1. #58121
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arcinatoss View Post
    not entirely sure but I hope that some day we get these world bosses in like a seperate instance or something. It is actually unbearable to be in ZM when people are doing the world boss.
    Sounds more like a you-problem tbh. I never really had any issue in Zereth Mortis besides I think the first day and the first day they had that world boss available. Also putting them into a seperate instance would literally make them one-boss raids instead of you know, world bosses haha.
    Last edited by Lady Atia; 2022-06-13 at 02:26 PM.

  2. #58122
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Does any game pull these off btw? World Bosses with 40+ people and no lag?
    I doubt it. Data requirements grow exponentially with the number of players, so at some point it just becomes impossible, even if you have a very simplistic game.

    Antros is probably on an island off in the corner specificially because of this.

  3. #58123
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Sounds more like a you-problem tbh. I never really had any issue in Zereth Mortis besides I think the first day and the first day they had that world boss available. Also putting them into a seperate instance would literally make them one-boss raids instead of you know, world bosses haha.
    Tbh they could create a special phase you get in when you get near them.

  4. #58124
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Sounds more like a you-problem tbh. I never really had any issue in Zereth Mortis besides I think the first day and the first day they had that world boss available. Also putting them into a seperate instance would literally make them one-boss raids instead of you know, world bosses haha.
    yeah.. nah.

  5. #58125
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Sounds more like a you-problem tbh. I never really had any issue in Zereth Mortis besides I think the first day and the first day they had that world boss available. Also putting them into a seperate instance would literally make them one-boss raids instead of you know, world bosses haha.
    I've gotten it a few times but my shard seems to breeding with Hordes everywhere.
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  6. #58126
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aeluron Lightsong View Post
    I've gotten it a few times but my shard seems to breeding with Hordes everywhere.
    Wait what. Can you give us more details on this "horde breeding" on your shard, please?^^ I'm asking for a friend, of course.

  7. #58127
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    To be fair, that they do it doesn't mean it's done well. ESO's champion points are horrible. Their only saving grace is that they are account wide. If you dared bring a new account into ESO it would take hundreds of hours of grinding to get to a decent enough level to be able to do dungeons. Probably would clock more than a thousand to be competitive.
    That's not really true so as there's a huge difference between "best" and "good enough for dungeons". The amount of Champion Points you need to do any kind of content besides maybe the hardest timed raids is very low. And for the gear cap of 160 CP you barely need half a day of playtime. Champion Points at least are a system that gives your entire account an ongoing progression. That's something WoW desperately needs. If we had one, they wouldn't have started doing the borrowed power crap back in Legion.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    So you want a progression that gives power and carries on to next patch and then expansion?
    Is it so hard to grasp? If they would just extend the talent tree to not come to a halt at max level but have a small max level talent tree at the bottom where you can earn - I don't know - 5 more talent points that are exclusively spent in the bottom section - yes, I want that. And this can easily carry over into the next expansion by just turning some of those talents into new nodes while leveling up... I mean it's as easy as it could be and you still have progression at max level.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    So you want max progression system that won't go away in 10.0. So what for 11.0, new power progression system? You will call devs lazy if they won't invent new one. What after that?
    See comment above.

    And yes, GW2 and ESO are pretty much praised for their horizontal approach - sure, they get negativity for that as well (and in some parts rightfully so), but they do something right where WoW fails (by not having something similar at all).

    I dislike that there is no gear progression in GW2 or ESO because they "capped" the gear at a respective level and went with it. And then introduced stuff like Mythics (ESO) or Ascended (GW2) to still spice things up, but the gear treadmill is missing. I hate that it's every 6 months in WoW, but to have a game like ESO or GW2 where you wear your gear for 4-5 years feels quite boring.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by 8bithamster View Post
    No no. Gw2 was the first ever with that. And more complex flying, and the levelling system etc. The fans will say that gw2 did everything first.
    Don't know what you mean. WoW basically copies GW2 flying system in Dragonflight. They already pretty much adapted to the GW2 system of scaling the world / content and the horizontal progression is there as well. Don't know what it has to do with "fans" when it's just a very basic observation.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by manypillars View Post
    I don't know why people are all over GW2's mounts and post-cap 'progression'. They basically add a new spec 1) that everyone must complete the story and 2) then grind to access and use, and every must do this because 3) it's usually the meta spec.
    1) Not true. You can access it very early by just buying the expansion.

    2) Not true either.

