1. #55921
    Pandaren Monk Merryck's Avatar
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    Their is no way they are taller than tauren. They look night elf height.

  2. #55922
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    I guess having a more buff option is fine but that image is certainly worth something IMO.
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  3. #55923
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merryck View Post
    Their is no way they are taller than tauren. They look night elf height.
    We analyzed it here;


  4. #55924
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    I think they designed dragon model after they decided new class will be ranged DPS + healer. Bulky dragons would cause question "where is tank" to the end of WoW.

  5. #55925
    Pandaren Monk Merryck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    I'll believe it when I see it. I hope it's not true because I hate playing massive races. Their animations make them look and feel so slow, not what I would want from an agile caster.

  6. #55926
    Quote Originally Posted by Merryck View Post
    I'll believe it when I see it. I hope it's not true because I hate playing massive races. Their animations make them look and feel so slow, not what I would want from an agile caster.
    My thoughts exactly, somewhere around human size would be best imo, particularly with the thin proportions that they are going for.

  7. #55927
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merryck View Post
    I'll believe it when I see it. I hope it's not true because I hate playing massive races. Their animations make them look and feel so slow, not what I would want from an agile caster.
    Quote Originally Posted by bruxx View Post
    My thoughts exactly, somewhere around human size would be best imo, particularly with the thin proportions that they are going for.
    Well consider that the Dracthyr form is the stand-in for playing as a massive dragon.

    Also given their sheer height and large wings, even a slender build will make them look huge, much like professional basketball players who are slender, but are huge simply because they tower over everything.

  8. #55928
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    People really need to consider that this;
    Is going to be taller than a tauren, and have gigantic wings when it takes flight, which it can do even in combat.
    [Citation Needed]

    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    People really need to consider that this;
    It's going to look very impressive in-game. I really feel that the detractors simply aren't looking at things fully.
    What is there exactly to look at? You can quote Blizzard as much as you want but until the art team blog post comes out, or we get some Alpha footage of what Dractyhr customization entails, there is nothing here that's a "wow" factor for a Race/Class combo, especially since it's a hero class and is falling short thus far compared to the last 2.

  9. #55929
    Doing LFR is painful - I feel bad for actual new players who die early on and are forced to watch the 80% of the fight, because rez's are limited.

    I think this is one aspect I'd like to see brought over from FF14. In LFR only, I think you should be able to have unlimited rez in combat - specifically referring to the 8 second out of combat spells.

  10. #55930
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    The wow factor is how the race actually looks but ok whatever.
    #TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde


  11. #55931
    Quote Originally Posted by tumbleweed010 View Post
    [Citation Needed]

    What is there exactly to look at? You can quote Blizzard as much as you want but until the art team blog post comes out, or we get some Alpha footage of what Dractyhr customization entails, there is nothing here that's a "wow" factor for a Race/Class combo, especially since it's a hero class and is falling short thus far compared to the last 2.
    lol what?

    it already has more customization than DKs from what little we have seen, and the spells shown off are visually stunning and mechanically interesting. there is no need to exaggerate

  12. #55932
    Yes, and we have 0 real information about how they actually look, outside of one model, some face shots, and 4 ability animations. Legion had DHs and showed us some of their customization (horns, tattoos, blindfolds), the same amount of face shots as Dragonflight, some basic gear, the different meta forms, and some ability details. And Legion was announced with the DH starting zone available to testing so what the animations and some early talent trees were available, too.

    There's nothing "wow" about Dracthyr and Evoker because there's no real information about them. If this is "wow" to you then your bar is incredibly low.

    Quote Originally Posted by wowrefugee View Post
    lol what?

    it already has more customization than DKs from what little we have seen, and the spells shown off are visually stunning and mechanically interesting. there is no need to exaggerate
    DKs were announced in a time where there wasn't a Blizzcon and information wasn't being datamined weekly, and even then DKs were much more well received than Evokers.

    Again, if a "wow" factor is seeing some extra features shown on head shots, a few new spells, and 0 actual information about the new race's customization in the actual form it'll be in a majority of the time is like, then your bar for "wow" is very low.
    Last edited by tumbleweed010; 2022-05-10 at 12:30 AM.

  13. #55933
    Quote Originally Posted by tumbleweed010 View Post
    Yes, and we have 0 real information about how they actually look, outside of one model, some face shots, and 4 ability animations. Legion had DHs and showed us some of their customization (horns, tattoos, blindfolds), the same amount of face shots as Dragonflight, some basic gear, the different meta forms, and some ability details. And Legion was announced with the DH starting zone available to testing so what the animations and some early talent trees were available, too.

