If Alex is covered up and NO booty or butt enhancements are given to us as compensation, we riot. DONT YOU TRY US BLIZZ
I might be misremembering, but weren't the Kul Tirans supposed to be an actual (non-Allied) race at first, before Blizzard decided to implement the Allied Race system? If so, it would explain the unique rig. After the Kul Tirans, all other Allied Races use a pre-existing rig.
yeah some parts of that drakonid model thing obviously look reused
the chest reminds me of naga chests and the feet of worgen feet, but also i don't see blizzard as being beyond reusing those parts to create a new model
Internal F&F Build.
- Level Cap is rising to 70.
- BFA and Shadowlands remain the "main" leveling track, BFA now goes to 30, Shadowlands to 60.
- Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor will be updated with uniform HD Graphics. No quest changes at this time.
- Blood Elf and Draenei starting areas are updated for flight, but remain apart of Outland's servers. Hyjal, Uldum and Twilight Highlands are also updated, but not Vash'jir and Deepholme.
- New Neutral Race, Drakenoids. Slightly redesigned to be shorter and more streamlined. Skin color options are determiend by your class. Have an optional "mortal form" you can customize. Options are Human, Blood Elf, Zandalari and Night Elf.
- Instead of a new class existing classes are undergoing a major revamp. Specialization & Talents has been completely reworked into a customization system that combines the best parts of Specs, Talents, Glyphs, and Legendaries.
- Both your Class and your Spec have Talent Trees now. These trees are used to unlock new abilities and modify your existing abilities.
- Specs are now chosen at level 5 instead of 10.
- Class Talent Points are earned every odd level starting from 3. Spec Talent Points are earned every even level starting from 6.
- Talents have ranks again, but you do not need to max out a talent in order to progress to the next one.
- The trees do not progress top to bottom, rather you will choose one of a few talents to start with and progress outward from there.
- New Continent: Dragon Isles, 5 zones, located between Lordaeron and Northrend.
- We must discover the true origins of the Dragonflights and help them restore their power.
- The Rampaging Scourge has a presence in the Green zone, picking up on Life and Death where Shadowlands left off.
- Vrykul have a presence across the isles, most importantly in the Red zone. They are trying to subjegate the remaining Dragons.
- Chromatus, Murozond, and Galakrond are also involved in the plot.
- A new group called the "Celestial Dragonflight" are a major part of the plot. They are a prelude to Zovaal's warning.
- Dragonsworn is the new Covenant-like mechanic. No AP or Renown system, the Dragonflight Campaign is what locks everything.
- Dragonflight Traits are the new Endgame Power. Gear will have a chance to drop as Dragon-Blessed, with a bonus Dragonflight Trait on it.
- Each Flight has 5 possible Traits it can roll on gear. The rolled trait is the same relative trait all players, so if you see Green Trait 5 your party members will see their Flight's 5th trait.
- Players will only be able to equip only 2 Dragon-Blessed pieces.
I really want those new talent trees.. This day will be very long.