The crooked shitposter with no eyes is watching from the endless thread.
From the space that is everywhere and nowhere, the crooked shitposter feasts on memes.
He has no eyes to see, but he dreams of infinite memeing and trolling.
the zones look fantastic tbh, a bit disappointed at no world revamp though
OMG woke shores gank city LOL
They mentioned Gorlocs! I missed those guys.
The zones look cool, the prospect of the atmosphere of exploration we can gleam from the presentation seems inviting.
Remains to be seen how much is actually in this expansion given their headline features of a new class/race (nice), new form of flight (ok), deeper professions (depends on implementation) and overhauled UI (why is this a headline feature)
Can confirm!
Thank you for very interesting and challenging information!
hail @Scaleface our new prophet
They have finally added ducks.
Formerly known as Arafal
DUCKS /10char
Dracthyr is just the third Demon Hunter Spec we should have had 6 years ago.
I can't wait to play.... oh, nothing. Because they replaced Island Expeditions, Warfronts, covenants & torghast with... nothing. Cool. I think I'll skip this expansion.
Omg! We have ducks! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! They did it!