1. #42321
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dioporco View Post
    I would love to sit down with the dev team, so i can insult them, i mean telling them where they did wrong
    Well, aren't you just a ray of sunshine.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Ehm no, most of the bad things happened in the game was because the "old guard" under Afrasiabi didn't listen to feedback at all.

    - - - Updated - - -

    God that Legion announcement is so gringe in hindsight. The video for 9.2. was fine but just way too light on content. But I liked that they used lots of different people to showcase the new stuff!
    I thought the Legion announcement was fantastic. Way more than I expected for non BlizzCon announcement. I will be extatic to get that much again. I'm only expecting like 30 mins.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadochi View Post
    I had to do it:

    Omg you just reminded me of my I am my shitposts meme from the 8.0 hype thread haha.

  2. #42322
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Ehm no, most of the bad things happened in the game was because the "old guard" under Afrasiabi didn't listen to feedback at all.
    Is this sarcasm, cause the game was way better under the old guard

    And the new guard don't listen to feedback either

  3. #42323
    Stood in the Fire Dragon ANX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D4nnYb0Y View Post
    Why is Marlamin going to be gone?

    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    I think datamining can exist perfectly fine but also not being used to spoil major plot points, it just requires Blizzard to make less mistakes which is how most spoilers happen these days.

    Still here! As long as this thread doesn't turn into yet another place filled with toxicity towards singular devs/people I'll stick around, just without the usual datamining.
    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    While that particular reason is definitely a good indication of the community's toxicity, it isn't necessarily new. My reasons for getting out are based on my experience over the last ~13 years of doing this as well as a lot of self-reflection. While the increasingly negative attitude from the community towards singular devs as well as members of the community council (which I'm a part of) have sped up the timetable of me leaving, it's not by definition "the reason" as I've been planning on leaving since late 2020/early 2021.

    It's hard to put into words without going into too much detail on a personal level and off-topic, but I feel like it's better for me personally to quit datamining (and by extension the maintenance of various public tools). The full list of exact reasons/motives/context I'll likely never talk about publicly as a lot of it is very personal, but know I've been thinking about this for years at this point.
    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by cantrip View Post
    Blizzard is as incompetent in hiding their plot development as like they are in creating a fun game.

    And i absolutely have no problem in using their incompetence against them.
    I do think they've gotten considerably better in recent years when it comes to hiding things, but I still don't think it's cool to actually spoil full plot points. I'm mostly okay with meta-spoilers like "we're going back to Tirisfal and Calia is involved" or "they added revamped assets for x" and think that's cool and it generates hype, but "here's the full dialog Blizzard accidentally decrypted in 9.2.5 of what happens in less than a week" is just rude towards both players and devs. Sure, it's incompetent to decrypt that content early but I don't think it's an automatic excuse to release that. Same goes for decryption keys of major cinematics being found a long time before they're supposed to release. There's no good reason outside of "yay clicks/money" to post that kind of content early.

    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    Blizz definitely got upset at Wowhead for posting that cinematic from a while back way too early. Blizz only really cares about truly big plot points such as the one from next week. In this case Wowhead contacted Blizz beforehand and wouldn't have posted it (nor would MMOC have) unless it got traction elsewhere, which it sadly did on Twitter after someone else found it. Other than that, I agree that WoW news sites should be less in the business of posting spoilers, but alas, that is the business Blizzard has allowed to flourish.
    This is +/- the reason and some context, but as he said himself our Parrot will still be arround just not as a dataminer/Tool Developer, he will become a mortal just like us and enjoy some peacefull time
    Last edited by Dragon ANX; 2022-04-16 at 04:08 AM.

  4. #42324
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    Is this sarcasm, cause the game was way better under the old guard

    And the new guard don't listen to feedback either
    What is this old guard/new guard thing? They works as a team if it's shit then they are all shit. The "old guard:" has WoD and the "new guard" has SL. Why does it matter lol?

  5. #42325
    Thank you @Dragon ANX for consolidating those quotes and giving context. I wasn't aware of this and am sad to hear Shaggy Parrot is leaving.

  6. #42326
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wildmoon View Post
    What is this old guard/new guard thing? They works as a team if it's shit then they are all shit. The "old guard:" has WoD and the "new guard" has SL. Why does it matter lol?
    Thats why i asked if i was sarcasm, because it made no sense.

    For your answer of different guards, wow is a game who is running for years, the devs who started the franchise way back to the RTS are no longer in the game, now is the new people who see this as just a job.

    when things, in this case the game change hands, the game change as well, in different aspects the game changed, im not a fool to deny some aspects changed for the better, but majority, especially lore, that is what i persoanly care more, changed for the worse.

  7. #42327
    Quote Originally Posted by Wildmoon View Post
    What is this old guard/new guard thing? They works as a team if it's shit then they are all shit. The "old guard:" has WoD and the "new guard" has SL. Why does it matter lol?
    I've been playing the game since before release, and I personally miss the days of Ghostcrawler and Metzen. I am very tired of Ion's obsession with numbers and raid or die influence on design philosophy. Wow feels very souless to me any more. Just a bunch of math with pixels.

