The legs and wings can easily just be polish problems. Like, pixel peeking at an extremely low quality, likely mid development screenshot isn't convincing. Alternatively, again, a shifting artstyle, which is not unusual for blizzard at all, come on. We went from the fields of elysium to high technology in a single expac, neither of which align with the other stylistically.
Uh.... Again. Asset reuse. But even then, we don't know if the final version of this race will have new animations or not. There's no way to tell from all of two screenshots. Your evidence is not convincing me.
Also that kobold fan art made me think about an idea I was thinking about last night; if the next batch of allied races (either in one expansion, which is entirely impractical and unrealistic, or through multiple expansions) were monsters from starting zones forming alliances with the opposite faction. IE;
Kobolds from Elwynn allying with the Horde.
Leper Gnomes from Dun Morogh allying with the Horde.
Satyrs the Kaldorei lands allying with the Horde.
Furbolg from Bloodmist allying with the Horde.
Quilboar from Durotar allying with the Alliance.
Harpies from Mulgore allying with the Alliance.
Forest Trolls from Quel'thalas allying with the Alliance.
Lightforged Scarlets from Lordaeron allying with the Alliance.
My main was slightly altered ... quenya I think? Appropriate for a night elf anyway and it's been a long while. My fury warrior I used old english ala Rohirrim, and a number of other alts used names I came up with in LOTRO...
Been thinking of renaming my priest to one that basically means moon-crowned in Sindarin. appropriate for a nelf priestess!
For all the "I don't care if anyone finds out" or "I don't care if you believe me" in so many of those kinds of posts, there is an awful lot of defending and explaining. You would think someone who didn't actually make the things in question would have no reason to take it personally enough to bother arguing about the validity
This is the original TBC leak.
I couldn't find anything about WotLK's leak with any images though wowpedia is usually pretty good at recording that (here's the original talk page with various 'leaks'). Though now that we have 2 pics of the talent tree I'll at least believe that one a bit more now or someone is putting a lot of effort into it.
Last edited by leviathonlx; 2022-04-19 at 03:52 AM.
That's a texture, not the base of a mesh clipping through the body. That's also not reusing animations from a preexisting race for a new baseline race. I also at no point suggested any artifacting as an issue. I pointed out several issues that are either structural or functional in the model itself that can't be easily explained away.
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