Hello there
I got mail which i cannot show you because my aunt who is working in blizzard send it to me yesterday i was in shock...
Im not selfish so i wanna to share it with you guys.
Lets started!
Expansion name:Wrath of the Garrosh
During events in 9.3 Garrosh cannot handle being dead any longer he needs to escape
But where he is?!
Yeah thats right Tel abim is where we gonna start its small but we wont stay there for long because we will go somewhere else to find where garrosh is and what he is doing.
We gonna have new continent named Dracaria its broken isles size and have mayan theme.
DH gonna have reworked started area and they will start with 30 lvl
Every race got DH
There is no covenant anymore we got something better without mindless grinding and its not an item but its in talent tab and its named "masteries" its something like old talents trees and by doing stuffs we gonna get points.
New arena
New pvp gear system No more Rng we will buy stuff again!
New bg Clash its something like ARAM in lol
New skills for every class
Modified talent trees
New profession:Carperter you will be able to craft chairs to make special furniture you will combine wood, nails etc to create a whole carpet which will gave buffs for party depending on what you combined with difrenet timber adds different stats
New Npc who gonna upgrade our gear by ilvls for new currency
Thats all i got but there is something more
10.1 Forgotten Dragonblight is the name of 1 update and we will go to northrend for something i dont know what might be that
Varian is back with his Merely a setback! he have more powers than before
there will be new raid and at least 3 fights with him and the last form is in space and there are stars and flying dragons and something more...