1. #6081
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pheraz View Post
    World quests are indeed much worse than in previous xpacs. Mainly for two reasons:

    1) You need to pick up the emissary quests yourself, which is incredibly annoying, especially as a venthyr
    2) you cannot travel through the landmass because it is split as islands and you need to use the gateways
    For me currenly they are better. Or rather I should say system overall.

    1) Farming single world quests isn't profitable, even min-maxers don't have to do them. If would prefer player power reward from emissary though (like soul ash), but current is still better than Legion/BfA.

    2) Emissaries are more varied and often stack up to one zone.

    3) Every emissary is gold emissary.

    4) Gear is connected to renown, which gives faster ilvl boost for fresh alts.

    5) Personally I use engineering wormhole toy on almost every toon and we have flying now, so travelling can be made trivial.

    EDIT: Oh shit, they are going further with Covenant and Conduit changes than I even expected.

  2. #6082
    Once you’ve reached a high Renown threshold, you will thereafter be able to freely switch among any of the four Covenants without cooldown or restriction, as well as use cosmetic rewards that you have earned from one covenant even if you are currently a member of a different one.
    FUCK YES, I was so looking forward to being able to do that.

  3. #6083
    Legion timewalking "with a couple of twists..." Wonder if that's a hint they're going to finally begin expanding the timewalking system in ways beyond just adding dungeons.

  4. #6084
    Those 9.1.5 changes are very good. Hopefully the next expansion is designed to be this alt/reroll friendly from the get-go. Not enough to get me to resub as of now, but definitely a positive step.

  5. #6085
    Maw intro can be skipped with 9.1.5, finally.
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  6. #6086
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kohtra View Post
    Legion timewalking "with a couple of twists..." Wonder if that's a hint they're going to finally begin expanding the timewalking system in ways beyond just adding dungeons.
    Legion is start of M+ and world quests. Legion had Mage Tower, whole encounters were abandoned in 8.0. We have lot of room to speculate.

  7. #6087
    lol check out the new Void Elf hairstyles. High Elves! https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/ne...update-preview

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    Legion is start of M+ and world quests. Legion had Mage Tower, whole encounters were abandoned in 8.0. We have lot of room to speculate.
    They just released the content preview and it looks like it's M+ timewalking.

  8. #6088
    Elemental Lord
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    Covenant swaping for max Renown, October 19th seems like most likely patch day.

    - no covenant swap on patch day would create frustration
    - reaching 80 Renown and still no swap would crate frustration

    And frustration is something they try to avoid this time.

    If they want competing with FF14 in any way, they will release 8.2 PTR on same week. These are often more popular than launches - if hype is done right.

    Quote Originally Posted by Soon-TM View Post
    Very much this. With all these changes, playing SL might become at least tolerable.
    Well, already crossed like half from this list with hope for more.
    Last edited by Dracullus; 2021-08-27 at 05:35 PM.

  9. #6089
    Players will be able to take advantage of additional fast travel options from Ve’nari’s Refuge to Perdition Hold and Desmotaeron within the Maw by unlocking access to them.
    Fucking finally. Though it is relatively easy to traverse once you know how to do so. Still astounded they didn't think to put something in at the patch's release though.

    Show off your complete transmog outfit to chat or online by easily sharing a link to it from the Dressing Room. Players will be able to mouse over these items to see how they can be collected, if they’ve already collected the appearance, or if it’s an appearance that is accessible to the character viewing it.
    I was actually thinking recently about how I was surprised there wasn't a way to link a set.

  10. #6090
    Pandaren Monk AngerFork's Avatar
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    Mythic+ Timewalking for Legion, very curious to see how this goes. That aside, most of this patch looks pretty solid.

  11. #6091
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Introducing Legion Timewalking

    Delve back into Legion Dungeons with Legion Timewalking and take on the challenges within, including access to Legion Mythic+ dungeons. This event will run for two weeks the first time it runs within the game and then will resume a regular one-week schedule for subsequent bonus events.

    Maw Introduction Skippable

    Players who have completed the introduction in the Maw on one character will be able to speak to Highlord Darion Mograine in the capital cities to skip it on their alternative characters on their account.
    Island Expeditions: Queue Solo or with a Party

    Players who want to take on Island Expeditions are now able to queue for them solo or with a party to enter Normal, Heroic, or Mythic difficulties. There are a bounty of awards just waiting to be plundered.

