1. #57461
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Who cares about racials?!
    This is the reason why Blizzard is now scrambling to remove faction restrictions, as they realize that no one plays Alliance with their dogshit racials.

    Oh and I hate it to break it to you
    I hate to break it to you, but turning into a fair-skinned elf was always part of the Void elf identity, as evidenced by Alleria Windrunner.

  2. #57462
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Funny enough, I hated the pre-BfA Desolate Council because it's members were some random no-name Forsaken with no backstory that never appeared in the game before. The new iteration is awesome though as it fixes my complain!
    I thought we might get Hercular but Belmont will have to do.

    Now we are missing upright Forsaken so we can have Nathanos' model.

  3. #57463
    I think we will be getting Dark Ranger themed mounts as the preorder bonus. There is an encrypted cat mount and an encrypted horse mount (or things with their footprints) and I THINK the cat is different from the Slimesaber.

  4. #57464
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorca View Post
    Funny that now you can be an undead druid Night Elf or an undead paladin Blood Elf... shouldn't they have blocked the Darkfallen customization for some classes?

    Now I don't see any other reason for not opening Paladins for the Forsaken.
    I agree, its stupid druids and pala can use this.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    This is the reason why Blizzard is now scrambling to remove faction restrictions, as they realize that no one plays Alliance with their dogshit racials.

    I hate to break it to you, but turning into a fair-skinned elf was always part of the Void elf identity, as evidenced by Alleria Windrunner.
    Nah, it was the long cries for eons that made blizz do this. Pure fanservice, Alleria only enhanced it on the forums, by the likes of you. They ended giving it to both, only fair.

    They forgot about the void aspect, which was a random theme anyway to give to elves as we all know. They shouldve given them n zoth third eyes and more dangeling pieces or what ever and double down on what was already there on the blood elf side. But old warcraft 2 player would never stopp anyway, so ye they gave it to void elves as well.
    Last edited by Alanar; 2022-06-01 at 10:05 AM.

  5. #57465
    It seems like the Darkfallen options are available to the Void elves too, as per usual with the Void elves, the implications of this are massive.

    The Alliance now has amongst their ranks some of those original defenders who died protecting Lordaeron and Quel'Thalas, and thus have useful claims to those lands (the playable human DK came from Stormwind btw). Simultaneously, the numbers of the Ren'dorei keep growing.

    I must say, I appreciate this present coming out of nowhere.
    Last edited by Varodoc; 2022-06-01 at 10:12 AM.

  6. #57466
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheezits View Post
    I think we will be getting Dark Ranger themed mounts as the preorder bonus. There is an encrypted cat mount and an encrypted horse mount (or things with their footprints) and I THINK the cat is different from the Slimesaber.
    That doesn't really make a lot of sense. Dark rangers have nothing to do with Dragonflight.
    The mounts are likely either from something we have not yet seen on Live, like for instance the Lordaeron questline also giving mounts not currently viewable in the mount collection.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  7. #57467
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    I agree, its stupid druids and pala can use this.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Nah, it was the long cries for eons that made blizz do this. Pure fanservice, Alleria only enhanced it on the forums, by the likes of you. They ended giving it to both, only fair.

    They forgot about the void aspect, which was a random theme anyway to give to elves as we all know. They shouldve given them n zoth third eyes and more dangeling pieces or what ever and double down on what was already there on the blood elf side. But old warcraft 2 player would never stopp anyway, so ye they gave it to void elves as well.
    Why is it stupid? As I already pointed out, we have lore examples of both druids using powers of death and light using undead already.

    Btw, the writing of the 9.2.5 questlines is top notch and I can't wait to see what they are doing with Dragonflight now.

  8. #57468
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Why? We know druids can draw their power from life and death thanks to Shadowlands. Kul Tiran/Drust druids are doing that too. And for Paladins - we already have lightforged DK's aswell as Zeliek.
    Yeah, but that's it, that's the Kul'Tirans theme, not the Night Elves theme... until now, of course. But then again, I don't see why they didn't take the chance to enable paladins for the Forsaken then. And then to the Kul'Tirans, and so on. Oh, and what about monks for the LF Draenei? Heck, and let Dwarves and Orcs be able to play as druids also, that would be nice.

  9. #57469
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorca View Post
    Yeah, but that's it, that's the Kul'Tirans theme, not the Night Elves theme... until now, of course. But then again, I don't see why they didn't take the chance to enable paladins for the Forsaken then. And then to the Kul'Tirans, and so on. Oh, and what about monks for the LF Draenei? Heck, and let Dwarves and Orcs be able to play as druids also, that would be nice.
    Because any new paladin race would need a new charger mount? They could do a new generic HD charger and say more unique variants for every race (including blood elves and humans) will come later though.

    The monk thing is weird, but I think we will get them with the second wave of race/class unlocks during Dragonflight. Maybe together with Warlocks and idk, shamans since they only need new totems?

  10. #57470
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Because any new paladin race would need a new charger mount? They could do a new generic HD charger and say more unique variants for every race (including blood elves and humans) will come later though.

