1. #52081
    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    After watching some of the dev interviews and taking time to properly mull over everything, I think overall DF looks very promising. The talent tree rework and profession overhaul are things that will carry forward beyond 10.0, and this is basically the first time they've done anything like that since Legion when they added Mythic+.

    Speaking of which, retroactively applying Mythic+ to dungeons from past expansions also sounds fun (in a potentially chaotic way, but fun nonetheless) and I'm excited to see what they'll look like. Can you imagine something like Deadmines in M+? That would be awesome.

    However, I will continue to voice my displeasure with the Dracthyr model until Blizzard acknowledges the community feedback and agrees to do something about them. But aside from that, as far as the gameplay and setting are concerned, DF sounds much better than either BfA or SL.
    I'm worried about how the dragon-riding will work. I hear it may be like GWs (which I don't know anything about) so if anyone knows how that works it would be nice to know. I really don't want some sort of constant input flying as that would cause me problems.

    The UI is another issue. As long as the default stays as it is it will be fine but they do like to tinker with things.

    Can't see the Talents panning out as they expect though. Almost certainly a 'best' path will be set and it will just end up being a more complicated talent tree without the freedom of choice they want players to have. At least for high level stuff. Won't be an issue for open world. on saying that they could maybe allow for things like a ranged survival hunter to come back

  2. #52082
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    They will. They're all going to be options for the race.
    Based on what...?

    Like, that would be lovely, but...this community does a great job of overexpecting and misunderstanding development pipelines all the damn time. Just look at the expectations for the last 3 expacs.

  3. #52083
    Immortal Shadochi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jodmos View Post
    I'm worried about how the dragon-riding will work. I hear it may be like GWs (which I don't know anything about) so if anyone knows how that works it would be nice to know. I really don't want some sort of constant input flying as that would cause me problems.

    The UI is another issue. As long as the deafult stays as its it will be fine but the do like to tinker with things.

    Can't see the Talents panning out as they expect though. Almost certainly a 'best' path will be set and it will just end up being a more complicated talent tree without the freedom of choice they want players to have. At least for high level stuff. Won't be an issue for open world. on saying that they could maybe allow for things like a ranged survival hunter to come back
    In every expansion there was a "best" path for talents, even in classic. For me the main part of this is the ability to have and freely switch between loadouts. There is really not a lot they could do for the best path. But this might add more utility to chose from
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  4. #52084
    Quote Originally Posted by JDBlou View Post
    Gosh I hope so. The mentality of limiting Evoker to Dracthyr and vice versa, means they should be pushing the envelope on customisations for them.
    I wish they'd open other class for dracthyr and say those just weren't equipped to be a full on evoker for whatever reason. Sorry Bob but your Midi-chlorians count is too low. You just can't evoke the dragon aspects. Here's a sword and shield. Go stand over there and hit things.

  5. #52085
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vakir View Post
    Based on what...?

    Like, that would be lovely, but...this community does a great job of overexpecting and misunderstanding development pipelines all the damn time. Just look at the expectations for the last 3 expacs.
    Blizzard stated plainly that customization was a big part of this race/class. They're not going to limit the dragon form's appearance to one body type and give them different heads.

  6. #52086
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadochi View Post
    In every expansion there was a "best" path for talents, even in classic. For me the main part of this is the ability to have and freely switch between loadouts. There is really not a lot they could do for the best path. But this might add more utility to chose from
    They did seem to suggest changing (I'm assuming outside of combat) would be pretty easy. no doubt with a cost though. So you could use one loadout for one boss and switch for the next.

  7. #52087
    They missed the easiest of open goals by not giving us the ability to pick our illusion form's race.
    It became clear that it wasn’t realistic to try to get the audience back to being more hardcore, as it had been in the past. -- Tom Chilton

  8. #52088
    Quote Originally Posted by Blayze View Post
    They missed the easiest of open goals by not giving us the ability to pick our illusion form's race.
    That seems to be about the only thing I've seen that everyone agrees on.

  9. #52089
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jodmos View Post
    They did seem to suggest changing (I'm assuming outside of combat) would be pretty easy. no doubt with a cost though. So you could use one loadout for one boss and switch for the next.
    You can presave a couple loadouts and then freely switch them from what I undestood (not sure for rested area)
    #1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread

  10. #52090
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Blizzard stated plainly that customization was a big part of this race/class. They're not going to limit the dragon form's appearance to one body type and give them different heads.
    They very well might. They talk up customization every time there's a feature where some amount of it exists. The entire presentation is very heavily curated PR. Blizzard being lazy and disappointing with a core feature happens all the damn time.

  11. #52091
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vakir View Post
    They very well might. They talk up customization every time there's a feature where some amount of it exists. The entire presentation is very heavily curated PR. Blizzard being lazy and disappointing with a core feature happens all the damn time.
    While that's a good point, Blizzard has a history of upgrading racial appearances from Alpha to release. Worgen during Cata's alpha/beta period being a prime example.

  12. #52092
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    Are we finally going to find out who is going to try to kill chromie? Or do we still need to wait for like level 112/113 for that?
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  13. #52093
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    While that's a good point, Blizzard has a history of upgrading racial appearances from Alpha to release. Worgen during Cata's alpha/beta period being a prime example.
    There's a difference between making modifications for one concept on a totally new rig and having a delineation of multiple body types on a partially recycled one. The company we're talking about was also very different and far more ambitious a good decade plus ago.