    Talent and Ability Improvements

    In 9.1.5 we are working on additional updates to a variety of class talents and class abilities including Conduits, Runecarving, and Covenant class ability tuning.

    Allied Race Unlocks

    Allied races such as the Kul’Tiran humans, Mechagnomes, and Dark Iron Dwarves, which had a dungeon requirement to unlock them, will no longer need to complete the associated quest to gain access to these races. Players will be able to skip it instead.

    Additional Travel Points in The Maw

    Players will be able to take advantage of additional fast travel options from Ve’nari’s Refuge to Perdition Hold and Desmotaeron within the Maw by unlocking access to them.

    Remote Anima Turn-Ins

    Completing quests from Archivist Roh-Suir will provide access to an Anima Diverter within Korthia where Anima can be directly deposited.

    Transmogrification Linking

    Show off your complete transmog outfit to chat or online by easily sharing a link to it from the Dressing Room. Players will be able to mouse over these items to see how they can be collected, if they’ve already collected the appearance, or if it’s an appearance that is accessible to the character viewing it.

    Alt Leveling Improvements

    A variety of improvements will be introduced in support of a smoother experience leveling alternate characters through Shadowlands, such as an additional rank of Heirloom upgrades, and improvements to Threads of Fate such as the addition of Torghast as an option and Renown gains for completing bonus objectives.

    PvP Gear Power Adjustments

    Lower item-level PvP gear will now scale to a higher item-level in PvP situations than before. This should reduce the power level gap so that new characters can feel that they're able to compete in Battlegrounds and Arenas more readily. This change will not affect high item-level PvP gear.

    Runecarving Recipes

    Drop rates for Runecarving recipes will be increased to 100% drop rate in any dungeon difficulty.

    Battle for Azeroth Legacy Loot Rules

    Legacy loot rules will be enabled for players at level 60 in all Battle for Azeroth raids and dungeons, causing encounters to drop the number of items as they would randomly drop for a 5-player dungeon party or a 20-player raid.

    Juicy stuff.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  12. #6092
    The Warcraft twitter account tweeted a picture summarizing things but also mentions "legacy raid tuning" which I really hope means Legion raids can be soloed easier.

    As things stand, this all pleases me and will give me a lot to do to assemble sets and transmog anyway, but the more the merrier.

    Oh and legendary item recycling? Sounds good too.

  13. #6093
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    In some Sanctuaryesque place or a Haven
    Thats a lot of changes.
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  14. #6094
    A variety of improvements will be introduced in support of a smoother experience leveling alternate characters through Shadowlands, such as an additional rank of Heirloom upgrades, and improvements to Threads of Fate such as the addition of Torghast as an option and Renown gains for completing bonus objectives.
    Literally the best thing about 9.1.5 right here. I'm leveling all my alt through Torghast.
    Quote Originally Posted by HighlordJohnstone View Post
    Alleria's whispers start climaxing

  15. #6095
    Elemental Lord
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    Hopefully we get transmog when we skip covenant campaign. Seriously don't want to do it 12 more times.

  16. #6096
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    Hopefully we get transmog when we skip covenant campaign. Seriously don't want to do it 12 more times.
    At worst you can buy it from the vendor for anima, and seeing as how we're positively swimming with it at this point, shouldn't be hard.

  17. #6097
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiivar86 View Post
    At worst you can buy it from the vendor for anima, and seeing as how we're positively swimming with it at this point, shouldn't be hard.
    Oh yeah, forgot about it. Good I haven't started campaign on 5th alt. It's just 2-3 hours, but still repeating max level campaign is no fun, even if it is Suramar.

  18. #6098
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    Hopefully we get transmog when we skip covenant campaign. Seriously don't want to do it 12 more times.
    You can only skip it if you have done it already, and since they are removing covenant restrictions on the cosmetics items your alts will already have it available.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Pebrocks The Warlock View Post
    Literally the best thing about 9.1.5 right here. I'm leveling all my alt through Torghast.

    My alts will finally see the light of day again.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  19. #6099
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    You can only skip it if you have done it already, and since they are removing covenant restrictions on the cosmetics items your alts will already have it available.
    Not necessarily. I could have unlocked the plate but not the cloth, for example. We'll see how many considerations are made.

  20. #6100
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by draugril View Post
    Not necessarily. I could have unlocked the plate but not the cloth, for example. We'll see how many considerations are made.
    Check posts above, you can always buy armor with campaign tint on vendor after it's done.

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