1. #51461
    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    They added an Allied Race, it's called Dracthyr. Certainly doesn't feel like a whole new race with all the reused assets...
    This is pure copium but maybe just maybe pre order bonus is darkfallen and more class/race combos..

  2. #51462
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ilir View Post
    Don't have the source at hand (it's on wowhead) but they did say that for now dragonriding is only in the dragon isle. Tho I don't see how hard it would be to implement it afterwards to the rest of the world.

    I'm still hyped that many hours after the reveal. I love the new class/race so much. The dragonriding customisation is really impressive and the website does say "millions of possibilities" so having my very own unique dragon is something really cool.

    Now they need to bring "chocobo races" with that system and it would be so so fun.

    I like the new zones, gives me that vanilla-cataclysm-LK vibe and I'm here for it.

    I am absolutely disappointed by the lack of pre-order tho.
    I think there's a lot of potential for different types of mount systems in the future.

    Underground zone or expansion with content on the walls and ceiling. Spider or bug mounts that can crawl up the zone and get to normally inaccessible content and areas.

    Underwater Dolphin and Seal mount with cool movement abilities.

    Maybe a zone where the gravity makes it too hard to fly, but you can train a new frog mount that can jump vast expanses. The frogs live in the zone so they have strong legs that allow them to jump vast distances.

    Maybe we get a large zone that's flat and has little hills or mountains. Train a horse or Zebra that can run super fast. 300-400% mount speed.

    Im sure there's more concepts like that. Super cool idea for future systems.

  3. #51463
    This dragon race. It looks wierd. I get it, it's too big for dungeons etc. but at least make them have an ability to turn into their dragon form as a racial flying mount, else it's not much of a feeling of being a dragon.

  4. #51464
    Immortal Shadochi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    - Blood Elf Male
    - Human Female
    - Dragon form looks to be based on an existing rig, but I can't quite place it on a specific one. It could be Incubus, Female DH Meta, Worgen, or something else. Either way, it certainly doesn't look fresh.
    Yeah forgot about humanoid forms. To me the rig looks like its DH meta with mods. But should they be spending time reinventing the wheel if they already have a base? Im hoping more muscular variants of Dracthyr (like that Reddit edit) come as well, but I am not opposed to them reusing especially rigs if the model is new and also has new animations.

    IMO the door is still open in the future to have Dracthyr be other races once they are assimilated to rest of Azeroth, otherwise they are running the issue of having it be another in-lore race/class limited in numbers
    #1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread

  5. #51465
    Quote Originally Posted by Chickat View Post

    Oh something else no one mentioned is that there are new furbolg models too. They didn't show them, but they said they are part of the creatures of the isles. One can assume they will get a new model too. What does that leave unupdated in the old world at this point?
    Only the other dragon related creatures (Draconids, Dragonspawn, Drakes, Whelps) so chances are we will have everything.
    The biggest issue will forever be the terrain though, not the creatures. Heck if they just could fix the trees in zones that have a canopy they'd have improved the old world by a massive amount

  6. #51466
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    Quote Originally Posted by horizon-nowhere View Post
    This is pure copium but maybe just maybe pre order bonus is darkfallen and more class/race combos..
    Well its already been confirmed that Dracthyr will be in prepatch.

    For darkfallen IMO they seem more like possible customization options

    - - - Updated - - -

    Also have we had an audio description for a cinematic before? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1rRyEY_gjE

    Now Illidan can enjoy the trailers.
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  7. #51467
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    I feel like the expansion announcement was that bare bones that there's nothing really to discuss?

    I actually think some systems are a good idea. Just not brand new ones. Give us back Essences from BfA at the very least? Essences were a decent addition during BfA.

    There's so many easy wins Blizz could have gone for here, i don't understand why they didn't go for some.

    Expanded character customisation

    Timewalking as a permanent and expanded feature

    Allied Races - we have so many options we could have easily!

    The Jailer's gauntlet version of Torghast themed around Bronze Dragons with iconic bosses from WoW's history.

    Return of Essences from BfA, which despite the negative feelings towards BfA, Essences were a great addition.

    Only four zones? Feels very underwhelming. Hopefully they're bigger than Shadowlands, BfA, Legion zones with a lot of world content.

