not some big badass warrior type thing.
I last used it about 1-2 years ago but here's what issues I and other commentors on the addon's page had:
Buttons are too dark, cannot change size of anything, cannot move anything, there were some keybinding issues but I just can't remember what it was. It was unplayable in endgame content for sure. I sometimes used it when leveling alts, but there were still problems. Damn, I just can't remember. I was really sad that I had to give it up (and I gave it multiple tries over the years). Ah yeah also button frame was too thick and it took way too much space. Minimap was too dark too. Player buffs and enemy debuffs didn't always show up. It was hard to keep track of buffs on allies too. Also not enough button slots/action bars on the screen. But I am sure there was more.
They have been against all the problems addressed in the lawsuit since the day the info came out. They have never supported Blizzard about it and even now they continue to remind people about it? How could you possibly reach the conclusion that they are supporting Blizzard in regards to that? Is playing the game/making content for it considered supporting the game? Because while underpaid, those minority people working at Blizzard still get their sallaries from player subscriptions you know? Not buying the game doesn't hurt Blizzard, it hurts the devs more. You are biased and misinformed. And you need to correct that before blaming people.
So much this.... I know people want a ranged class and I'd love it if the Dragon-themed class has a ranged caster version too, but for the love of Titans, please have them wear goddamn plate or mail armor. 90% of mail armor in this game is literally made of dragon scales anyway And have some cool fcking dragonflight-inspired sets D: With horns, with glowing runes, with polished scales, with dragon wings, a single-side shoulder or glove in the shape of a dragon's head, or a dragon head helmet with horns omg.... or a shoulder. Just GIVE ME DRAGONS and metal!
I saw someone mention before that them being Mail would also make a lot of sense because Dragons are tied to the Elements in lore, so they could steal a lot of Shaman armor.
Assuming nothing of this is coincidental and every choice is deliberate.
-Anagram of six letters with 9 variations each row and 29 rows
-Blind orc
-Lightning strike
What if the race is related to Yogg-Saron somehow? This is whole puzzle is like the puzzle box of Yogg-Saron that responds with maddening whispers to your attempts to crack it.
The other possibility is a very nature focused tribal race.
Maybe both.
Looking at a list here of every possible letter shift, assuming all letters would shift equally, and nothing is jumping out as big anagram potential. But it's possible the race name would be a word we've never heard before, too. Problem is, most of the shifts either don't have enough vowels or have weird combinations of letters that wouldn't be used for a word normally. With an orc there, there is one possibility... the word could be something in orcish? (I really hope that's not it.)
Cosmic greetings, all, I'm the Raccoonatic Commander!
Leowyld of Emerald Dream-US