Well the original Loreth'Aran is in ruins. We got them. But others could have survived. After all these years they probably evolved to a new elven subrace.
Maybe they are this Mysterious Ace'Yak. or Aye 'Cak. Aka'Cey. I like that last one. Sounds like a tree. Though I would prefer it end in Cay. Cause I like tea. Ake'Cay. Eka'Cay. Aek'Cay, Ake'Cay, Eak'Cay or even Eka'Cay.
What if they do something similar to BFA and do two different (flying) island clusters: Loreth’Aran near Kalimdor and the Vrykul Islands near Lordaeron?
It would explain why the Vrykul seem to be clustered to the North East (note how if you connect Howling Fjord, Stormheim and the old Dragon Isles location you get a triangle) while all the Aran cities are in Kalimdor. It could also split the flights up so they arent too close together and give different races more appropriate stories: humans against vrykul and Nelves trying to regrow the tree (and maybe fighting Azshara and/or Drust?)
Elves tend to mutate very easily when near a source of magic for a prolonged amount of time.
With Drakonids being a thing, if we get to meet the people of Loreth'Aran they'll most likely be draconic in appearance.
Formerly known as Arafal
You guys came up with “Draak” and there’s 2 wolves in the picture. Wolves are “canids”. Clearly the race is “Draaknids”.
My very first suggestion for a new race for the upcoming expansion (before Dragonflight was even confirmed as a name) was a Drakonid-elf shapeshifting race. While that may happen, I feel like there's so many other races that have a priority but we did get Pandas so... anything is possible.
I think the Isles will be connected to the continents (you can fly to them, that might be what Living World is) but I don’t think they will all be next to each other. The aspect themes are so distinct that it would create a theme park feel if they are right next to each other.
How come everybody is entertaining this Scaleface guy?
I swear I'm not trying to be a stick in the mud, the thread has just grown incredibly fast recently, and I'm genuinely curious if we have reason to believe him.
I, for one, am looking forward to adventuring as a drakonoid evoker with my pocopoc-esque whelpling.