    And what on earth is this Mythic+ season idea with only 4 current Dragonflight expansions for that season? That is terrible. Just give us all of them with permanent Timewalking on a 2 week rotation with those dungeons added to the mythic+ pool.

    We want MORE choice, not less. Variety is the spice of life.

    I hope all of this is reported to Blizzard on mass and they listen.

    This expansion has so much potential but if it stays on course like this it'll sink faster than Shadowlands.

    What even is there to do at max level aside from raids, mythic+, pvp and the new dragon riding? This feels like a return to WoD's raid or die.
    1. I agree that a new big feature is sorely missed, but we shall see.
    2. We don't know that there wont be more char customization. Thats not something you talk about in a 60 min announcement video.
    3. See 2.
    4. We may get 1 or more if Scaleface is right on all accounts. Too early to say. Im hopeful.
    5. That sounds cool too. Sad something like that isn't in.
    6. Eh I never liked Essences.
    7. They stated that the Dragon Isles is one of the biggest continents they have ever made. The 3 biggest are Northrend, Draenor and Outland. All the rest are close to Pandaria/Broken Isles size. We don't know for sure, but surely with that statement the zone is in the top 4. Draenor was the smallest of the top 3 and 14k pixels. Broken Isles and Pandaria were 9-10k pixels. I think its likely the 4 zones will be 11-13k pixels. If you don't know what I mean by pixels, there's an old continent size comparison map around somewhere, and they used pixels as the standard form of measurement.
    8. I agree its kind of weird. I think the first season should at least be all 8 dungeons first. Then they can do their plan for future seasons. I have a feeling timewalking will be expanded in the expansion due to the bronze dragon and infinite dragonflight both having significant presence, but its too soon. I remain hopeful.

  8. #51468
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    What in the world makes you think this is the case? It sounded much more like we get teh usual 8 dungeons, but only 4 will be available in the initial M+ phase, which are then rotated with the other 4 for the second. The remaining 4 for each season being an older dungeon from BfA, Legion, and probably WoD for variety.
    Well they still are older content. That's limiting. Could be great if they pull them from older expansions ofc but if they are just from Legion and BfA they just will not fill new just because of a new affix. Now if they start pulling more heavily out of WoD and MoP (anything older needs a graphic update to work) then it would work well I guess.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Chickat View Post
    Maybe a zone where the gravity makes it too hard to fly, but you can train a new frog mount that can jump vast expanses. The frogs live in the zone so they have strong legs that allow them to jump vast distances.
    Maybe giant grasshoppers!

  9. #51469
    Ignoring archaeology in an expansion about dragons and ancient watchers/titans/beings etc. is downright criminal.

  10. #51470
    Quote Originally Posted by MiiiMiii View Post
    This dragon race. It looks wierd. I get it, it's too big for dungeons etc. but at least make them have an ability to turn into their dragon form as a racial flying mount, else it's not much of a feeling of being a dragon.
    A drake is not too big for indoor content. Drakes are not particularly taller than player races.

  11. #51471
    Quote Originally Posted by horizon nowhere View Post
    This is pure copium but maybe just maybe pre order bonus is darkfallen and more class/race combos..
    And how does darkfallen fit into Dragonflight or Shadowlands?

  12. #51472
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    As an older player and a tank I am so very happy I will only have to learn 4 dungeons. I'll spend some time exploring the older dungeons they add on my own before launch so I can have the routes and pulls for those down on release.
    Imo M+ needs more variety for sure but also need a smaller pool of dungeon and multiple seasons. No reason a M+ season has to last as long as a raid season; they could have double the seasons for M+ and just rotate things more often.
    Yep I think that's the plan.

    New affixe every other season.

    Season 1a-4 new dungeons, 4 old ones. New Affix A.
    Season 1b-The other 4 new dungeons, 4 old ones same Affix A.
    Season 2a-The other 4 dungeons from 1a and 4 old ones with a brand new affixe, Affix B.

    Thats what I gathered from the idea. I do agree that they should have all 8 new dungeons for the first 3-6 months, and then in the 2nd tier start splitting them.

