My sister is pretty convinced that the brown scales are not, in fact, from the turtle—she says they're more square and even on the Drakthyr unevenly-shaped on the turtle. I personally think it's just the size and shape of the legs distorting them, though. I'm not sure if I'm artistically-perspicacious enough to comment on this one, though—my observations have all been on obvious technical oddities, whereas this is a little too design-centric for me, who is not too good at that sort of thing. It may be resolution, though. We may have to lift the turtle texture to be sure.
DRAGONMIRE BINGO2024 - 11.0 - The 10th Expansion - The 20th Anniversary of World of WarcraftFor Azeroth!
Gonna be honest, but I think some of these (particularly 5 and a little bit of 8) look like they're watermarks that were blurred out or someone attempted to draw over, like some sort of ID that would identify the person or company that received these images. Saw similar things from the Elden Ring leaks. As for the rest, I suspect some of the inconsistencies to be artifacting, or it could be a version of the model that was early in development. Particularly the not-nipples, it looks like the wings are just not fully aligned. I wouldn't say that's enough to debunk this when we don't know what stage of development these screenshots could be from.
Holy shit guys I found this leaked pic from a private discord
One thing that has me suspicious about the race is it's a lot of effort to put into a fake (the UI thing might be easy but the two race pictures surely took some time) JUST to put it out less than 24 hours before announcement where it'd be proven false.
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