They couldn't make a badass looking dragon race, could they?
They just had to cater to the scalies / furry community?
Wtf is wrong with this company
They couldn't make a badass looking dragon race, could they?
They just had to cater to the scalies / furry community?
Wtf is wrong with this company
Anyone wondering where /wowg/ is, go to 4chan's /vg section and search for warcraft, you'll see it.
Yeah that looks like a humanoid winged gecko. Not like a dragon. I raise the spine of doubt. Go back to Argonia
To build hype I recommend everyone to watch this
As for the race, I rather like it. At least on first glance. Animations will make or break it, as will clothes.
I think that unless they paid major attention to clipping, it'll suck though.
If I didn't know any better I'd think I just woke up from a coma in 2011 at the MoP announcement by how much everyone is claiming to be the arbiter of what races do and don't "belong" in Warcraft.
When will you learn?
You are right. So they must have realized letting people customize their characters instead of going in with a basic loadout was much more in line with RPG thematics.
Because that is, essentially, what the current talents are. "Loadouts". Every Druid is the same. Every Warrior is the same. Every everything is the same.
It did back then and it will now. The average player will be at a disadvantage if they don't know what to pick and what not to pick. There is no guarantee it will be balanced close enough because Blizzard struggled back then and ultimately lowered choice to make balance easier. There were talent choices that gave less performance then others. That isn't a scaling issue but a choice actively working against the characters potential.
There were other issues then just talents in early games but with the knowledge you seem to have it is silly to ignore that not all talent choices were viable.
"Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."
There will "always" be better and worse options. If there weren't, they should jsut remove all talents. All gear. All everything.
Or, let people play how they want to play. And if it negatively impacts them to the point where they have to change, they can decide to change. Or not. Either way. Everyone wins.
The idea that everyone has to play "Like you", and ultimately that is exactly what this boils down to... That they are playing the game how they want to and not how you want them to (royal you, not you specificially) is just nonsense.