1. #5241
    Quote Originally Posted by Haidaes View Post
    Unless they start selling us season passes instead there is no way they would drop the 50-60 bucks they make per expansion sale.
    Yes, but just consider how easy it would make it for the players that are looking for an excuse to say WoW is in maintenance mode. Just think of the extra engagement on the forums...
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  2. #5242
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    Yes, but just consider how easy it would make it for the players that are looking for an excuse to say WoW is in maintenance mode. Just think of the extra engagement on the forums...
    Tbh I think my outlook is even more cynical. Blizzard makes probably 15-40% of their WoW profit from expansion sales, as the subs plummet between those, and they know it. So pushing expansion packs is lazy and makes them the most money for the least amount of effort, because people want to check out the completely new stuff and effectively drop the equivalent amout of 4..6+1 months of sub at the minimum. If I had to guess I'd say the spike is probably still 3 if not 4 times higher than the average subscribed player level, meaning they probably make roughly somewhere between 1 to 2.5 years woth of subs just during the inital sale; for an expansion that usually lasts about 2 years. They'd be utterly mad to drop B2P if my estimate is even just vaguely in the correct ballpark.
    You are welcome, Metzen. I hope you won't fuck up my underground expansion idea.

  3. #5243
    Quote Originally Posted by Haidaes View Post
    Tbh I think my outlook is even more cynical. Blizzard makes probably 15-40% of their WoW profit from expansion sales, as the subs plummet between those, and they know it. So pushing expansion packs is lazy and makes them the most money for the least amount of effort, because people want to check out the completely new stuff and effectively drop the equivalent amout of 4..6+1 months of sub at the minimum. If I had to guess I'd say the spike is probably still 3 if not 4 times higher than the average subscribed player level, meaning they probably make roughly somewhere between 1 to 2.5 years woth of subs just during the inital sale; for an expansion that usually lasts about 2 years. They'd be utterly mad to drop B2P if my estimate is even just vaguely in the correct ballpark.
    I wouldn't say lazy. Pretty much any given expansion launch has only slightly less content than the remainder of the patches combined. And if we go solely by time between content spikes then the content to time ratio is significantly better for launches.
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  4. #5244
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haidaes View Post
    Except for them having literally no reason to leave the shadowlands yet and join the mortals and their pathetic squabbles. The allied races joined because it was usefull to them, so unless we blow up the shadowlands in the next patch (would probably be for the best), I simply see no logical explanation why people that usually can't even interact with us should be joining us collecting bear arses to fuel our race wars.

    Edit: Though we aleady discussed this stuff to death last year/earlier this year
    This is literally a non issue, Blizz can come up with w/e excuse. Shadowland gets destroyed/Covs decide to repay mortals and help them/Covs decide the root of all problems is on Azeroth and want to prevent them/Jailer was after Azeroth soul, so Covs decide to send some of them to defend it, or just some of them simply want to travel. We already had random NPC Kyrian chatter saying he wants to visit Azeroth. Absolutely ZERO issue in believably explaining Covs joining us. SL is, after all, a fresh lore, and can be bent easily.
    Last edited by Makabreska; 2021-08-11 at 06:24 PM.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  5. #5245
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    This is literally a non issue, Blizz can come up with w/e excuse. Shadowland gets destroyed/Covs decide to repay mortals and help them/Covs decide the root of all problems is on Azeroth and want to prevent them/Jailer was after Azeroth soul, so Covs decide to send some of them to defend it etc. We already had random NPC Kyrian chatter saying he wants to visit Azeroth. Absolutely ZERO issue in believably explaining Covs joining us. SL is, after all, a fresh lore, and can be bent easily.
    While it's true that Blizzard could pull just about anything out of their rectum, the reality is that class and race lore is one of the few areas where they are rather anal retentive (probably because it can be used to deflect work easily), usually to the effect of not having races and classes combinations that people want. For now it goes against what they have stated and done in the past. They didn't want a repeat of pandaren and they claimed allied races were a BfA feature IIRC. Adding races is one of these things that you simply can't take back and I wonder if Blizzard really wants the bizzarrer aspects of the shadowlands to remain forever in the conciousnes of the playerbase.

    That being said, I feel like having blue humans run around orgrimmar would be insanely funny.
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  6. #5246
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haidaes View Post
    While it's true that Blizzard could pull just about anything out of their rectum, the reality is that class and race lore is one of the few areas where they are rather anal retentive (probably because it can be used to deflect work easily), usually to the effect of not having races and classes combinations that people want. For now it goes against what they have stated and done in the past. They didn't want a repeat of pandaren and they claimed allied races were a BfA feature IIRC. Adding races is one of these things that you simply can't take back and I wonder if Blizzard really wants the bizzarrer aspects of the shadowlands to remain forever in the conciousnes of the playerbase.

    That being said, I feel like having blue humans run around orgrimmar would be insanely funny.
    You mean Pandaren being neutral? Easy soultion: Kyrian+NF for Alliance, Venth+Necro for Horde. They already sort of divided Azeroth dead NPC's like that. And these AR's would bring lots of players to the yard with their good looks and lore. BfA Ar's alr seemed very popular.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  7. #5247
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    You mean Pandaren being neutral? Easy soultion: Kyrian+NF for Alliance, Venth+Necro for Horde. They already sort of divided Azeroth dead NPC's like that. And these AR's would bring lots of players to the yard with their good looks and lore. BfA Ar's alr seemed very popular.
    I mean, sure, if we want to repeat the AR betrayals of late legion and mechagon again, okay. We will see, I won't hold my breath.
    You are welcome, Metzen. I hope you won't fuck up my underground expansion idea.