    I'm not shitting on anyone's birthday cake, I like the redesign ideas and want it to be good, but nobody should assume anything, everyone should be vigilant and uncompromising in feedback, and nobody should take high expectations as a granted or settle for low ones.

  14. #52094
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadochi View Post
    Are we finally going to find out who is going to try to kill chromie? Or do we still need to wait for like level 112/113 for that?
    You'll find that out in 15.0. See you back here in 12 years for that speculation thread.

  15. #52095
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheMizAwesome View Post
    I think there's no chance to new classes to be added for this new race.

    at most, there's like 1% chance that they will be able to wear armor in dragon form or we get additional body type/model tweaked to at least have a difference.

    We have female and tauren pandas with boobs, don't try logic here.
    I think it would be fine even if all they could wear is legs, chest, and belts. Preferably also gloves and shoulders, but they have to at least let us wear SOMETHING.

  16. #52096
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vakir View Post
    There's a difference between making modifications for one concept on a totally new rig and having a delineation of multiple body types on a partially recycled one. The company we're talking about was also very different and far more ambitious a good decade plus ago.
    It's on the Incubus rig actually, and that rig is new since both were built for it.

    And while there's difference in the two situations, Blizzard never said the Worgen's initial appearance was a problem, the community did, which prompted Blizzard to fix it. In this case, we have Blizzard themselves saying that their GOAL is to offer a lot of customizations for this new race/class, and you have the community already offering very simply fixes to their original design. Blizzard has never stated that the Drakthyr's appearance is done and no new alterations are being made.

    Don't forget, we're still in alpha.

    I'm not shitting on anyone's birthday cake, I like the redesign ideas and want it to be good, but nobody should assume anything, everyone should be vigilant and uncompromising in feedback, and nobody should take high expectations as a granted or settle for low ones.
    Where did I say people shouldn't be vigilant? Where did I say anyone should stop making Blizzard aware that they want more appearance options for the Drakthyr? I'm simply confident that changes will be made because both Blizzard and the fanbase are on the case.
    Last edited by Teriz; 2022-04-20 at 09:46 PM.

  17. #52097
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nibelheimy View Post
    I've mentioned in another thread. But I'm very confused why Danuser wrote this new short story explaining the importance and ceremony of dragons choosing a mortal humanoid form to not even use that in the expansion with a playable dragon race.

    I'm hoping that this is the plan and they're just saving some more details about all this to drip feed us over the coming months, but knowing how they like to contradict their own lore. They won't have the Dragonflights return to the dragon Isles and explain this ceremony to the dracthyr and write it that they undertake this ceremony to relate more to the returning dragonflight and the faction they're choosing.

    It really does boggle the mind, and it's really a shame because the new race + class. (mainly class) is uninteresting to me and I've been supportive of an aspect based race and class for a very long time. This has just missed the mark for me.

    Everything else from the expac however, looks good, can't wait to see more.
    To be fair the Drakthyr are locked in time. They probably only know about trolls, elves, and tauren. Speaking of wich they wouldn't know about belves, so it makes no sense for them to look like blood elves or humans at all.

    I changed my mind. If they can already look like a race that didn't even exist in their time they should be able to be any race.

  18. #52098
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    It's on the Incubus rig actually, and that rig is new since both were built for it.
    That's what I mean. Citation needed on the latter with them both being built for it, though. I don't care if the artist said she worked on it for "years."

    I think you're being a bit of a negative nancy here. Don't forget, we're still in alpha.
    That's what they said to me about Covenants. I fully intend to support the community at large being a cynical piece of work until they prove otherwise. I refuse to be Guy Pearce in fucking Memento.

    Where did I say people shouldn't be vigilant? Where did I say anyone should stop making Blizzard aware that they want more appearance options for the Drakthyr?
    You didn't have to, because you saaaaaid...

    They will. They're all going to be options for the race.
    That's a pretty strict statement with no room for ambiguity or doubt. It's also extremely silly and naive. I think what you meant was "It sure would be nice if we got these."

    Even when you get a variation of what you want, you are insufferable.

  19. #52099
    Quote Originally Posted by Chickat View Post
    To be fair the Drakthyr are locked in time. They probably only know about trolls, elves, and tauren. Speaking of wich they wouldn't know about belves, so it makes no sense for them to look like blood elves or humans at all.

    I changed my mind. If they can already look like a race that didn't even exist in their time they should be able to be any race.
    I am going to guess their backstory is dragon infused human/vrykul. They just happen to use the Belf and Human model because it's more "fair" than choosing either full Belf or full Human.
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  20. #52100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chickat View Post
    To be fair the Drakthyr are locked in time. They probably only know about trolls, elves, and tauren. Speaking of wich they wouldn't know about belves, so it makes no sense for them to look like blood elves or humans at all.

    I changed my mind. If they can already look like a race that didn't even exist in their time they should be able to be any race.
    They would know about the Pandaren, too, given they have a empire that spans like, a good chunk of southern Kalimdor. They would know about the Vrykuls and their situation with the Curse of Flesh.

    Really, it's no excuse.

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