1. #42341
    Quote Originally Posted by Snorlax View Post
    That is almost verbatim the same exact shit people said about GC when he was in charge.
    That's not how I felt about GC back then. This is my opinion of course. I can't speak for other people.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Wildmoon View Post
    Not like I disagree. WoW has 3 pillars of endgame in raid,dungeon, and PvP. World content needs to be turned into the 4th pillar with similar attention. Still we need more raids and dungeons.
    Then we agree.

  2. #42342
    Quote Originally Posted by Palapop View Post
    I believe the first post was referred to as HOW we did raids.

    Basically it's "our way or highway" type of mentality atm. Mainly because of class design philosophy. Which can't change that much due to retarded m+ MDIs.

    Back then, you didn't have to think of every single bit of % in order to squeeze boss numbers as tightly as possible.

    Back then you could have 5-6 players dead and you could still kill raid boss easily.

    Now- you get 1 death, you have to reset the fight pretty much.
    There are various difficulty levels unlike back in the day. Also, the extreme optimization mentality is the mentality of modern gaming. It does not originate from the game. It's just how people approach any semi-competitive game now. Just look at how people approach Classic WoW now.

  3. #42343
    Quote Originally Posted by Wildmoon View Post
    There are various difficulty levels unlike back in the day. Also, the extreme optimization mentality is the mentality of modern gaming. It does not originate from the game. It's just how people approach any semi-competitive game now. Just look at how people approach Classic WoW now.
    LFR serves no purpose from a progression standpoint now and is mindlessly easy. The only time I enjoyed LFR was in MOP when the raids were tuned so at least 10 people had to execute the mechanics correctly or the raid would fail. I really enjoyed being one of those 10 people with my wife. Wiping on Durumu and Dark Shaman until we did it corrctly was fun. LFR has been terrible since WoD.

  4. #42344
    Quote Originally Posted by D4nnYb0Y View Post
    LFR serves no purpose from a progression standpoint now and is mindlessly easy. The only time I enjoyed LFR was in MOP when the raids were tuned so at least 10 people had to execute the mechanics correctly or the raid would fail. I really enjoyed being one of those 10 people with my wife. Wiping on Durumu and Dark Shaman until we did it corrctly was fun. LFR has been terrible since WoD.
    That's fair. It's a legit complaint that LFR is too easy. I suggest you move to normal though. It's pretty accessible.
    Last edited by Wildmoon; 2022-04-16 at 05:02 AM.

  5. #42345
    Bloodsail Admiral DrIvoRobotnik's Avatar
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    I don't know if it's been mentioned yet, but if that Dragonflight "leak" turns out to be true, with the introduction of micro-classes, I would be surprised if Blizzard didn't copy over the multi class system from FF14. Seems like a good way to convince people to play the new classes more easily, fix account-wide rep issues, and consolidating alts.

  6. #42346
    Quote Originally Posted by DrIvoRobotnik View Post
    I don't know if it's been mentioned yet, but if that Dragonflight "leak" turns out to be true, with the introduction of micro-classes, I would be surprised if Blizzard didn't copy over the multi class system from FF14. Seems like a good way to convince people to play the new classes more easily, fix account-wide rep issues, and consolidating alts.
    I'd dig that. It was super nice and refreshing to be able to pick up BOTH the new classes in Endwalker and level them up alongside my main classes without having to reroll a new character and do everything on them to make that new character equal to my main.

    If WoW allowed multiclassing I'd probably have 5 alts instead of 15 lol

  7. #42347
    Quote Originally Posted by Snorlax View Post
    Lmao no you dont. We have three people in my raid team that die almost instantly but we keep em around cause they're funny, they still have no issues clearing normal and always manage to get AotC done.

    I swear to god half of yall dont actually do any high end content because you think its stricter and tighter than it actually is. You've convinced yourselves that M+/Raiding is only for the best of the best and wont even try to dip your toes in to anything you think you might not clear on one try.

    Gotta love your hasty conclusions and cluelessness about progressions.

    Yep. We did wipe Jailer HC every single try someone would get MCed/knocked/nuked down before p3. Especially if its some important character.

    Whos Yall tho?

  8. #42348
    Quote Originally Posted by D4nnYb0Y View Post
    LFR serves no purpose from a progression standpoint now and is mindlessly easy. The only time I enjoyed LFR was in MOP when the raids were tuned so at least 10 people had to execute the mechanics correctly or the raid would fail. I really enjoyed being one of those 10 people with my wife. Wiping on Durumu and Dark Shaman until we did it corrctly was fun. LFR has been terrible since WoD.
    If season 4 goes well it would make sense to remove LFR, lower the difficulty of Normal & Heroic raid difficulty, for the full implementation of Mythic+ Raiding

  9. #42349
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    If season 4 goes well it would make sense to remove LFR, lower the difficulty of Normal & Heroic raid difficulty, for the full implementation of Mythic+ Raiding
    I highly doubt we will ever see the removal of LFR. We are more likely to see the removal of normal or even mythic before as people like the ability to just queue into lfr and wont touch higher difficulties because they cant queue. We see this even mega-dungeons where people refuse to do them til they introduce them to LFD where they are split in half.

