1. #43801
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    It was sure bold. Was it best? Absolutely for a Forsaken fan. Humans got two entire zones changed to be Rambo references.
    It was great for the Horde races without qualification, though orcs and Forsaken were best served. Alliance got the short end after having a much more fleshed out Vanilla experience. But the idea of actually moving with the pieces you have and seeing where they'd go was something they've never done after. Even stories where each individual zone is a form of worldbuilding and advancement, Wrath and Mists most of all, are still spacially limited in a way Cataclysm wasn't.

    @Das Momo

    For a world revamp to be useful for gameplay it either needs to be an ever-green introduction to Warcraft as a setting to fill the gap from 10-50 to the max level 50-60 zones, or to be those max level zones.
    Dickmann's Law: As a discussion on the Lore forums becomes longer, the probability of the topic derailing to become about Sylvanas approaches 1.

    Tinkers will be the next Class confirmed.

  2. #43802
    Quote Originally Posted by Das Momo View Post
    If they ever tried a world revamp again, they should just make the revamp a level cap only phase and make it all the max level content, especially since Blizzard has all but abandoned leveling.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Nah one of them was CSI Miami.
    Westfall was CSI Miami. Redridge and Burning steppes were Rambo.

  3. #43803
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Das Momo View Post
    If they ever tried a world revamp again, they should just make the revamp a level cap only phase and make it all the max level content, especially since Blizzard has all but abandoned leveling.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Nah one of them was CSI Miami.
    The worst was Uldum. It could have been a mythology and lore rich zone, but it ended up being a blatant Indian Jones "homage".
    Made me distrust MoP. I fully expected us to suffer the presece of Luce Bree and Checkie Jan. Never have I been more glad to be wrong.

  4. #43804
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowlands-is-fake View Post
    So, which places should we be looking at if we want to discover any leaks today?

    In the past it was all about Trademark databases.

    But now it feels like there are a dozen ways.

    • People's resumés and social media.
    • Online store listings.
    • Website code and domains.
    • Published media like Press assets and YouTube.
    • Trademarks.
    • People just posting shit on forums.
    • Etc.

    I'm thinking there should be a few scheduled items planned to go live tomorrow, but which might happen today due to human error or technical glitches? For example something in the Blizzard store.
    Unless Blizzard did a troll (dick) move and planted the JS code on purpose, a trademark is pointless, we know the name is Dragonflight.

    The biggest thing that could happen today is, if they send some last minute info or media to third parties (gaming sites, newspapers, advertising companies) to prepare them for the announcement, someone could leak it somewhere: Twitter, Reddit, here... probably not 4chan.

  5. #43805
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    The worst was Uldum. It could have been a mythology and lore rich zone, but it ended up being a blatant Indian Jones "homage".
    Made me distrust MoP. I fully expected us to suffer the presece of Luce Bree and Checkie Jan. Never have I been more glad to be wrong.
    I still remember the Explorer's League and Reliquary fare being datamined for Uldum, ships and all. Then all of it got spaced and even the Ramkahen got less total quests than a turgid, unvoiced Indiana Jones riff. Ass from start to finish.
    Dickmann's Law: As a discussion on the Lore forums becomes longer, the probability of the topic derailing to become about Sylvanas approaches 1.

    Tinkers will be the next Class confirmed.

  6. #43806
    I am amused how the closer we get, our local tinker lord Teriz has quieted down again.

    Can't wait really to see the reveal tomorrow and be utterly dissapointed by the lack of:

    New Class
    New Race

    have 4 seperate zones with 2 hour long flightpaths again because "SL made that so much fun".

    Am I a pessimist? For sure, but to be fair, it can only get better from here on out. I loved the SL raids, the rest of the content? Please never again.

  7. #43807
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowlands-is-fake View Post
    For me, the most obvious approach would be to make KA and EK evergreen and dynamic. So in this expansion and forevermore, you will be able to return there and do relevant endgame world content.
    I felt this way in BFA when Blizzard kinda avoided giving gameplay context in old zones.

    I mean, many things happened outside of Kul'tiras/Zandalar but most of it was either barely touched or avoided completely, and I think this happened because Blizz is aware of how bad some zones of Kalimdor/Eastern Kingdoms look and are trying to prevent new players from seeing it.

