Oooh! That is pretty suspicious. Thanks for that detail. If people keep pointing things out like this, I'll go ahead and try to compile a proper debunking post instead of just pointing out a few suspicious details. This is very perspicacious and I think it's a very good thing to notice. Also, the only area where the brown scales fade out is right where I think we'd have enough in the way of similarity to confirm it. So, the textures may be partially lifted, too! That also may explain why I keep seeing something familiar in the wing-spines! I and my interlocutor were also very concerned about the weird way in which the scales faded out and didn't fit, so it's 100% possible that's part of it.
on another note moonglade has not got the graphics texture upgrade every were else has been getting yet
do not annoy the dragon for you are small crunchy and good with sauce
Lilithvia Thread Directory| Go Utes!
By the way this is what that Dwarf says once you do her two quests.
Nothing to look at yet.
FFXIV - Maduin (Dynamis DC)
Real or not, Blizzard has made worse models in recent years.