WoW 10.0 Dragonflight
-High Elves are now a full Alliance race, AND they can be all classes.
-Void Elves are no longer playable and all existing player characters have been made High Elves.
-Blood Elves are no longer playable and all existing player characters have been transferred to the Alliance as High Elves.
-Vulpera are no longer playable.
-Story centers on Alleria and her quest to return Quel'thalas to its rightful home in the Alliance.
-To address faction balance issues, the Horde is no longer playable.
-Dwarves are no longer playable.
-Undercity will be renewed as the reborn kingdom of Lorderon.
-Undead are no longer playable.
-Vulpera players are banned. UwU
-The Mag'har have fled Azeroth because they'd prefer to take their chances with Yrel and the Lightbound than deal with the oncoming elf onslaught.
-The Sunwell explodes because Alleria didn't quite get the memo last time, leading to a light vs void patch wrapping up the final raid.