    That's why I keep saying that WoW desperately needs a World Revamp because it's preventing Blizzard from using Azeroth as the main foundation of WoW, and I think it's really bad because expansions like Shadowlands don't even feel like WoW to me. I mean, wasn't it for a few recognizable characters here and there, I could pretty much say that I was playing another game that has nothing to do with Warcraft.

  8. #43808
    Quote Originally Posted by 8bithamster View Post
    I am amused how the closer we get, our local tinker lord Teriz has quieted down again.

    Can't wait really to see the reveal tomorrow and be utterly dissapointed by the lack of:

    New Class
    New Race

    have 4 seperate zones with 2 hour long flightpaths again because "SL made that so much fun".

    Am I a pessimist? For sure, but to be fair, it can only get better from here on out. I loved the SL raids, the rest of the content? Please never again.
    I don't have faith in Blizzard but I trust they don't think they can get away with two Shadowlands in a row.

  9. #43809
    Quote Originally Posted by Buliwyf the Omen View Post
    Who's hyped to be a fire spitting, wings flapping, polearm wielding mail clad Lizard as of tomorrow?
    i can honestly say that i will be rerolling to that class and may or may not already have multiple names reserved that may or may not contain references to xiaolin showdown

  10. #43810
    Quote Originally Posted by Super Dickmann View Post
    It was great for the Horde races without qualification, though orcs and Forsaken were best served. Alliance got the short end after having a much more fleshed out Vanilla experience. But the idea of actually moving with the pieces you have and seeing where they'd go was something they've never done after. Even stories where each individual zone is a form of worldbuilding and advancement, Wrath and Mists most of all, are still spacially limited in a way Cataclysm wasn't.
    There needs to be a person somewhere in the company that is forcing parity in racial storylines. Legion was by far the worst for me mostly because it had an insane number of opportunities to build every race. Your race and your class are your character identity and I think for most people they will respond best to story hooks that tie the best to those two, even more than their faction.

  11. #43811
    Warchief taishar68's Avatar
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    I’ll be curious to see what the main story will be about, but I have a suspicion it will involve Magni & Wrathion reaching out to Alexstrasza to help repair the damage inflicted on Azeroth by the Jailer.

    And I think the plot for the second patch will have Thrall reclaiming the warchief mantle, and Turalyon not liking it one bit, raising more tension in the all too fragile détente between the two factions.

    Lastly, I’m expecting the death, or complete retirement, of some of the major lore characters. I think it’s actually needed to move the story along a bit. Not saying they have to die, but it is Warcraft after all.
    "Can't you see this is the last act of a desperate man?"
    "We don't care if it's the first act of Henry the Fifth, we're leaving!"

  12. #43812
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Das Momo View Post
    I don't have faith in Blizzard but I trust they don't think they can get away with two Shadowlands in a row.
    I hope so, but most people also thought BfA was so bad that surely Shadowlands would be the redemption expac. I want it to be good, of course, I gain absolutely nothing from getting a third shitty expansion in a row. I want this game to feel like it's worth my time again. But yeah, cautiously optimistic until the reveal I guess.

  13. #43813
    Quote Originally Posted by Super Dickmann View Post
    I still remember the Explorer's League and Reliquary fare being datamined for Uldum, ships and all. Then all of it got spaced and even the Ramkahen got less total quests than a turgid, unvoiced Indiana Jones riff. Ass from start to finish.
    Honestly, BfA at least did some justice to Uldum. A far more interesting zone in the few quests presented there.

  14. #43814
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Das Momo View Post
    I don't have faith in Blizzard but I trust they don't think they can get away with two Shadowlands in a row.
    Same reason I am here. They are not so dumb as to not realize how bad of a situation they are in. They have to do something big, like in Legion.
    Do they know what the playerbase and/or the game really needs? I have my doubts. But they will sure as hell try. And that will be glorious. Besides it is 10.0 we are talking about. A huge fucking milestone.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Honestly, BfA at least did some justice to Uldum. A far more interesting zone in the few quests presented there.
    On a zone or continent level, BfA was pretty good actually. Beside not featuring Tyrande in the Nazjatar storyline for some reason. It was the main story that was all the bad kinds of ass.

