1. #53341
    Quote Originally Posted by Slowpoke is a Gamer View Post
    I didn't mean Nozdormu. I mean Murozond.

    Go run End Time. We killed him there.

    Meaning we can't kill him in Dragonflight in a big fancy cutscene, he has to survive so we can kill him there.
    I don't think it works that way for Infinite Dragons.

    They can move about the timelines however they please. Nozdormu is still alive and will create Murozond eventually. Who will probably perceive how we killed the previous Murozond.

    The only way to kill him for sure is to kill Nozdormu and stop him from ever existing. Which is a concept I think the Deaths of Chromie was hinting at. The only way to really kill an Infinite Dragon is to kill their bronze self.

  2. #53342
    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    I don't think it works that way for Infinite Dragons.

    They can move about the timelines however they please. Nozdormu is still alive and will create Murozond eventually. Who will probably perceive how we killed the previous Murozond.

    The only way to kill him for sure is to kill Nozdormu and stop him from ever existing. Which is a concept I think the Deaths of Chromie was hinting at. The only way to really kill an Infinite Dragon is to kill their bronze self.
    Or trap the Infinite somehow.

  3. #53343
    Regarding Murozond, they could make it more tragic by having Nozdormu die in a raid while turning into, or shortly after turning into Murozond. The different timelines allow for that, as someone previously said, the End Times was just A timeline.

    And then someone else could take leadership of the Bronze. Probably Anachronos since he is the heir.

  4. #53344
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    In thinking about it, you know what is absolutely criminal Blizzard hasn't brought back?

    The game already supported them, had several appearances available, and they were tied to items.

    Just add a vendor back on a hunter trainer somewhere and we are golden.
    Yeah I kinda think a very minor alternate in advancement system could be quivers relics tomes etc. They be could just have slots for 2 or 3 special gems plus level up in item level with some kind of power. The gems would be like legion relics. Extra talents. Very simple. If they ever do borrowed power again. Lots of quiver ammo pouches appearances to collect etc.

  5. #53345
    The Unstoppable Force rhorle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDBlou View Post
    It's just a matter of time. The when or where isn't set.
    Right. We haven't seen when he turns into Murozond yet. Be we have seen where he is ultimately defeated. It takes some of the wind out of the sails a little because it is just a "set back" and not truly stopping him. It is the same case with anyone reused but we usually don't know they are for sure dead until they stop popping up. Think Garrosh being a pile of ashes means he likely can't show up every again.
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  6. #53346
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    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post

    Interesting. 2022 release after all, like Scaleface predicted?
    I doubt it. Not with season 4. I could see a feb release though. 6 months of season 3 and then 5 of season 4. Prepatch in Jan. Alpha in may. Long alpha for lots of time for feedback.

  7. #53347
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    Right. We haven't seen when he turns into Murozond yet. Be we have seen where he is ultimately defeated. It takes some of the wind out of the sails a little because it is just a "set back" and not truly stopping him. It is the same case with anyone reused but we usually don't know they are for sure dead until they stop popping up. Think Garrosh being a pile of ashes means he likely can't show up every again.
    I mean an end of raid boss would probably be a more epic fight with a big, bad time dragon more than a 5 man dungeon ever could.

  8. #53348
    Quote Originally Posted by Chickat View Post
    Yeah I kinda think a very minor alternate in advancement system could be quivers relics tomes etc. They be could just have slots for 2 or 3 special gems plus level up in item level with some kind of power. The gems would be like legion relics. Extra talents. Very simple. If they ever do borrowed power again. Lots of quiver ammo pouches appearances to collect etc.
    I honestly would like more equipment slots. Everyone could get back the ranged/relic slot and imo I'd love a third trinket slot (though nowadays it seems most trinkets are on use)

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Chickat View Post
    I doubt it. Not with season 4. I could see a feb release though. 6 months of season 3 and then 5 of season 4. Prepatch in Jan. Alpha in may. Long alpha for lots of time for feedback.
    I always hope for a longer pre-expac period. Gives us the new talent system for more than 2-3 weeks on live before the expac. Best test it can get.

  9. #53349
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luck4 View Post
    I don't think they'll release WOTLK Classic and Dragonflight in the same quarter. Still on Q1 2023 boat.
    I agree. I think we are just in for a really long alpha beta cycle. I could even see potentially the prepatch coming December with the expansion in February. That way people have plenty of time for evoker play.

