1. #51881
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post

    Best interview so far, especially the bit about mount collecting and player housing.
    Glad she asked about player housing. I'm not a diehard fan of it, but I did think that would be the big feature that would 'complete' the expansion.

    Ion's answer isn't super satisfying. He says its a big feature and the work required would need it to span multiple expansions...... so why would they not start now? lol.

    She also asked why archaeology is being canned yet again, and he basically says all the resources are on the gathering/crafting professions. Not satisfied with that, considering they ignored it in Shadowlands, but whatever.

  2. #51882
    Quote Originally Posted by Izalla View Post
    Yeah the class isn't something that was on my wishlist and the race is whatever, but everything else is so promising to me and I can't wait to see more. I'm just cranky they didn't deep dive into stuff they should have known people would need then to elaborate on so as to not cause the shitstorm of "is that it? A UI upgrade is a feature? This expansion has no content!"
    I think they want to avoid committing to something that may not work out. That has worked out poorly in the past.

  3. #51883
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Compare an Orc or a Human to a Tauren or Draenei. That's what I'm talking about when I say "Bulky".
    Noo... you are just using an exageration

    you can be bulky without being obnoxiously large, you know there is a middle ground between that and ugly skinny right?

    ORcs and humans are bulky, period
    Only because of Druids.
    Yeah sure, can back up that statement?

    What is your definition of "normal"? If you're talking about the standard drakes Blizzard already said they couldn't do them.
    normal to humanoid dragons,a s we could see with drgonspawns and drakonids.

    no one wanted/expected they to do actual dragons besides you witht he Hots nonsense
    1. And you are?
    2. Sacrifices have to be made.

    I'm willing to make that sacrifice because I'm rolling a Dracthyr to play as a dragon. I don't really care what race my "Visage" is, and I'm perfectly fine with playing as an elf or a human if it means I get to be a playable dragon.
    Now tell me how and why the visage can't be any other race and you play with the Gecko?

    You are just using a fallacy

    This is WoW not other games.
    And yet, they are copying the anime draogn ladies form FF

  4. #51884
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post

    Best interview so far, especially the bit about mount collecting and player housing.
    Professions having talent trees, that's really interesting.

  5. #51885
    The Lightbringer Izalla's Avatar
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    Okay there are just way too many pages so I give up and I'm jumping to present.

    Anyone else immediately think of Howling Fjord when they mentioned sailing in on the ships past all the old dragon ruins? I got giddy. I still stay on the boat all the way to the dock unless I'm in a big hurry whenever I go to Howing Fjord.
    give up dat booty
    Quote Originally Posted by Pendra View Post
    For the matriarchy.

  6. #51886
    The Lightbringer Nightshade711's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post

    I think as ThunderBrush art director on Paladins on twitter said and made this (i know game is a meme for many here probably)

    But no replacing one to another, but like Option 1 and Option 2, would be still close to the idea that blizzard had but also providing more options.
    I love this.
    Would for sure like them to be options open to both males and females since blizzard wants to keep the dragon forms “gender neutral” from what it sounds.

    The model they’ve shown in general definitely could use some harder angles.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Chen isn't a Monk
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Uh Demon Hunters literally had an ability called Spellbreaker.

  7. #51887
    Quote Originally Posted by Izalla View Post
    Okay there are just way too many pages so I give up and I'm jumping to present.

    Anyone else immediately think of Howling Fjord when they mentioned sailing in on the ships past all the old dragon ruins? I got giddy. I still stay on the boat all the way to the dock unless I'm in a big hurry whenever I go to Howing Fjord.
    They've also said one of the zones is very inspired on Grizzly Hills. With Tuskarr back as well, it definitely seems like they're going for the Northrend nostalgia (and will likely end up using all these assets for a future Northrend revamp).

    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    Ah yes, those 8 dungeons they showed zero footage of. I love when wow content is theoretical.
    Even if like 4 of those get scrapped/delayed for post-launch/next season, that's still more than any content patch that I remember, and that was just 1 of your points.

  8. #51888
    The Lightbringer Izalla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by huth View Post
    I think they want to avoid committing to something that may not work out. That has worked out poorly in the past.
    Yeah but even just saying "we are merging the covenant system into the regular reputations so all the cosmetics and long questlines are now part of that system and you can build your reputation the same way you used to but with the added bonus of the renown system and all the extra unlockable content that brought" would have assured people that stuff is still there and I can't see how they wouldn't be able to follow through on it when they already have fully developed both of those systems and just need to combine them
    give up dat booty
    Quote Originally Posted by Pendra View Post
    For the matriarchy.