  15. #43815
    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    I hope so, but most people also thought BfA was so bad that surely Shadowlands would be the redemption expac. I want it to be good, of course, I gain absolutely nothing from getting a third shitty expansion in a row. I want this game to feel like it's worth my time again. But yeah, cautiously optimistic until the reveal I guess.
    I don't know about for other people but BFA was better than Shadowlands for me. I didn't stick around for Shadowlands. There were at least a few BFA dungeons I liked, I like warfronts a lot more than Torghast, the story was a little more fun for me, the zones were more immersive to me and the allied races were more exciting than some new hair dos.

  16. #43816
    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    It was exciting to see the old zones in a new light but I feel like the novelty of it wore off pretty quickly and we were left with a destroyed Azeroth that was permanently on fire in many places...

    They also messed up big time by making every zone connected to Deathwing or the Twilight Cultists in some way. If they had designed each zone with self-contained storylines in mind instead of "OMG DEATHWING!", they wouldn't feel as dated as they do now.

    So when/if they do another revamp of the old zones, that's what I want to see. Self-contained storylines that don't constantly make references to the current expansion.
    Yeah, I also agree with this, and this is another reason why I think we need a revamp, to both fix the damage caused by the Cataclysm, and to make zones self-contained, allowing them to be used for many years in many expansions.

  17. #43817
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    Same reason I am here. They are not so dumb as to not realize how bad of a situation they are in. They have to do something big, like in Legion.
    Do they know what the playerbase and/or the game really needs? I have my doubts. But they will sure as hell try. And that will be glorious. Besides it is 10.0 we are talking about. A huge fucking milestone.

    - - - Updated - - -

    On a zone or continent level, BfA was pretty good actually. Beside not featuring Tyrande in the Nazjatar storyline for some reason. It was the main story that was all the bad kinds of ass.
    I'm here because I feel like with Blizzard there's an 80% chance they will miss the mark big and it'll be funny to see the reaction, and a 20% chance 10.0 will draw me back in with something cool to bring back more of the playerbase. Either way it'll be a fun Tuesday for me.

  18. #43818
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    There needs to be a person somewhere in the company that is forcing parity in racial storylines. Legion was by far the worst for me mostly because it had an insane number of opportunities to build every race. Your race and your class are your character identity and I think for most people they will respond best to story hooks that tie the best to those two, even more than their faction.
    I've beaten the dead horse that is Legion relegating the non-Forsaken elements of the Horde to the blood elves helping their purple mini-mes repeat the blood elf TBC storyline and Aethas sending you to assassinate a muffin-stealing otter enough already. But one of my main issues regarding class focus is that unlike race focus it's not agnostic. Not all who have the same class in the gameplay represent the same fantasy and it's why there was such a huge gulf in quality between the best order hall in the DKs and the worst one in the priests. A race-focused expansion is overdue.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    On a zone or continent level, BfA was pretty good actually. Beside not featuring Tyrande in the Nazjatar storyline for some reason. It was the main story that was all the bad kinds of ass.
    To add to the bible-length expose on the things BFA fucked up, Island Expeditions. You have all of these lore tidbits, new sub-groups of established races, explorable landmasses and then you relegate said landmasses to crappy instanced content and gut everything from the mogu resurgence to the new Mantid queen as throw-aways in a patch full of reused assets. And yes, Uldum was better in BFA than OG.
    Dickmann's Law: As a discussion on the Lore forums becomes longer, the probability of the topic derailing to become about Sylvanas approaches 1.

    Tinkers will be the next Class confirmed.

  19. #43819
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Das Momo View Post
    I'm here because I feel like with Blizzard there's an 80% chance they will miss the mark big and it'll be funny to see the reaction, and a 20% chance 10.0 will draw me back in with something cool to bring back more of the playerbase. Either way it'll be a fun Tuesday for me.
    Oh yeah, for sure. If the expansion turns out to be about Sylvanas or the First Ones or something equally stupid, it'll still be entertaining to watch the meltdown.

  20. #43820
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    Same reason I am here. They are not so dumb as to not realize how bad of a situation they are in. They have to do something big, like in Legion.
    Do they know what the playerbase and/or the game really needs? I have my doubts. But they will sure as hell try. And that will be glorious. Besides it is 10.0 we are talking about. A huge fucking milestone.
    I think it's also important for every team leader to enter the acquisition from MS with a success. While devs and writers are probably safe on the medium term, leaders are at best safe on the short term and they need the better negotiating position to not get the chop.

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