Honestly.. I dont even know anymore, it feels like they make up their criteria or change them all the time. Hell first we were to believe, that " oo it doesnt have a female model so its unlikely" " they should have kids models then we know for sure"
There is no definite solid reason or argument when it will or when it wont happen imo.They can literally do anything that doesnt fit the old thinking, there enough examples for this.
Vrykul, but defo Ogres should have been playable already, I think getting the rexxar model for example is cool, but obviously will not be the true thing if you want Ogres. Feels like blizz does this all the time.. its sort of like it, but not really. Darkfallen was just hyped to much, but it feels the same way.. if you were expecting more costumization options. I would have loved a nod to the San'layn through the darkfallen, sadly it literally just one option skin and eye color is locked only together.
Last edited by Alanar; 2022-06-01 at 03:49 PM.
Wonder if we will get more NPC skins sitting in the game as rewards for future content or if they'll just unlock them as future customizations one day.
Just off the top of my head
Humans - Cultist
Orcs - Fel Orc
Draenei - Eredar
Tauren - Grimtotem
Troll - Forest
Dwarf - Earthen, Frostborne
Gnomes - Leper
Night Elves - Druid of the Flame
Probably more but those are all I can recall.
What source do you use? Cus last time this was discussed it was pretty clear there are just more elf fans in general. Orges have been requested for a long time, wich is correct. Sadly its not very visible on forums.. or anywhere active. Meanwhile dark rangers or san'layn have a lot more active threads and fandom.
Sure the one who scream the most get it the fast, see void elf/high elf. I get that.
Dragonmaw are corrupted. By definition, not Mag'har.
There is a grey Shattered Hand skin, but not with the purple tones of the Dragonmaw Clan.
There are elemental Blackrock fire eyes, but not the pupil-less amber glow of the presumedly Dragon Soul-influenced Dragonmaw eyes.
There are no draconic tattoos or brands.
And while I'll give Wildhammer a pass for looks (even though they're described as taller and slimmer), integrating them culturally with the Bronzebeards makes absolutely no sense. They're infinitely more different from the Bronzebeards than the Dark Irons were, yet the Dark Iron got a race.
- - - Updated - - -
They were an undeniably popular request. Mechagnomes certainly weren't more popular. Nor any of the allied races, sans perhaps Mag'har.
Last edited by Berkilak; 2022-06-01 at 04:06 PM.
So, if you are an alliance player and are in a group lead by a horde player, you can't interact with your own mammoth vendors.
Formerly known as Arafal
I mean there will certainly be a lot of bug fixes that need to happen.
I no longer reply to quotations beyond if you're asking a genuine question or have a non-confrontational stance.
Has the topic hit critical mass? I can't proceed past page 1464 (max posts per page), but it says there's apparently 1474 pages... and page 1464 only shows two posts.
Edit: Okay, now it's saying 1464 pages total. Anyone else had this sort of bug before?
It became clear that it wasn’t realistic to try to get the audience back to being more hardcore, as it had been in the past. -- Tom Chilton
Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.
The entire forum seemed borked to me for the last two hours actually.
Oh boy everyone more updates on the Night Elves in the future. Revamp for 11.0 confirmed, break out the signatures.
Man what a shitshow this patch is on twitter already. Who knows, maybe this will be the final straw that breaks WoW's story team finally. Yet another example of "Blizz no longer has the resources or talent to have divided factions and divided storylines."
FFXIV - Maduin (Dynamis DC)
I forgot where I'm at, no positivity here >.>
Last edited by Aeluron Lightsong; 2022-06-01 at 08:28 PM. Reason: Cause only bitter and grumpyness allowed
#TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde