I look forward to a neutral Draconid playable race. But I hope, it would not be the only new playable race.
I look forward to a neutral Draconid playable race. But I hope, it would not be the only new playable race.
Some of them seems like they do, "fund detected fun nerfed" is something you see now and then, or, they ignoring feedback and only changing in the last patch, removing pvp vendors, removing flying, making loot harder so on so on.
They don't need do all of then, neither make then neutral
Yeah, all factions help then, but the same thing happened in Legion, didn't stop blizz from not introducing vrykul, krokul or gilgoblin and they didn't made then neutral.
Tyrande and kaelthas make the bridge for the shadowland races, with the cross-faction gameplay there is no reason for then to be neutral anymore.
There is no point in adding satyr when the covenant race is already there, ready with a more resonable excuse, as satyr are evil demonic elves corrupted, and i would be ok with something that just look like an elf but isn't rly.
The idea of they "joining the factions" is just like we "joined" then, they join us to help in the upcoming battles as a way of showing gratitute, plus, colecting anima, plus helping the mortal races means help against the void.
They are no less worse than the abominations we already have, and we already spend a lot of time walking in shadowlands, might well let then come here
Dunno what is happening but I keep reading on discord Twitter telegram that they leaked the trailer on YT
3 min and there are both Lorderon and Quelthas
@Scaleface ????
This Scaleface guy provided information for Legion that sort of ended up being correct
But in 2017 he wrote a post, that sounds like he just got the information from someone on Twitter
The MMO-Champion profile he links to is now gone, but you can see it here in this post.Originally Posted by Scaleface
www mmo-champion com/threads/2249901-Battle-for-Azeroth-Alpha-Beta-General-Discussion/page1290?p=47718543&viewfull=1#post47718543
So if he only regurgitated information here on MMO-Champion, that he got from some guy on Twitter, and he also intentionally trolled by his own admission at some point, as you can see some of his information like that on Argus is outright false, why should this guy have any credibility?
This Scaleface guy provided information for Legion that sort of ended up being correct
But in 2017 he wrote a post, that sounds like he just got the information from someone on Twitter
The MMO-Champion profile he links to is now gone, but you can see it here in this post.Originally Posted by Scaleface
www mmo-champion com/threads/2249901-Battle-for-Azeroth-Alpha-Beta-General-Discussion/page1290?p=47718543&viewfull=1#post47718543
So if he only regurgitated information here on MMO-Champion, that he got from some guy on Twitter, and he also intentionally trolled by his own admission at some point, as you can see some of his information like that on Argus is outright false, why should this guy have any credibility?
Didn't they say season 4 isn't happening? That should be enough of a clue that they're fake.
Three more days and we'll know!![]()