Yup. This is the way it's supposed to be. It's information to be shared, not some silly attempt by someone to turn themselves into the main character for a few hours.
That's why I hope to God the Scaleface stuff isn't legitimate, not even getting into how bad the dragon looks. The last thing we need is for this nonsense to be what 2024 looks like for several months because people get some cute ideas and encouraged by it. Imagine this last season but "solve these 12 riddles to read my shitty fanfic."
Cosmic greetings, all, I'm the Raccoonatic Commander!
Leowyld of Emerald Dream-US
I really think this is going to be the undercover Order cosmic force expansion. It will start out in the Dragon Isles but lead into titan stuff, maybe even going to Elunaria in the last patch (and jumping off to a life expansion from there). Dragons and titans go hand in hand, it makes sense for a dragon expansion to feature titans, arcane, and Order. More like Legion, less like Shadowlands.
Let's go ahead and assume the mesh errors—the one on the legs and the one with the wings and the error with the wings. Why are the heads so much smaller than Blizzard heads usually are? Why are the wings inexplicably translucent? Why are they, a race that is a full race and not an allied race using preexisting animations?
The new talent tree pls be real. The new talent tree pls be real. The new talent tree pls be real. The new talent tree pls be real. The new talent tree pls be real.
hey guys I think I found the leak Le Conceptuel prefers over any other!
Lilithvia Thread Directory| Go Utes!
Lilithvia Thread Directory| Go Utes!
"soft" is another one of those things that is impossible to tell in a pixelated mess of a screenshot.
Also, no, it's really not that small.
All sorts of crazy shit happens in test builds of character creation screens. Weird clipping is not some miraculous thing. Also most of your "nine issues" are basically just "there's some weird artifacting here" which again, is impossible to differentiate from just shitty picture quality.