Folks also need to remember that
A) This is Blizzard
B) This is the female model
You may have your buff dragon man still.
Folks also need to remember that
A) This is Blizzard
B) This is the female model
You may have your buff dragon man still.
FFXIV - Maduin (Dynamis DC)
I will say this, this could actually be a winged Argonian plucked from an ESO sandbox private server.
Last edited by Nymrohd; 2022-04-19 at 07:04 AM.
We need reptile people in this game, if Blizzard doesn't want to bring us the Sethrak, let be it dragons!
People were really expecting a full ass dragon on all four ? lmao
Homophobia is so gay.
if the male models look like General Draven I'm fucking ready
If balance is close enough then there is no bad choice. It is amusing that you are now going to the extreme of remove all gear and talents from the game instead of simply acknowledging the problems of the old system that played out over multiple expansions.
Also I highly doubt as a raid leader you would take a person that is wearing no gear to your raid (or lets say 10 people because carrying 1 is easy). If you deny them then you are not following "let people play how they want" right?
"Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."
it doesn't seem like the Dragons can wear armour, and the armour you see on the red one might just be customisation options ...
? Who expected a dragon playable race on all four all the time?
People expected a more dragonic looking race that similar to what we have seen all these years playing, and not worgen rigged nightfallen without drug walmar dragon cosplayers. xD
Like others said it looks more argonian or lizzard like, and it would be cool to have a female that actually resembles a fierce dragon.
Now it would be worgen female 2.0, that was always memed the fuck out. :P
Again, an example that will never happen and is silly to speculate about. The old system had flaws. The new system has flaws. So they are trying a third system.
In both casese before, a change of talents and mindset came with a fundamental change in dungeon and raid design. It's silly to think it won't happen here.
More choices are better for the RPG aspects of the game that have all but been ignored.
Jesus, almost 2500 pages, you madmans did it. I don't even want to check what it contains.
So this second screenshot really makes the Drak'thyr or however you spell it race more likely to be true which would mean Scale is telling the truth. Would that mean that we may be getting a November 2022 expansion release after all? Shortest gap by a lot.