  10. #42350
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    If season 4 goes well it would make sense to remove LFR, lower the difficulty of Normal & Heroic raid difficulty, for the full implementation of Mythic+ Raiding
    That's pretty close to how FF runs it I feel. No LFR, but normal uses their LFR tool and is somewhere between the difficulty of wow lfr and wow normal. That said it also just has one raid with multiple wings spread out, so...

  11. #42351
    Quote Originally Posted by ChronoSul View Post
    I highly doubt we will ever see the removal of LFR. We are more likely to see the removal of normal or even mythic before as people like the ability to just queue into lfr and wont touch higher difficulties because they cant queue. We see this even mega-dungeons where people refuse to do them til they introduce them to LFD where they are split in half.
    I'm saying if they're serious about Mythic plus raiding with affixes, they'll make normal & heroic raiding queueable, to keep everything consistent:

  12. #42352
    Field Marshal ahgsfds's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChronoSul View Post
    I highly doubt we will ever see the removal of LFR. We are more likely to see the removal of normal or even mythic before as people like the ability to just queue into lfr and wont touch higher difficulties because they cant queue. We see this even mega-dungeons where people refuse to do them til they introduce them to LFD where they are split in half.
    I'd go different way:
    - remove LFR
    - leave normal for casuals, with heroic being hardmode style from Ulduar. For those who didn't play back then it was activated by either pressing a big red button or doing certain mechanics. More fun
    - mythic for hardcore

    It would lower amount of content somehow, but at the same time it would make it more fun. Runing the same thing on 4 difficulties is just poo. That's my personal hope.

  13. #42353
    Quote Originally Posted by ChronoSul View Post
    I highly doubt we will ever see the removal of LFR. We are more likely to see the removal of normal or even mythic before as people like the ability to just queue into lfr and wont touch higher difficulties because they cant queue. We see this even mega-dungeons where people refuse to do them til they introduce them to LFD where they are split in half.
    Absolutely agree there. WoD was the closest they got to removing lfr I feel (in the sense they made the cosmetics and rewards so bad they wanted to discourage people from doing them,) and people hated it and they went back on that.

  14. #42354
    Quote Originally Posted by Zharikov View Post
    That's pretty close to how FF runs it I feel. No LFR, but normal uses their LFR tool and is somewhere between the difficulty of wow lfr and wow normal. That said it also just has one raid with multiple wings spread out, so...
    FF's normal raids are easier than WoW's LFR though, the only piece of 'casual' raiding content that is marginally difficult just happens to be the last boss of the first wing of Aglaia AR that came out with 6.1

  15. #42355
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    If season 4 goes well it would make sense to remove LFR, lower the difficulty of Normal & Heroic raid difficulty, for the full implementation of Mythic+ Raiding
    Make a proper "Story mode" instead of LFR and just let people queue for normal.

    Honestly on heroic and mythic my opinion is they are fine as they are and do not need "+". What we could get is something as simple as the ESO trifecta leaderboards; who can clear Mythic the fastest with no deaths.

  16. #42356

    Appears to be using the new "World" text, consistent with the Alexstrasza picture.
    Last edited by Hitei; 2022-04-16 at 06:51 AM.

  17. #42357
    Quote Originally Posted by feniela View Post
    I'd go different way:
    - remove LFR
    - leave normal for casuals, with heroic being hardmode style from Ulduar. For those who didn't play back then it was activated by either pressing a big red button or doing certain mechanics. More fun
    - mythic for hardcore

    It would lower amount of content somehow, but at the same time it would make it more fun. Runing the same thing on 4 difficulties is just poo. That's my personal hope.
    It wouldnt ever happen unless normal becomes queueable. While it does suck running the same raid on 4 difficulties in theory there are probably not a lot of people who do progress from lfr to mythic. Its 2 different audiences, I know personally that I only touched LFR for legendary patterns in shadowlands and before hand the last time i did was legion for tier.

  18. #42358
    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    If season 4 goes well it would make sense to remove LFR, lower the difficulty of Normal & Heroic raid difficulty, for the full implementation of Mythic+ Raiding
    If they remove LFR they need to make normal mode queue-able. That's like..the entire reason I do LFR

  19. #42359
    Quote Originally Posted by SniperCT View Post
    If they remove LFR they need to make normal mode queue-able. That's like..the entire reason I do LFR
    There will never be no queue-able raid mode, don't worry.

    And if they ever remove LFR, normal mode will get nerfed til it's like LFR. Imagine queueable normal mode in Dragonsoul difficulty. xD
    There is a reason why LFR is as easy as it is nowadays.
    Last edited by ExiHext; 2022-04-16 at 07:15 AM.

  20. #42360
    Quote Originally Posted by ExiHext View Post
    There will never be no queue-able raid mode, don't worry.
    I hope so. I think FF14 has proved you can have queue-able raids that are still somewhat challenging!

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