Apparently you can have hot pink Drac'thyr lol. Some peopl are going to get really upset over neon/brilliant colors. The new interview also mentioned hair being able to customize top and bottom colors. And they have access to a bunch of different face shapes so it doesn't even sound like the Visage form is human and blood elf but some unique race that just combines their features.
Direct link to full interview rather then the wowhead summary:
Last edited by rhorle; 2022-04-24 at 10:13 PM.
"Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."
Hot pink...ewww..... >.>
#TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde
Bigger than Northrend? OK that's crazy. Northrend was huge and most of it was not even used past leveling. Yeah hope Dragonriding is fast.
#TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde
"WP: Like Tuskarr! Walrus people!
TW: Yes! Probably the most important ones I think."
I must be quite the exception, because this is exactly the kind of expansion I wanted, and the new class is one of two concepts I was pining for. I was disappointed at first, but once I got more details on the Dracthyr and Evoker, I was more than satisfied.
I think a lot of folks were hoping for world revamp or a cosmic expansion instead of the “breather” expansion we ended up with.
Oh I love the larger size. But with the way WoW works now compared to back then, travel time is far more important with world quests. So if they are very spread, some speed will be very welcome. Plus with the changes in crafting I think I'll feel far more interested in gathering mats which will increase travel time even more.
It's been said in a handful of interviews that highly-upgraded and skillfully-played dragonriding is effectively faster than regular flying.
Another interesting tidbit from that interview that Wowhead didn't recap is that apparently there's a new team devoted specifically to making world content, which was previously handled solely by the quest team at large:
I thought it was worth pointing out. This along with the supposed scale of Dragon Isles is something I find very promising.Originally Posted by WellPlayed Interview
Honestly I think the reveal means nothing. MoP reveal felt so stupid to me. It's my favourite expansion. I was absolutely hyped for WoD. It's the expansion I played the least (though I will say, when I did play it, I enjoyed it. Just not enough to keep me subbed for long).
I am not particularly hyped for Dragonflight. I'll roll an evoker but I doubt it would become my main and not even sure it would be one of the alts I'd keep going to. The revamps to systems I actually find very interesting but we just did not get enough information; Legion was followed by a schedule of blogs and gave at least some examples of the changes in the original presentation. If they do start showing more in the next couple of weeks my hype may well go up ofc. I would expect Alpha about 6-7 weeks from now given the vendor built is available; that's the usual time and I am guessing it's not about marketing but rather about the technical issues because of the scale of the expansion, they need the time to make sure it doesn't fry anyone's graphic cards when the alpha launches.
The WoD reveal and garrisons felt like such a brilliant natural extension of the base building of the original RTS games. I distinctly remember being extremely excited. In my experience alot of people I had played with who bailed during Cata or MoP were also very excited. What a belly flop it ended up being.
Not to be a party pooper but there's no evidence supporting this and as cool as a few people think they are, (they're okay) I don't think they would sell pre-orders. Another thing is that the last time we got Pre-order Allied Races, they had nothing to do with the next expansion but instead the prior one. The pre-order will most likely be available once 9.2.5 is out and the AR in question is more likely to be related to the aftermath of Shadowlands. Probably something undead or related to it.
I think Tuskarr are more likely to be an AR during Dragonflight and hopefully, Gnolls with them.
On silken ebony wings the harbinger of death arrives.