  9. #51889
    Quote Originally Posted by Foreign Exchange Ztudent View Post
    Honestly I just can't grasp the idea that they went through telling the story about Visage Day and then.. They limit Visages to 2 races. It's just silly.
    I can only imagine there will be an Allied Race someday that can use the Drak'Thyr visage accessories on any race (of the same faction), cannot use the Drak'Thyr form, and can be any class except Evoker (and DK, and DH, and Monk)

  10. #51890
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wowrefugee View Post
    Glad she asked about player housing. I'm not a diehard fan of it, but I did think that would be the big feature that would 'complete' the expansion.

    Ion's answer isn't super satisfying. He says its a big feature and the work required would need it to span multiple expansions...... so why would they not start now? lol.

    She also asked why archaeology is being canned yet again, and he basically says all the resources are on the gathering/crafting professions. Not satisfied with that, considering they ignored it in Shadowlands, but whatever.
    To be fair he said the dream is still alive and they want to do it, just not for Dragonflight. They may be even working on it already with a side team. Anyways, it's great to know that they are aware of the demand!

  11. #51891
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    I welcome our Dragon overlords.
    #TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde


  12. #51892
    I think the biggest "?" right now are the preorder edition rewards.

    First time taking that long, or they wait for new big PTR build to add something there.

  13. #51893
    My guess is pre-orders will coincide with release of 9.2.5.

    What's the current expectation on when that patch will release? This month, next?

  14. #51894
    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post
    I think the biggest "?" right now are the preorder edition rewards.

    First time taking that long, or they wait for new big PTR build to add something there.
    Yeah, very curious at what is up with those.

  15. #51895
    Pit Lord boyzma's Avatar
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    Now I have a stupid question. With the dragon flying, if you're a dragon person, do you shift back to your human form or are you a dragon on a dragon( and if you have a dragon pet,) with a dragon?

  16. #51896
    Hmmm, at around the 15:38 mark of Hazelnutty's interview with Ion - he says that if your a Dracthyr riding your dragon, you'll be in visage form. So does that mean that the Dracthyr form can't ride mounts period without being in visage?

  17. #51897

  18. #51898
    Quote Originally Posted by Deadmines View Post
    Hmmm, at around the 15:38 mark of Hazelnutty's interview with Ion - he says that if your a Dracthyr riding your dragon, you'll be in visage form. So does that mean that the Dracthyr form can't ride mounts period without being in visage?
    Looks like it. Which means it’s very likely they will get a running wild flight mount.

  19. #51899
    Quote Originally Posted by wowrefugee View Post
    My guess is pre-orders will coincide with release of 9.2.5.

    What's the current expectation on when that patch will release? This month, next?
    I would bet the preorders coincide with the release date announcement of 9.2.5. Go over the cross realm stuff and drop whatever allied race being like, ‘Preorder now and go play the race when 9.2.5 releases!’

  20. #51900
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    Noo... you are just using an exageration

    you can be bulky without being obnoxiously large, you know there is a middle ground between that and ugly skinny right?
    You do know that Drakonoids are way bigger than Orcs and Humans right? Again, you're looking at Draenei/Tauren sized.

    ORcs and humans are bulky, period
    Not as bulky as Draenei or Tauren, and they wouldn't be as big and bulky as a Drakonoid.

    Yeah sure, can back up that statement?
    The majority of Tauren players are Druids. Further, Tauren were originally the only Horde race that could roll Druids from Vanilla to Cataclysm, giving them a built up population advantage over the other bulkies.

    normal to humanoid dragons,a s we could see with drgonspawns and drakonids.
    Both ugly af. Again, if you think players are going to fall over themselves to play big ugly races you are delusional. It would be a waste of development time and an expansion feature.

    no one wanted/expected they to do actual dragons besides you witht he Hots nonsense
    Blizzard counts as no one? They clearly wanted it too. Good move on their part, they probably just created the most popular future class in WoW.

    Now tell me how and why the visage can't be any other race and you play with the Gecko?
    We went over this; There's no point in using developer time and resources to give this option to every single race when 99% of the player base is just going to be an Elf or Human anyway.

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