You also have to keep in mind the height of the landmass itself in addition to the height of the structure ontop of it, I think that's partially why Hyjal and Storm Peaks are so high in elevation.
Lmfao. Considering all of the dots which ultimately were correct, thus far, regarding the NDA Alpha test happening right now, I believe the Alpha happening "rumor", too. Worse case scenario (as I mentioned earlier), we could get a HUGE news drop from content creators/press/Blizzard, etc. tomorrow of footage/information from this NDA Alpha testing. We already have multiple streamers returning tomorrow after 2 days "off". Taliesan even tweeted that he would have a few videos out tomorrow and Friday.
were definitely getting a build within a few hours and alpha early tomorrow! keep the copium flowin
Last time dataminable build was day before, in older expansions it was days or even weeks before. Do you think this time they want to do this same day Alpha launch?
Just checked when BfA datamining started, because I remember it was super late. And yeah, front page news is from 4:15 AM on EU, so still 6 hours from now.
Last edited by Dracullus; 2022-07-13 at 08:36 PM.
Copium tank reporting for duty!
Ohh yeah, I got my fix, thanks MMO-C <3
| Mokenuf | Varianna | Devona | Katzine | Gokkash | Vëcna | Shaggra | Snookí | Vekuh | Segath | Zhìyù | Sierenna | Tyranikus |
I just want to see some Evokers abilities... Blizzardo please...
Visage Form blog or Evoker preview would be very appreciated. Or maybe a look at the "covenants"/super reputations.
Could always just wait for the NDA to lift tonight/tomorrow morning and get all the juicy details from either Twitch Streamers or YouTube Content Creators. Tomorrow is going to be HUGE!
Everyone sing now............Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya're only a day away.....or a few hours....which ever.
I don't think that the Cosmic stuff is "bad" in WoW. It's in the Chronicle and Grimoire (obviously, this being from SL). However, they need to do a much better job at building up the cosmic forces. Disorder/Fel with the Burning Legion was awesome. It was built up over many years and games. Death came out of left field and just went 0-100 too fast. For the future, any cosmic threats (Light/Void) need to be introduced slowly and built up so that we don't get another SL.