    The monk thing is weird, but I think we will get them with the second wave of race/class unlocks during Dragonflight. Maybe together with Warlocks and idk, shamans since they only need new totems?
    I think Monks have several unique animations? So maybe the races need to have those animations added first?

  11. #57471
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I think Monks have several unique animations? So maybe the races need to have those animations added first?
    Goblins and Lightforged should have them already I think - not so sure about Worgens tbh.

  12. #57472
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Why is it stupid? As I already pointed out, we have lore examples of both druids using powers of death and light using undead already.

    Btw, the writing of the 9.2.5 questlines is top notch and I can't wait to see what they are doing with Dragonflight now.
    We are talking about dark ranger costumization. Its literally called like that. Blood elf pala and night elf druids feel off, even if we are talking about san'layn it just doesnt make much sense. Its pale skin/red eyes, which is only pressent with the darkfallen, which are not known for pala or druids.

    You are talking about drust or what?
    Last edited by Alanar; 2022-06-01 at 10:45 AM.

  13. #57473
    So all that big encrypted stuff turned out to be a fluke and wishfull thinking?

  14. #57474
    Quote Originally Posted by Zulggun View Post
    So all that big encrypted stuff turned out to be a fluke and wishfull thinking?
    Not exactly, 3 cutscenes and a quest line is pretty much in line with (realistic) expectations based on what we saw.

  15. #57475
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    We are talking about dark ranger costumization. Its literally called like that. Blood elf pala and night elf druids feel off, even if we are talking about san'layn it just doesnt make much sense. Its pale skin/red eyes, which is only pressent with the darkfallen, which are not known for pala or druids.

    You are talking about drust or what?
    Darkfallen is just a term for undead elves now. And a player character is allowed to be something unique like a Darkfallen druid if they want to. Have you ever played DnD or any other rpg? Rules are just a framework.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Zulggun View Post
    So all that big encrypted stuff turned out to be a fluke and wishfull thinking?
    What? It turned out exactly as we predicted - darkfallen customizations for elves.

  16. #57476
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    We are talking about dark ranger costumization. Its literally called like that. Blood elf pala and night elf druids feel off, even if we are talking about san'layn it just doesnt make much sense. Its pale skin/red eyes, which is only pressent with the darkfallen, which are not known for pala or druids.

    You are talking about drust or what?
    Canonically it makes sense for the night elves to just return to the Alliance and do attempt to go back to whatever they were doing before they got raised, as explained by Dark Ranger Velonara. The same explanation could also be expanded towards the Darkfallen (Blood Elves). I don't seen an issue with that current explanation.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Darkfallen is just a term for undead elves now. And a player character is allowed to be something unique like a Darkfallen druid if they want to. Have you ever played DnD or any other rpg? Rules are just a framework.
    Yup, this is pretty much my interpretation too.

  17. #57477
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Darkfallen is just a term for undead elves now.
    By lore it's a bit weird though. We've seen other types of Darkfallen than elves. Nathanos was a Darkfallen human, we've had Darkfallen Vrykul and Darkfallen Forsaken (through the Dreadblades).

  18. #57478
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Darkfallen is just a term for undead elves now. And a player character is allowed to be something unique like a Darkfallen druid if they want to. Have you ever played DnD or any other rpg? Rules are just a framework.

    - - - Updated - - -
    .. right so,

    Again, we are talking darkfallen which is mentioned in the book and we know what classes they portray, including san'layn. Sure ofc you cAn rp as one now.. i see that, but thats not the point.

    Talking about red eyes pale skin a very specific dark ranger/darkfallen thing. Druid and pala stills feels off, as they were never a thing, but it is now appearntly.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    Canonically it makes sense for the night elves to just return to the Alliance and do attempt to go back to whatever they were doing before they got raised, as explained by Dark Ranger Velonara. The same explanation could also be expanded towards the Darkfallen (Blood Elves). I don't seen an issue with that current explanation.

    Yup, this is pretty much my interpretation too.
    I am talking paladin and druid. Which are two classes we never seen with those features. It is a thing now.. appearntly, which is pretty big.

    We know for a while now that Darkfallen are undead elves, its a suprise for me that includes paladins.
    Last edited by Alanar; 2022-06-01 at 11:17 AM.

  19. #57479
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    I am talking paladin and druid. Which are two classes we never seen with those features. It is a thing now.. appearntly, which is pretty big.

    We know for a while now that Darkfallen are undead elves, its a suprise for me that includes paladins.
    This might be one of those cases where what applies to player races/classes isn't neccesarily what's been portrayed in the story before. Time will tell if this is just something they had to deal with to give elves as a whole access to the skin or if this is something they canonically want to give a basis in lore.

  20. #57480
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post

    What? It turned out exactly as we predicted - darkfallen customizations for elves.
    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    Not exactly, 3 cutscenes and a quest line is pretty much in line with (realistic) expectations based on what we saw.
    Eh? I saw most people hoping for much more, allied races and preorder stuff. But sure, if some one had low expectations then i guess encryption was okay.

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