Scaleface, if you’re reading this, could you say what’s up with the HD human houses?
Scaleface, if you’re reading this, could you say what’s up with the HD human houses?
Multiple, unconnected means of progressing your character through questing in the world. For example, have some new storylines spread across the old world while updating the content around it purely visually and/or to show a passing of time. We could revisit the aftermath of various old storylines that didn't have full/good closure or have the possibility to be built upon, similar to what the new Blood Elf quest line in 9.2.5 is doing. What's up with the Exodar? Is the Vindicaar still chilling in orbit? Is Teldrassil always just going to be a smoldering husk? Are we forever "done" in places like Pandaria? Vashj'ir? Are refugees from Undercity/Teldrassil forever going to hang out in other capital cities (9.2.5 is implying no, so there might be some progress there) and I'm sure others, and especially Blizz writers, can think of similar things.
And outside of maybe setting up the next big bad, no main big bad so all the content feels equally important and maybe even equally unimportant. In recent history we've pretty much always been dealing with one major crisis while ignoring literally the rest of the World of Warcraft and I personally think that's a shame.
Tech wise, this could function similarly to Threads of Fate. If they want to do an overarching story line, they could do so for the intro and in between whatever the player decides to do and then as a finale. idk, just rambling, but I'd like something along the lines of that.
The way the cypher system is handled in ZM is actually a great template for open world progression, though it could do with less timegates. The fact you unlock more quests and higher gear (normal raid level!) just through open world stuff is nice.
The more you force people to wait in one spot, the more social they get. Look at Timeless Isle and the mammoth trains next to Huolon. The reason TI design is superior to ZM or Tanaan or anything in between was varied collectibles given by many rares that spawned all over a map so they could not all be accessed at fairly random timers. Meaning, you HAD to camp and you could not just get it done fast.
Will the Ren’dorei, true children of Quel’thalas and saviors of the Alliance, become Tinkers?
It is often said that great minds think alike, thank you for bringing this up, you restore my faith in this thread with this observation of yours.
Yes, it is likely that the Ren'dorei would be first in line to get Tinker class. For you see, the secrets of the Tinker art are known only by Gnomes (show me a dwarf piloting a mech...), and the Gnomes have a debt towards the Ren'dorei. For it was thanks to Alleria Windrunner that the Gnomish forces were able to take part in the Battle of Lordaeron and prove their worth. They will repay their debt by teaching Alleria's people the arts of the Tinker.