1. #42601
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    Found another leak on 4chan. Could this be the one?

    Hello there
    I got mail which i cannot show you because my aunt who is working in blizzard send it to me yesterday i was in shock...
    Im not selfish so i wanna to share it with you guys.
    Lets started!
    Expansion name:Wrath of the Garrosh
    During events in 9.3 Garrosh cannot handle being dead any longer he needs to escape
    But where he is?!
    Yeah thats right Tel abim is where we gonna start its small but we wont stay there for long because we will go somewhere else to find where garrosh is and what he is doing.
    We gonna have new continent named Dracaria its broken isles size and have mayan theme.
    DH gonna have reworked started area and they will start with 30 lvl
    Every race got DH
    There is no covenant anymore we got something better without mindless grinding and its not an item but its in talent tab and its named "masteries" its something like old talents trees and by doing stuffs we gonna get points.
    New arena
    New pvp gear system No more Rng we will buy stuff again!
    New bg Clash its something like ARAM in lol
    New skills for every class
    Modified talent trees
    New profession:Carperter you will be able to craft chairs to make special furniture you will combine wood, nails etc to create a whole carpet which will gave buffs for party depending on what you combined with difrenet timber adds different stats
    New Npc who gonna upgrade our gear by ilvls for new currency
    Thats all i got but there is something more
    10.1 Forgotten Dragonblight is the name of 1 update and we will go to northrend for something i dont know what might be that
    Varian is back with his Merely a setback! he have more powers than before
    there will be new raid and at least 3 fights with him and the last form is in space and there are stars and flying dragons and something more...
    Last edited by ercarp; 2022-04-16 at 04:11 PM.

  2. #42602
    Quote Originally Posted by Hypester View Post
    There is absolutely no proof I have on hand, but I don’t think many players actually swap roles on one character.

    A DPS may swap to another spec to try it out or if it’s the strongest at the moment but I have rarely ever met someone who will actually “go healer”/“go tank” even when demanded in raid
    I do for lfr but I also raid normal so according to forums I’m a terrible elitist

  3. #42603
    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    Found another leak on 4chan. Could this be the one?
    Go fudge yourself (I had a good chuckle tho)

  4. #42604
    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    Found another leak on 4chan. Could this be the one?
    This is it ladies and gentlemen wrap it up. I for one am glad Varian is back.

  5. #42605
    Quote Originally Posted by Leowyld View Post
    Healer specs are absolutely capable of questing. Not too long ago, I played my first ever priest (in 15+ years as a player). Took him to 50 through quests as Holy. It's definitely doable.
    Exactly this. I'm always like ????. I play resto druid since wotlk, never really played feral/bala/guardian and I'm still able to solo everything, hell it's even easier for me because I can solo aoe kill 10+ enemies while keeping myself on full health.

    OT: micro classes sound like a weird, but interesting idea, even more to me, because I never really change my specs.

  6. #42606
    Stood in the Fire Dragon ANX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    Arcane here, so same. And yeah, it's just a ratio of versatily vs class fantasy. For some players, the first one is more important, to me it's the second. Mage could become the worst dps in the whole bunch, I'd still play a mage!

    The other argument that i see arround is: "If two bard friends want to do dungeon, they cant because they are both healer locked, so that is a poor design".
    Sure thats true, but that is also true to my group of 4 friends that play mage, rogue, warlock and hunter, we also cant go to dungeons because we play 4 pure dps classes.
    See? the argument dont hold any real meaning even if we consider what we already have.
    Last edited by Dragon ANX; 2022-04-16 at 04:15 PM.

  7. #42607
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    Go fudge yourself (I had a good chuckle tho)
    It had to be done.

    Credit for the original goes to Hastis of course.

  8. #42608
    I fuckin knew that The Garrosh was in Tel’abim!

  9. #42609
    I play all healers and the only one that can't really quest well right now is Mistweaver... they really need a damage buff (that's why they're underrepresented in high end M+ too). Healer questing is especially good in 9.2 right now because you have Pocopoc blasting at your side. If they wanted to, they could give healer micro-classes a similar companion that only fights with you in outdoor content. But it's really not needed... healer soloing is fine.

  10. #42610
    Quote Originally Posted by Ferlion View Post
    Because that's a bunch.

