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Nope, if anything is soulbound, the one who the item will be bound to will need to provide it. Otherwise why would they need the system, you could just make the items involved BoE. The point is to allow crafters to make things with other players' soulbound reagents for them.
Btw I do wonder what will happen to WoW Token prices with Diablo Immortal. It is after all part of Balance. The arbitrage margin for buying WoW gold illegally then using it to buy Tokens has usually been very high. I am not sure how many people use that for HS but we are having a new entry with a very different niche that can affect pricing. It probably will not be felt as strongly in US/EU as it will be in the Asian servers.
I mean when the supposed main feature of the expansion sucks... I guess people are allowed to complain. And even if it's an early state. Dracthyr Evoker looks terrible. Animations, effects, movement, spells... it's just the epitome of "meh".
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I think making them less "cute" and more fierce / intimidating would help a lot already.
MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again
no they did not say anything like that, they said the exact opposite. The item is bound to whoever the soulbound materials are from. There is absolutely no reason why they'd need an entirely new UI for what you are describing given that you are effectively describing a BoE item made with BoP materials which is something we have had before and needs no investment in UI. But hey, we'll see who is right when it goes up (I am).
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Is the main feature of the expansion the Evoker? I always thought the main feature of any expansion is . . .the expansion? You know the Dragon Isles continent? That's why I am buying the expac. The only time a feature really seemed impressive enough to feel even bigger than the actual content was MAYBE Legion with the artifact system/class halls (which by itself provided as much content as at least a couple of zones). If anything else would be considered a main feature it would be something that affects the largest number of players and that would be the full talent revamp on a level we have not had since MoP (though to be fair, Legion did effectively fully revamp almost every spec in the game).
Last edited by Nymrohd; 2022-05-03 at 06:52 AM.
Last edited by rhorle; 2022-05-03 at 07:02 AM.
"Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."
He does say "Some of them are soulbound. I can include those materials". So not "I can include some materials". Just after that they say they don't want people to just be buying items with gold. The entire point seems to be to effectively let them drop crafting reagents as additional loot that requires a social component and engages the crafting system.
I think people paying regularly for Hearthstone or Diablo:Immortal will just buy stuff directly from shop, whale won't waste time to farm gold in WoW. Beside one-time spikes, WoW token price rise when:
- people have no use of their gold (not everybody raids) and buy game time or shop mounts with it, just look how price was low during BfA when we had really good gold sink (brutosaur)
- people in less developed countries (it's not like 13 euro is a lot, but there are places when it's completely trivial amount and places it's not) paying with gold for gametime, recently war forced Blizzard to do good thing and introduced local currencies for Ukraine/Kazachstan/Georgia, but also Turkey for some reason, which gives me hope more currencies with more stable and affordable price will follow.
Whales if anything lower wow token price. And when we have good gold sink they desire, it cause deflation. Imo game economy would be a lot better if all shop mounts/pets were transfered into vendor mounts for gold. But that also likely would lower interest.
Blizzard has stated you can supply only some materials and that collaborative crafting will exist for rare materials. It would defeat the purpose of being able to provide some of your own items if it doesn't work for the higher up crafting things as they also said that you can have soulbound items crafted through the work order system.
From the deep dive write up on mmo-champion :
- - - Updated - - -You can browse any of the recipes that can be crafted, pick the one you want, and include some or all of the reagents needed for the recipe, including ones that only you can get your hands on.
So the same as now with BoE items. This isn't a system that favors the elite and Blizzard has never said that raids will be the only source of materials. It also ignores how LFR will likely reward any BoP raid item.
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Anybody can raid. There is no gate keeping involved since materials will have quality levels and Blizzard can easily have different tiers to craft different raid level rewards.
Last edited by rhorle; 2022-05-03 at 07:21 AM.
"Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."
Turkey has been suffering from massive inflation well before the war, plenty of players had issues paying in Euro.
I do wonder how they never went for some shop currency to go full casino
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I do wonder how the ilvl part will work. Seems that the items will be craftable at different ilvls/qualities. Which could lock ilvl behind higher level difficulties but also resolve it in any number of ways; could be timegated crafting reagents like it was all the way till WoD (crafted with cooldowns or obtained through specific WQs like Legion). I think it might even be from the Vault (use the Vault currency to buy certain crafting reagents).
Main feature = the thing that sells (or is trying to sell) the expansion. I'd say Dracthyr Evoker is exactly that, as were Allied Races in BfA and Covenants in Shadowlands.
So no, the continent is just where the expansion takes place, it's not a feature. A continent (aka new zones) is part of every expansion and therefore expected and shouldn't be counted as a feature itself.
MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again
Maybe different people can see different things as important features. You are both right and wrong. A new continent, a new class, new talents, new profession revamp + gear, dragonriding + customizable drakes, new class/race combos - these are all primary features.
And no, Torghast and Island Expeditions are not suddenly "more features" than anything else, kekW.