I mean either that or its next Monday.
I no longer reply to quotations beyond if you're asking a genuine question or have a non-confrontational stance.
Bastion seemed like it was supposed to be fighting against a single minded system of "dont question me" and that just kinda got stuck after half way through the zone
the purification dungeon also didnt really fit with the whole "the covenants were united and the primus is the bestest buddy
I think Kyrians got bogged down by the desire to "make them likeable" because they decided that the player has to join a covenant. The Kyrians in the concept art seem scary and ultra dogmatic and kill/convert other covenants, which doesn't really make them look like great people (as opposed to average people with bad, albeit fixable leadership like in retail).
My most annoying thing is that they didn't change spirit healers to be Kyrian, despite the lore being that they are. They just gave spirit healers a super HD model. Why not commit to the idea? They even have Kyrians take the place of spirit healers in quests AND in Bastion itself.
I dunno, I think I'd hate the Kyrian if they were that way, seems overly cynical. What I took from them is they as beings that bring souls to the Arbiter for judgement, they can't have biases or else they might decide to shirk their duty hence to abandon their memories, which is a incredibly hard thing to do but there was a reason for it. It was just another small flaw in the armor that is the Shadowlands and how the "Path" is flawed and it is to some extent but Devos went to the worst person to look for help and unfortunately one soul paid a horrible price to even be slightly connected to Devos big plan(If she didn't manipulate Uther, Arthas might of not gotten dragged to the Maw to then get soul sucked out leaving literally nothing).
#TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde
My take on Shadowlands: As a "self contained" storyline, it wasn't horrible (horrible meaning 0/10). Unfortunately, it just didn't make sense in the Warcraft universe/story and complicated/ruined a lot. If the Shadowlands storyline was its own story (not part of Warcraft/separate), I think I would have enjoyed it more.
I know who murdered Denathrius. It was... Lothraxion!
Well, to be fair it seems like they want to follow the marvel formula of "you don't need any prior knowledge to enjoy it, but it's still all connected" now with Expansions.
But than again, I actually like the Shadowlands lore and any changes they did with it (especially as it saved Sylvanas from the dumbster fire of BfA lore ...)."Do I need to play all the expansions to understand the story?
Every expansion is its own story and can be experienced without prior knowledge. But playing through the previous content is a great way to level up while also getting the backstory."
Zorbrix gif tweet alert!
I made this for Zorbrix
I dunno about the rest of you but I'm really holding out hope we get some little bonus for having done the Dragonwrath legendary.
Give us a proper Tarecgosa mount apperance! The whole dragonflight thing would be perfect to apply it to.
I'd be surprised if nothing drops this week given that FF14 is having their event later on the week.