Looks fun!
What I Want: Lightbound and K'aresh (OR Lordaeron/Quel'thalas)
What I'll Get: Dragons & the Dragon Isles and maybe Lordaeron + Quel'thalas
New Races
What I Want: Both corrupted and uncorrupted arakkoa, and ethereals
What I'll Get: Drakonid or some 'half dragon' race like EQ2 has
New Class
What I Want: Hemomancer with a healer spec so I can be an edgy healer, or second place; Bard
What I'll Get: A 3-spec dragonsworn class
Endgame Loop
What I Want: Basically Legion
What I'll Get: Basically Shadowlands
New Features
What I Want: Some sort of long-term multiplayer survival island you can return to and resume surviving in. Another try at rogue-likes and at warfronts (except warfronts against lore enemies, not the other faction). A better version of Island Expeditions crossed with Argus invasion points. Zone invasions like in Legion but around the world. RPG-style advancement systems. Turn-based JRPG style mini-game dungeons (basically an evolved version of pet battles dungeons).
What I'll Get: Nothing that's really new probably.