    3) Has barely been the case. Sometimes it is, most times it's not.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by 8bithamster View Post
    Sorry what did they copy? And if you say the flight, just don't. GW2 copied it from countless other games.
    Dragonriding in Dragonflight is basically a 100% copy of GW2's flying. Doesn't mean GW2 invented it, but it couldn't be more obvious were Blizzard is copying Dragonriding from.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Foreign Exchange Ztudent View Post
    Based on the preliminary release date of the Prequel book, the expansion would be placed in March 2023 based on previous estimations of Prequel book to Expansion release.
    Baffles me why people are acting like March 2023 wasn't the natural release date for this expansion from the moment we got the announcement and the clarification about SL season 4. It was always Q1/23.
    Last edited by Nyel; 2022-06-13 at 05:19 PM.
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  8. #58128
    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    Is it so hard to grasp? If they would just extend the talent tree to not come to a halt at max level but have a small max level talent tree at the bottom where you can earn - I don't know - 5 more talent points that are exclusively spent in the bottom section - yes, I want that. And this can easily carry over into the next expansion by just turning some of those talents into new nodes while leveling up... I mean it's as easy as it could be and you still have progression at max level..
    So exactly what borrowed power was?

  9. #58129
    hope they have another class tree preview this friday, i mean if they have 2 talent tree's every fortnight, we would have all of them revealed by beginning of august and just the right time for beta to begin, hope thats the plan anyway as im desperate to see what the do to war/dh/pally/hunter

  10. #58130
    With D4 most likely coming in Q2 2023, this makes 10.0 for a perfect late summer 2023 release in Q3.

  11. #58131
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by klaps_05 View Post
    With D4 most likely coming in Q2 2023, this makes 10.0 for a perfect late summer 2023 release in Q3.
    Nope. 10.0 will be Q1 of 2023, no way it still takes more than 14 months. I guess we will get the alpha early next month and after that it's roughly 6-8 months of testing.

  12. #58132
    why would they delay one game because of another? afaik Legion came out 3 months after Overwatch, so its not like they have to evenly spread games out or something.
    I will not reply to posts that are non-constructive or contain flaming and/or trolling.

  13. #58133
    Quote Originally Posted by micwini View Post
    why would they delay one game because of another? afaik Legion came out 3 months after Overwatch, so its not like they have to evenly spread games out or something.
    3 months after means it comes in a different quarter of the year, meaning a more consistent earnings curve for the entire year, which in turn looks great for investors.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  14. #58134
    im going to assume season 4 in august
    maybe alpha in july or august
    then alpha and beta are about 6-7 months
    season 4 maybe 5-6 months

  15. #58135
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    3 months after means it comes in a different quarter of the year, meaning a more consistent earnings curve for the entire year, which in turn looks great for investors.
    Yep, it will still come in Q1 rather than Q3.

  16. #58136
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    3 months after means it comes in a different quarter of the year, meaning a more consistent earnings curve for the entire year, which in turn looks great for investors.
    yeah but in this case it would be WoW release before D4 simply because of the launch of immortal kinda holding people over in terms of content for the game

    you wouldnt want to tell your ivestors that you have had nothing for one of the biggest IPs for a year because your other IP needed a launch

  17. #58137
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    3 months after means it comes in a different quarter of the year, meaning a more consistent earnings curve for the entire year, which in turn looks great for investors.
    Tbh investors are not idiots. It is much more important for cash flow management.

  18. #58138
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Yep, it will still come in Q1 rather than Q3.
    Yeah, no idea how one would come to the conclusion that Q3, which is still about 13 months away, is more likely than Q1. Their release schedule is pretty clear at the moment:

    Q2/22: Diablo Immortal (June)
    Q4/22: Overwatch 2 (October - although they almost made it to Q3 here)
    Q4/22: WotLK Classic (September-November)
    Q1/23: Dragonflight (March)
    Q2/23: Diablo 4 (although I don't really expect it to release at that time, I expect a delay until Q3 or even Q4/23)

    Q3 this year is a bit lackluster, but I guess they're hoping for DI revenue. Or they squeeze WotLK Classic into September.
    Last edited by Nyel; 2022-06-14 at 03:36 PM.
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  19. #58139
    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    Q3 this year is a bit lackluster, but I guess they're hoping for DI revenue. Or they squeeze WotLK Classic into September.
    Season 4 could happen in Q3 for resubs plus they are still holding Dragonflight preorders so that is a possibility they are holding it to help boost Q3 profits.

  20. #58140
    Quote Originally Posted by Luck4 View Post
    It surprised me, I wasn't expecting them to showcase the Blizzard titles the way they did, they even gave launch dates.

    R.I.P Blizzcon?

    This is my bet as well. I expect to see 11.0 being announced on the June Xbox stream of 2024.

    But I miss Blizzcon panels. Even the Dragonflight announcement wasn't that good for me because we didn't get the machinima trailer or the panels. Yeah, we got a Deep Dive, but I still miss the panels and trailers like this:

    I do have to wonder precisely why it was all so rushed—it doesn't seem to foster hype for the product, does it? I wonder if it was because of any extenuating circumstances. Are they having trouble recovering from Shadowlands? They seem financially-fine, so I don't know what could be the reason for the poor advertising.
    Last edited by AOL Instant Messenger; 2022-06-14 at 05:06 PM.

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