    There's nothing "wow" about Dracthyr and Evoker because there's no real information about them. If this is "wow" to you then your bar is incredibly low.
    So let me get this straight. You think horns (which dracthyr have), 2d glowing symbols over existing old models and cloth over eyes is more "wow" than Dracthyr? Those who have unique models with actual useable wings as a permanent part of their character, 3d elements to their skin, highly customizable humanoid models and we haven't even got to see most of it according to you but it is already seems better. lmao not even a contest you are just delusional dude keep your post count low for the greater good

  14. #55934
    Quote Originally Posted by tumbleweed010 View Post
    Yes, and we have 0 real information about how they actually look, outside of one model, some face shots, and 4 ability animations. Legion had DHs and showed us some of their customization (horns, tattoos, blindfolds), the same amount of face shots as Dragonflight, some basic gear, the different meta forms, and some ability details. And Legion was announced with the DH starting zone available to testing so what the animations and some early talent trees were available, too.

    There's nothing "wow" about Dracthyr and Evoker because there's no real information about them. If this is "wow" to you then your bar is incredibly low.

    DKs were announced in a time where there wasn't a Blizzcon and information wasn't being datamined weekly, and even then DKs were much more well received than Evokers.

    Again, if a "wow" factor is seeing some extra features shown on head shots, a few new spells, and 0 actual information about the new race's customization in the actual form it'll be in a majority of the time is like, then your bar for "wow" is very low.
    Their wow factor is that they look as dumb as jar jar binks

  15. #55935
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tumbleweed010 View Post
    [Citation Needed]


    What is there exactly to look at? You can quote Blizzard as much as you want but until the art team blog post comes out, or we get some Alpha footage of what Dractyhr customization entails, there is nothing here that's a "wow" factor for a Race/Class combo, especially since it's a hero class and is falling short thus far compared to the last 2.
    To me, this;

    ....as tall, if not taller than a tauren, and with massive wings;

    is enough of a wow factor.

    It sort of helps that blue is my favorite color, but still.....

  16. #55936
    Quote Originally Posted by Therougetitan View Post
    So let me get this straight. You think horns (which dracthyr have), 2d glowing symbols over existing old models and cloth over eyes is more "wow" than Dracthyr? Those who have unique models with actual useable wings as a permanent part of their character, 3d elements to their skin, highly customizable humanoid models
    You entirely missed the point and just wanted to ramble because of your investment in Evoker/Dracthyr. By comparison, the Dragonflight announcement with Dracthyr/Evoker does not have the wow factor that the Legion announcement with Demon Hunters have. You literally said it yourself

    Quote Originally Posted by Therougetitan View Post
    and we haven't even got to see most of it according to you but it is already seems better.
    Saying "Dracthyr and their visage form will have more customization than any current race" is a great soundbite and nothing more without the actual data to back it up, which we have none of.

    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    is enough of a wow factor.

    It sort of helps that blue is my favorite color, but still.....
    That's a really small wow factor bar for you then. Not a fan of the blue but the bronze looks fantastic.

  17. #55937
    Quote Originally Posted by tumbleweed010 View Post
    Yes, and we have 0 real information about how they actually look, outside of one model, some face shots, and 4 ability animations. Legion had DHs and showed us some of their customization (horns, tattoos, blindfolds), the same amount of face shots as Dragonflight, some basic gear, the different meta forms, and some ability details. And Legion was announced with the DH starting zone available to testing so what the animations and some early talent trees were available, too.

    There's nothing "wow" about Dracthyr and Evoker because there's no real information about them. If this is "wow" to you then your bar is incredibly low.

    DKs were announced in a time where there wasn't a Blizzcon and information wasn't being datamined weekly, and even then DKs were much more well received than Evokers.

    Again, if a "wow" factor is seeing some extra features shown on head shots, a few new spells, and 0 actual information about the new race's customization in the actual form it'll be in a majority of the time is like, then your bar for "wow" is very low.
    Your metrics for what constitutes "wow" factor seems fairly arbitrary. I can't imagine seeing the different armor they can change in the barbershop is going to suddenly make this supposed "non-wow-factor" race become extraordinary to you.

    Well, let's compare anyway.