    It's not something I'm overly proud of, but the person who leaked WoD got the information from me, who I got from someone else, etc, etc. They posted on the WoW forums, here and somewhere else, but the expansion, while correct was wildly different from what was in that leak.

    Like, it sounded completely different except for some common thematics.
    It’s not a lot
    They got
    Demon hunter
    Demon hunter races

    The things he got wrong were
    Intro cinematic
    Per patch event
    Illidan story
    Every zone
    Expansion story
    Paragon Leveling system
    World boss system
    Demon hunter specs and abilities
    No number squish

    If you call that a lot of correct things then I must have a connection to blizzard because when I was trolling I correctly guessed 8.2 raid, 8.2.5, 8.2.3, and just as many correct points for 9.0 like the level squish

  11. #42611
    "But Pure DPSers!" is just a dishonest argument.

    1) Having three DPS specs is not the same as having ONE DPS spec. Nor is having both a DPS and Tank spec the same as having one.

    Yes, you are "doing fine" as a mage. Do you know why? Because you have three specs, so when Arcane is trash you can just go fire and still be fine. When Assassination struggles at Mythic+ a rogue can go Outlaw.

    When your single DPS microclass is not good at Mythic+, congrats, your options are now to reroll to an entirely different class, or just be garbage at that entire gameplay area. When your single DPS microclass is on the low end of rankings, congrats, you are now struggling to get into any PuG.

    Not sure why you guys are acting like this hasn't already been a thing. There have been periods where things like Ret were considered bad, and ret players struggled to find a group--but at least had other options. There have been periods where feral was considered bad, and feral players absolutely struggled to find groups, but at least they had other options.

    Microclasses have no options. If you are struggling to find a group, that is just your existence. There's no changing role, there's no switching to a spec that's better suited to that activity or is putting out better damage. You are stuck being ostracized.

    2) Pure DPS classes only being able to DPS is not the same thing as a healer microclass being able to do nothing but heal. When you and your best friend Jimmy decide to roll a mage and warlock, you get to trade gear back and forth, and you have a slightly longer queue time from being DPS. When you and Jimmy decide to roll a Chronomancer and a Minstrel, congrats, you now literally can't queue for dungeons together, ever, because you are both healers and groups only have one healer, and even if you want to form your own group, you now need to convince 3 other people it's worth doing some janky 1 tank, 2 dps, 2 healer run. When you find a group for a thing and they are looking for a DPS, unlike every other class in the game you can't go "Oh I can ask if Jimmy wants to come" because Jimmy's spot is already being taken by you, he can't respec and come play with you, he is only a healer. This issue is even worse for a tank only

  12. #42612
    Quote Originally Posted by manypillars View Post
    Microclasses are a mess because being locked to a single role in a game where you to do a lot of solo overworld questing for the current expansion and all the end game content is grouped. It's already something of a mess when you choose pure DPS.
    Serious question, have you soloed out in the world as a healer or tank in the last decade? Non-DPS specs do not have issues clearing WQs or whatever.

  13. #42613
    The Lightbringer Izalla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hypester View Post
    Also this. Those classes may as well be single specs based on what people are arguing.
    I'm sure someone has already addressed this but I'm just catching up. Dps is like, the default. It is the thing people switch to when they want less headache in groups, the thing they pick when they want a quick and easy leveling experience. There are the most spots available for dps in any group setting and you will never be at odds with a friend because you both picked dps while questing together or queuing for a dungeon. There are tanks and healers who enjoy tanking and healing with their friends and guilds but have 0 interest in doing random content as anything but dps because it is too much responsibility for too little reward. Being only a dps is not anywhere near the level of being only a tank or only a healer. The amount of people who would avoid a single spec tank or healer is probably higher than the people who would actually main them. Why would Blizzard want to waste resources on that?

    And again, that is only one of the many arguments against microclasses remotely likely or viable.
    give up dat booty
    Quote Originally Posted by Pendra View Post
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  14. #42614
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    Microclasses have no options. If you are struggling to find a group, that is just your existence. There's no changing role, there's no switching to a spec that's better suited to that activity or is putting out better damage. You are stuck being ostracized.