  13. #51473
    Quote Originally Posted by DevilDare View Post
    Ignoring archaeology in an expansion about dragons and ancient watchers/titans/beings etc. is downright criminal.
    We did not really get any detail on what actually is in the expansion. I doubt we'd have Reliquary and Explorer's League as the starting point for each faction and NOT have archeology.

  14. #51474
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    Why would they keep this a secret? To create another peak of interest? I just don’t see any reason to hide this from the huge expansion announcement when the announcement itself was very… lacking with features.

    Pretty sure one or two allied races would create way more interest than a new race-class that has been deemed ugly or unfinished (justified or not) by a huge part of the playerbase already.
    To create another peak of interest due to the allied races not being ready yet. Next PTR build will add them and they will be announced along with preoders. 9.2.5 releases a month or two later.

  15. #51475
    Quote Originally Posted by Chickat View Post
    Yep I think that's the plan.

    New affixe every other season.

    Season 1a-4 new dungeons, 4 old ones. New Affix A.
    Season 1b-The other 4 new dungeons, 4 old ones same Affix A.
    Season 2a-The other 4 dungeons from 1a and 4 old ones with a brand new affixe, Affix B.

    Thats what I gathered from the idea. I do agree that they should have all 8 new dungeons for the first 3-6 months, and then in the 2nd tier start splitting them.
    I kind of want the opposite. Introducing them four by four makes it so much easier to learn them. Only ever having four new dungeons in a season also means anyone who wants to jump in M+ has far less to learn since they can test the older dungeons solo.

    I also want a lot more megadungeons. I love megadungeons.

  16. #51476
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadochi View Post
    Honestly what I suspect is that if we don't get the Dracthyr starting zone as a zone available at max level is that they will just add it as a zone in 10.1, a patch slot which historically might or might not have a zone. We also might get to learn that some islands in the DI are still shrouded for whatever reason and they are later patch zones.

    But I am still unsure about DI max level content due to not having a specific max level zone, its not like its scrapped/delayed since they didn't mention it like WoD and tanaan jungle.

    As for M+ I hope they bring previous dragon theme dungeons as the other 4 dungeons per raid (Nexus and such) and not have it be just from recent expansions that had M+

    - - - Updated - - -

    Also to rewind a bit, so far it seems like none of the cash shop mounts or pets was borrowed from DF? I mean even the dragon pack wasn't hinting to DI since we also got the cat pack IMO.
    Oh shit that's true. I wonder if we barely scratched the surface of the new zones and those models will be in other unseen parts?

  17. #51477
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chickat View Post

    Oh something else no one mentioned is that there are new furbolg models too. They didn't show them, but they said they are part of the creatures of the isles. One can assume they will get a new model too. What does that leave unupdated in the old world at this point?
    Good question. I feel like we have everything. BfA had quillboar, yeti I think, Naga, and critters. We have plenty of new undead models from SL and demon models from Legion. Dragonflight will have gorlocks, furbolgs, gnolls and centaurs.

    Doing a revamps will be piss easy at this rate.

  18. #51478
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    We did not really get any detail on what actually is in the expansion. I doubt we'd have Reliquary and Explorer's League as the starting point for each faction and NOT have archeology.
    Well according to this interview: https://www.wowhead.com/news/dragonf...-mythic-326780

    Currently no plays for a return of Archaeology in Dragonflight, as the devs wants to focus on more core elements of professions for the expansion, like gathering and crafting. There might be something available for Archaeology eventually, but not on expansion release.

  19. #51479
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    Not having a dedicated endgame zone is such a huge misstep. We need something new and fresh when hitting max level. And that’s what endgame zones are for. It’s so dumb to delay this until 10.1 or even 10.2.

    BTW, I love that they revisit Uldaman. Such a cool dungeon.
    Well they said the gameplay at endgame will be different and more activity focuses in Dragonflight, whatever that means. Also the 4 main reps have additional story content at new reknown levels, so since you can do them all, that's way more end game than Shadowlands had at launch when you compare the 1 covenant plus the anemic launch Maw. Its too soon to tell, but its could be the best launch content ever if the 4 reps have anything close to covenant levels of unlocks and stories.

  20. #51480
    Quote Originally Posted by DevilDare View Post
    Oh. Well that's stupid.

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