    Here's what we have for Dracthyr:

    • Animations for: walking, waving, dancing, more than 4 attack animations
    • Customizations for: horn decorations, horn shapes, scales patterns, scale color for each dragonflight + more, wider torso, eye colors, different color armor for head + chest, different snouts
    • Customizations for their visage forms, of which we have seen *a lot* of - horns, scales, eye colors, hair decorations, beards, earrings, hair colors, skin colors
    • Details for: racials, some ability mechanics, their origin story and what their starting zone is going to include + screenshots of said zone, what player armor is visible on them,
    • Concept art of their tier gear

    We have seen more unique customization for Dracthyr (dragon + visage form) than Demon Hunter even *has* in the game. Maybe you have simply missed a lot of the art and reveals, which sounds likely considering you say we have "0 information". Discounting the visage form is also an arbitrary decision that seems to exist solely to justify your argument. The visage form *is* important to the Dracthyr, even if you don't use it in combat.

  18. #55938
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tumbleweed010 View Post
    That's a really small wow factor bar for you then. Not a fan of the blue but the bronze looks fantastic.
    Blue dragons mean Arcane dragons, which means we get cool stuff like this;

  19. #55939
    Quote Originally Posted by tumbleweed010 View Post
    Yes, and we have 0 real information about how they actually look, outside of one model, some face shots, and 4 ability animations. Legion had DHs and showed us some of their customization (horns, tattoos, blindfolds), the same amount of face shots as Dragonflight, some basic gear, the different meta forms, and some ability details. And Legion was announced with the DH starting zone available to testing so what the animations and some early talent trees were available, too.

    There's nothing "wow" about Dracthyr and Evoker because there's no real information about them. If this is "wow" to you then your bar is incredibly low.

    DKs were announced in a time where there wasn't a Blizzcon and information wasn't being datamined weekly, and even then DKs were much more well received than Evokers.

    Again, if a "wow" factor is seeing some extra features shown on head shots, a few new spells, and 0 actual information about the new race's customization in the actual form it'll be in a majority of the time is like, then your bar for "wow" is very low.
    If it helps you, from what we've currently seen, Dracthyr-form customization currently seems to include:

    -Skin color, obviously
    -Some sort of secondary patterning, e.g. tiger stripes vs large scales

    -Horn shape (Including: Ram, long thin ibek-y ones, normal dragony curved hook (in both spiked and smooth), Deathwing-style multi-horns, short deer horns)
    -Horn color (appears independent of skin color as there are two different blue-skinned promotional shots--Includes: black, brass, grey-blue, rust, bone-colored, silver)
    -Horn decoration (includes rings, additional small spikes/crystals growing off the horns, armor plates on the base, etc.)

    -Face shape with significant structure variations (Including: wider lizard/alligator look, sharp beak-like snapping turtle, rounded dinosaur-y, a more vulpine wolf sort of angled one)
    -"Ear" fins (appears to be independent of horn, as the ram horns on the headshot and running gif have different ones, includes: none, long night-elfy, fish fins, bat-wing, possibly spikes instead)
    -A separate facial spike "facial features"(?) option (appears to be independent of ear fins, includes: spikes along the jaw, clusters of crystal like spikes, spikes around the eyes, scale-like spines around the eyes)

    -There's some sort of neck spike/fin option, unsure if this is linked to the previous facial feature, but doesn't appear to be.

    -Shoulder/collarbone scales (includes large triangular spikes, clusters of more feathery little spikes)
    -Arm scale type (smooth scale textures like the current Zandalar disonaurs or Zandalari druid forms, 3D spikes on the forearms)
    -Leg scale type (doesn't appear to be linked to the arm? Smooth dinosaur or spiked scale plates)

    -Tail type (possibly divided into two options, tip and fins--this fins option might be linked to the above spike/fin options, tips include spiked mace tails, smooth tails, finned aquatic tails, at least two different shaped demon style "arrow" tails)

    Obviously as a disclaimer, some of these might be linked and a single option. But I went through and looked at most of them and they seem to mostly be independent, or at least, have so many variations baked in that you're able to pick your combination as if they were independent.

    I didn't include pictures for this because it'd be a ton of pictures, but if you're curious about any (or the source for them being a separate option) I can reply with images.
    Last edited by Hitei; 2022-05-10 at 01:16 AM.

  20. #55940
    The Unstoppable Force rhorle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tumbleweed010 View Post
    DKs were announced in a time where there wasn't a Blizzcon and information wasn't being datamined weekly, and even then DKs were much more well received than Evokers.

    DeathKnights were revealed during Blizzcon in 2007.
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