    AKA you avoid toxic players? sounds great. Nobody wants to be grouped with people THAT stringent that the new class can't join. Anybody who makes you change specs isn't worth playing with.
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  15. #42615
    The Lightbringer Izalla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    "But Pure DPSers!" is just a dishonest argument.

    1) Having three DPS specs is not the same as having ONE DPS spec. Nor is having both a DPS and Tank spec the same as having one.

    Yes, you are "doing fine" as a mage. Do you know why? Because you have three specs, so when Arcane is trash you can just go fire and still be fine. When Assassination struggles at Mythic+ a rogue can go Outlaw.

    When your single DPS microclass is not good at Mythic+, congrats, your options are now to reroll to an entirely different class, or just be garbage at that entire gameplay area. When your single DPS microclass is on the low end of rankings, congrats, you are now struggling to get into any PuG.

    Not sure why you guys are acting like this hasn't already been a thing. There have been periods where things like Ret were considered bad, and ret players struggled to find a group--but at least had other options. There have been periods where feral was considered bad, and feral players absolutely struggled to find groups, but at least they had other options.

    Microclasses have no options. If you are struggling to find a group, that is just your existence. There's no changing role, there's no switching to a spec that's better suited to that activity or is putting out better damage. You are stuck being ostracized.

    2) Pure DPS classes only being able to DPS is not the same thing as a healer microclass being able to do nothing but heal. When you and your best friend Jimmy decide to roll a mage and warlock, you get to trade gear back and forth, and you have a slightly longer queue time from being DPS. When you and Jimmy decide to roll a Chronomancer and a Minstrel, congrats, you now literally can't queue for dungeons together, ever, because you are both healers and groups only have one healer, and even if you want to form your own group, you now need to convince 3 other people it's worth doing some janky 1 tank, 2 dps, 2 healer run. When you find a group for a thing and they are looking for a DPS, unlike every other class in the game you can't go "Oh I can ask if Jimmy wants to come" because Jimmy's spot is already being taken by you, he can't respec and come play with you, he is only a healer. This issue is even worse for a tank only
    Hitei beat me to it
    give up dat booty
    Quote Originally Posted by Pendra View Post
    For the matriarchy.

  16. #42616
    Quote Originally Posted by Archmage Xaxxas View Post
    AKA you avoid toxic players? sounds great. Nobody wants to be grouped with people THAT stringent that the new class can't join. Anybody who makes you change specs isn't worth playing with.
    Yeah, let me know how that works out for you when you spend hours getting declined from trying to join a M+ group because there's a pervasive community stigma towards your class and plenty of other options to pick from.

  17. #42617
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    Yeah, let me know how that works out for you when you spend hours getting declined from trying to join a M+ group because there's a pervasive community stigma towards your class and plenty of other options to pick from.
    You can't be kicked from the group if you're the party leader.

  18. #42618
    Quote Originally Posted by Nadiru View Post
    You can't be kicked from the group if you're the party leader.
    And people flock to the party of the dude with the crap spec all the time.

    I mean you might get a group eventually. But you will end up spending more time waiting to make a group than actually playing the game.

  19. #42619
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    Yeah, let me know how that works out for you when you spend hours getting declined from trying to join a M+ group because there's a pervasive community stigma towards your class and plenty of other options to pick from.
    Guess I'd just.. reconsider my goals? It's that easy.

    Any dungeons M+ offers are available in Normal or Heroic, eventually if not immediately. If I do all 8 of Shadowlands dungeons on Heroic, am I really getting NEW content if I up the difficulty? or am I just retreading where I've been.

    Letting "a pervasive community stigma" dictate your life and fun is about the worst thing you could do. Look at the last 2 years of IRL and see why.
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  20. #42620
    The Lightbringer Izalla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snorlax View Post
    Then they should just play a different class. If they dont want to tank or heal then they can roll a class that has that option. If I want to tank or heal I dont do it on my hunter so it's really no different from how pure dps are now.
    I mean, yeah, if you don't want to deal with such things you would obviously pick a different class. But why the heck would Blizzard want to devote a TON of resources (permanently) for something that lots of people will avoid and will otherwise cause issues for those who decide not to avoid it?
    give up dat booty
    Quote Originally Posted by Pendra View Post
    For the matriarchy.

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