  8. #42328
    The biggest problem of SL that it shares with the worst WoW xpac of all time like WoD is that they messed up their production cycle badly. Far less content than what we have come to expect. I really hope they go back to the normal production cycle of Mop, Legion, BFA. This is the most important thing not some features and design.

  9. #42329
    Quote Originally Posted by Wildmoon View Post
    What is this old guard/new guard thing? They works as a team if it's shit then they are all shit. The "old guard:" has WoD and the "new guard" has SL. Why does it matter lol?
    Considering what the general development pipeline is, I think the new guard really only has 9.2 under their belt. Afrasiabi and them were def still around for Shadowlands.

  10. #42330
    Stood in the Fire Dragon ANX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D4nnYb0Y View Post
    Thank you @Dragon ANX for consolidating those quotes and giving context. I wasn't aware of this and am sad to hear Shaggy Parrot is leaving.
    Relax our Shaggy Parrot will stick with us as a normal mmo-c user.


  11. #42331
    Quote Originally Posted by Wildmoon View Post
    The biggest problem of SL that it shares with the worst WoW xpac of all time like WoD is that they messed up their production cycle badly. Far less content than what we have come to expect. I really hope they go back to the normal production cycle of Mop, Legion, BFA. This is the most important thing not some features and design.
    I wouldn't mind a slower content pipeline if the content they produced was actually fun to play and not just an obvious grab at MAUs.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Dragon ANX View Post
    Relax our Shaggy Parrot will stick with us as a normal mmo-c user.

    Oh sweet! Good to hear!

  12. #42332
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    Thats why i asked if i was sarcasm, because it made no sense.

    For your answer of different guards, wow is a game who is running for years, the devs who started the franchise way back to the RTS are no longer in the game, now is the new people who see this as just a job.

    when things, in this case the game change hands, the game change as well, in different aspects the game changed, im not a fool to deny some aspects changed for the better, but majority, especially lore, that is what i persoanly care more, changed for the worse.
    Where does the sentiment that the old guards did not see this as a job and the new guards do come from? Most of WoW devs are WoW players themselves. It's not the problem like at all. The problem is just that they made bad decisions.

  13. #42333
    Quote Originally Posted by Zharikov View Post
    Considering what the general development pipeline is, I think the new guard really only has 9.2 under their belt. Afrasiabi and them were def still around for Shadowlands.
    If 9.2 really is the first full work by the “new guard”, great job guys, the patch is honestly really good.

    More creation catalysts and ZMs and less Korthias are a-OK by me

  14. #42334
    I wouldn't mind a slower content pipeline if the content they produced was actually fun to play and not just an obvious grab at MAUs.
    More raids and dungeons are always good. It's what WoW excels at.

  15. #42335
    Quote Originally Posted by Wildmoon View Post
    Where does the sentiment that the old guards did not see this as a job and the new guards do come from? Most of WoW devs are WoW players themselves. It's not the problem like at all. The problem is just that they made bad decisions.
    Glasses, Rose-Tinted, 1 each.

  16. #42336
    Quote Originally Posted by Wildmoon View Post
    More raids and dungeons are always good. It's what WoW excels at.
    More of the same is not going to breathe life back into the game and bring players back.

    WoW needs better content for the majority of players not the minority.

    I know where this conversation will lead though so I'll leave it at that to avoid derailing the thread.

  17. #42337
    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    Glasses, Rose-Tinted, 1 each.
    Don't buy, I want a refund. When I put them on, the grass over here is clearly less green and it was never like that before.

  18. #42338
    Quote Originally Posted by D4nnYb0Y View Post
    More of the same is not going to breathe life back into the game and bring players back.

    WoW needs better content for the majority of players not the minority.

    I know where this conversation will lead though so I'll leave it at that to avoid derailing the thread.
    Not like I disagree. WoW has 3 pillars of endgame in raid,dungeon, and PvP. World content needs to be turned into the 4th pillar with similar attention. Still we need more raids and dungeons.

  19. #42339
    Quote Originally Posted by Snorlax View Post
    That is almost verbatim the same exact shit people said about GC when he was in charge.
    I dont even understand what you quoted is supposed to mean. Back in BC you did not raid then you got nowhere. We did raids and dungeons back then like we still do now as main content. Outside of that there were dailies which there still are. It's like they see that Ion was a serious raider and this automatically becomes a criticism. He made plenty of legit bad and stubborn decisions.
    Last edited by Wildmoon; 2022-04-16 at 04:42 AM.

  20. #42340
    Quote Originally Posted by Wildmoon View Post
    I dont even understand what you quoted is supposed to mean. Back in BC you did not raid then you got nowhere. We did raids and dungeons back then like we still do now as main content. Outside of that there were dailies which there still are. It's like they see that Ion was a serious raider and this automatically becomes a criticism. He made plenty of legit bad and stubborn decisions.

    I believe the first post was referred to as HOW we did raids.

    Basically it's "our way or highway" type of mentality atm. Mainly because of class design philosophy. Which can't change that much due to retarded m+ MDIs.

    Back then, you didn't have to think of every single bit of % in order to squeeze boss numbers as tightly as possible.

    Back then you could have 5-6 players dead and you could still kill raid boss easily.

    Now- you get 1 death, you have to reset the fight pretty much.

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