I wouldn't say anything with 100% certainty at this point since the opinions on this seem to change with each page. I've had to change my "credibility ratings" on the spreadsheet like 20 times for some of the more recent leaks because the general consensus here (and inside my head) is ping-ponging between "nah, obvious fake" and "hold on, I think it's real."
Here is an upscale version of the Drac'thyr screenshot
@Scaleface awfuly quiet you are on D-day. Do you have one more thing today, so we can have some fun speculating on it?
I will not reply to posts that are non-constructive or contain flaming and/or trolling.
Man this is just getting deeper and deeper and more confusing which is strangely making me more hyped.
@Corin where did you get that image?
It’s definitely a bunch of friends posting this together, but I don’t think that means it’s fake. Stuff like the name being Dracthyr and Evoker may be fake as fuck, but I’m pretty sure the pictures are legit.
Shadochis sources said the race was legit.