  10. #53350
    Quote Originally Posted by Chickat View Post
    I agree. I think we are just in for a really long alpha beta cycle. I could even see potentially the prepatch coming December with the expansion in February. That way people have plenty of time for evoker play.
    Wasn't there a blurb that stated the prepatch was going to be two weeks long this time?

    Edit: found here https://www.wowhead.com/news/dragonf...-mythic-326780

    The Pre-Patch event is planned to last for 2 weeks, and will introduce players to Dragonflight. A level 60 revamp of the classic dungeon Uldaman is planned for the event.
    Dracthyr Evokers will be available to players during the pre-patch event.
    Last edited by ChairmanKaga; 2022-04-22 at 10:41 PM.

  11. #53351
    Quote Originally Posted by ChairmanKaga View Post
    Wasn't there a blurb that stated the prepatch was going to be two weeks long this time?
    Well that would be weird given we usually only know about prepatch length at the time the prepatch launch gets announced.

  12. #53352
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    We are like the aspects. We can do everything they can do (and perhaps more since the specs merge the powers of multiple dragonflights), we just don't look like four legged dragons.

    Once the final models are released and we get all of our customizations, things will be fine.
    I see evokers as little mini chromatus. We can do anything an aspect can do, just at like a tenth the power. They had lots of failures making a chromatus because they wanted 100% power of every aspect. Deathwing had some of the power of all the aspects and it almost tore his body apart.

    So I see us kinda like death knights are to the lich king. Same stuff just less powerful.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    I find it quite funny that people call the Dracthyr form an overglorified druid form, but then ask for the regular drake model.
    As if that wouldn't be an overglorified druid form.
    I see evokers and drakthyr as a demon hunter and not as a new race. If you think about them just being elves that turn into dragons and not a unique race it makes sense.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    Speaking of options, looks like they are thinking of making it so you can fight in visage form if you want.
    There great. They are listening to feedback quickly this time. They are probably gonna settle on a glyph or something that lets you stay in visage form unless you have to do an inately dragon ability.

    So your standard fireball spells will allow you to be in visage but when you click a dragon form spell it will automatically shift you in to use it and back out once it's done.

  13. #53353
    So apparently the sword in Silithus is just a glorified splinter as per the buffed.de interview

  14. #53354
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gifdwarf View Post
    If they make it so you can fight in visage form 99% of players will just be blood elves. If they are going to do this, then they have to expand customization for visage form to more races at the very least. This feels like Demon Hunters 2 instead of a new race.
    That's literally what it is though lol. They shouldn't have marketed it as a new race tbh.

  15. #53355
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Well that would be weird given we usually only know about prepatch length at the time the prepatch launch gets announced.
    It says the event will last two weeks. The prepatch could potentially be longer.

  16. #53356
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    I am more concerned they will use the ability to play entirely in visage form to skimp out on Dragon form customizations.
    What is the point afterall of ensuring that the dragon forms are more than a glorified druid form if it's only the tiniest of steps above the DH metamorphosis forms?

    The visage form honestly feels like it should have been a "fun" racial ability to turn into any race out of combat, not in any way a base form. You play a Dracthyr to be a dragon, not a belf with horns.
    I doubt it as this seems like a rather new development and thought process. They probably have most of the race done anyways.

  17. #53357
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    So apparently the sword in Silithus is just a glorified splinter as per the buffed.de interview
    At this point, that's what it should be. We can't remove it, but by itself, it ain't gonna do much.

  18. #53358
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChairmanKaga View Post
    Wasn't there a blurb that stated the prepatch was going to be two weeks long this time?

    Edit: found here https://www.wowhead.com/news/dragonf...-mythic-326780
    I don't really agree with this approach but blizz gonna blizz.

  19. #53359
    Oh so Uldaman IS getting a proper revamp? I thought it was just getting a new wing. Wonder if they will change anything about Ironaya and Archaedas. I had missed that interview Thanks for linking

  20. #53360
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Oh so Uldaman IS getting a proper revamp? I thought it was just getting a new wing. Wonder if they will change anything about Ironaya and Archaedas. I had missed that interview Thanks for linking
    The quote is 'explore previously unknown chambers of Uldaman' so may be something like UBRS/LBRS and just another version. I hope so as I don't like them removing old dungeons.

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