  8. #5248
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haidaes View Post
    I mean, sure, if we want to repeat the AR betrayals of late legion and mechagon again, okay. We will see, I won't hold my breath.
    Would be much less of a betrayal, since it wont be BfA with faction war emphasis.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  9. #5249
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    You mean Pandaren being neutral? Easy soultion: Kyrian+NF for Alliance, Venth+Necro for Horde. They already sort of divided Azeroth dead NPC's like that. And these AR's would bring lots of players to the yard with their good looks and lore. BfA Ar's alr seemed very popular.
    It makes even less sense for Covenant races to be bound by Azeroth factions than it made for allied races like Vulpera etc.

    Having a split of the four Covenants to fit two into each faction is just a horrible idea overall.

    Horde gets the super cool Venthyr and something skeleton like while Alliance once again gets the chop with recolored humans and derp looking Satyrs? No thanks.

    By the way, the only way to fix the lore massacre that Shadowlands is, is to completely destroy and get rid of the Shadowlands and the concept of afterlife in WoW altogether (as others suggested). If they do that, they can basically retcon 99% of the stuff from Shadowlands again as it was only a one expansion thing. I hope they’re doing this.
    MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again

  10. #5250
    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    Having a split of the four Covenants to fit two into each faction is just a horrible idea overall.
    Agreed. Either they be neutral, or not playable at all. Initially I was strongly against them becoming playable, but I could see Blizzard quickly try to add them to create much needed hype and excitement for the next patch.

  11. #5251

  12. #5252
    9.1.5 was just confirmed by the new Classic test build, fwiw.

  13. #5253
    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    9.1.5 was just confirmed by the new Classic test build, fwiw.
    What about it confirms it if you don't mind me asking?
    Quote Originally Posted by HighlordJohnstone View Post
    Alleria's whispers start climaxing

  14. #5254
    Quote Originally Posted by Pebrocks The Warlock View Post
    What about it confirms it if you don't mind me asking?
    They added a file that lists deprecations of interface features for 9.1.5.

    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
    -- These are functions that were deprecated in 9.1.5, and will be removed in the next expansion.
    -- Please upgrade to the updated APIs as soon as possible.

    if not IsPublicBuild() then

    -- Tooltips have moved to use the NineSlicePanel interface. Some old functionality remains (see SharedXML\SharedTooltipTemplates.lua)
    -- These functions are no longer meaningful
    TooltipBackdropTemplateMixin.OnBackdropLoaded = function() end;
    TooltipBackdropTemplateMixin.OnBackdropSizeChanged = function() end;
    TooltipBackdropTemplateMixin.GetEdgeSize = function() return 0 end;
    TooltipBackdropTemplateMixin.GetBackdropCoordValue = function() return 0 end;
    TooltipBackdropTemplateMixin.SetupTextureCoordinates = function() end;
    TooltipBackdropTemplateMixin.SetupPieceVisuals = function() end;
    TooltipBackdropTemplateMixin.HasBackdropInfo = function() return false end;
    TooltipBackdropTemplateMixin.GetBackdrop = function() return nil end;

    -- These functions will just apply the default backdrop and show the artwork
    TooltipBackdropTemplateMixin.ApplyBackdrop = function(self)
    local layout = NineSliceUtil.GetLayout("TooltipDefaultLayout");
    NineSliceUtil.ApplyLayout(self.NineSlice, layout);
    TooltipBackdropTemplateMixin.SetBackdrop = function(self)
    local layout = NineSliceUtil.GetLayout("TooltipDefaultLayout");
    NineSliceUtil.ApplyLayout(self.NineSlice, layout);

    -- This function will just hide the artwork
    TooltipBackdropTemplateMixin.ClearBackdrop = function(self)
    Usually these come with PTR builds, but they've been merging the interfaces/clients between Mainline/Vanilla/TBC so they gave us this file a bit early. Does mean 9.1.5 is likely on its way to PTR soon-ish, though. The usual news sites should pick up on it soon.

  15. #5255
    More content is always nice. Though I have to wonder what actual substance 9.1.5 could have in the Shadowlands. For some reason I feel like Blizzard is not going to have content have us return to Azeroth, at least not before the final patch, but if not then I suppose Brawlers guild is due any moment now.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  16. #5256
    Elemental Lord
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    So we will get 9.1.5, huh. Hopefully it's something beyond Legion timewalking and brawler's guild.

  17. #5257
    Unlikely but I'm hoping it's a Heritage Armor/Allied Race patch

  18. #5258
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    So we will get 9.1.5, huh. Hopefully it's something beyond Legion timewalking and brawler's guild.
    I am sure there will also be a brief quest where Sylvanas says something obvious regarding the next patch.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  19. #5259
    Certainly makes you curious what the scope of such a patch would be.

    I won't hold my breath for my previously suggested micro rip cord, I expect a bit more about sylvanas and some gameplay updates like brawler's guild I guess. Maybe some much needed alt friendly upgrades.
    You are welcome, Metzen. I hope you won't fuck up my underground expansion idea.

  20. #5260
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Black Rider View Post
    9.2 new zone I guess
    Was that ever in question?

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