Yea, you are completely missing my point. As usual you refuse to admit you were wrong. Refuse show any humbleness and just want to claim you're right with everything.
Good luck with that!
Back on topic. My hope for new classes
Bard/minstrel (we have a few mobs and npc with this. But still not enough for a class sadly)
Some form of mail tank class, like shaman once looked it was going to be.
Something unique, something that just plays completely different than other classes.
Is this new or no?
-- snip --
EDIT: It wasn't.
Last edited by ercarp; 2022-04-18 at 11:17 AM.
Last edited by ercarp; 2022-04-18 at 11:18 AM.
Formerly known as Arafal
U arnt wrong but if I remember right Scaleface did say they were basicly going to repeat what they did to demonology for demon hunters which wouldnt shock me if they decided to rework Arcane. Specially because is Evocation core to how Arcane currently works with pumping and dumping mana? It would be the equivalent of removing meta from Demo :/
- - - Updated - - -
U arnt wrong specially with the last year of sets which was basicly following 10 characters through classic wow. I would be really shocked if we didnt see those characters in 10.0 or in a patch
It's hard to take this Scaleface fellow seriously when he just drip feeds very general information. At this point he has "leaked" enough if any of it is true to somehow find the source if that's what he is worried of. So why not just come out with a full dossier if you really do know. Still not being able to describe the class/race in detail just feels like guesswork at this point.
Difference being that at least the intended fantasy surrounding Demo for most of its inception and DH are different. An alleged caster with two Arcane-based damage dealing specs named after an NPC name "class" that has always been a standard caster in every iteration is bizarre.
General information that contradicts itself, like saying he has only preview information in text form but is able to bullshit out visuals for the Dracthyr because that's easier to come up with than class mechanics.
All this "just wait til tomorrow" stuff doesn't matter because, again, even if it's true, it's literally so disjointed and broken in how it's delivered that it might as well not have been told at all. It's like being criticized not believing a leak of Mists when the leaker said "new dungeons but 3 people."
Last edited by Vakir; 2022-04-18 at 11:21 AM.
Reiterating events that occurred seven years ago is irrelevant to what we're discussing now. Demon Hunter fall in the exact same line as a potential Tinker class would, so their inclusion in 7.0 in no way changes the overall argument that WoW expansion classes came from WC3 in 2015, and now HotS in 2022.
Again, the calculus has changed.